
Jul 04, 2009 00:19

Title: A Life For A Life
Rating: Higher than PG-13, lower than R.
Pairing: MerlinxArthur
Summary: Guilt mars him, and she wonders if she is dying for his crimes
Warning: Nothing graphic, but thereś talk of burning at the stake.
Disclaimer: The show and the characters belong to Shine and the Beeb

A/N: This came out of nowhere some weeks ago.  I wasn´t even entirely sure what it was, so I filed it away and forgot about it...until just now, when I found it.  So I decided to share.  Hope you like!

A life for a life
      They stack the wood.

Pile it, douse it in oil,

And lead her out,

From the dungeon, where she’d sat

Tired, alone, frightened,

But for the servant boy.

He’d come in the night, whispering,

Eyes of gold shining, promising

An end to pain.

They tie her hands behind her,

To the stake of dooming fire

And she feels nothing.

The King damns her with ill timed words,

And she feels nothing.

Black-masked, the executioner

Drops the burning torch.

Her mother screams in the crowd,

Heart torn asunder by grief,

But she herself feels nothing,

Not even as the fire licks her toes.

She looks up.

He watches her from a window,

Eyes of gold shining

With unshed tears.

Guilt mars him, and she wonders

If she is dying for his crimes.

But she feels nothing.  Still, she smiles

As the flames take her, consume her,

In thanks for his gift of painless death.

He smiles back, until the prince appears,

And pulls him away,

And she is left wondering

If she dies for their crimes too;

Because the prince saw the shining golden eyes,

And kissed him all the same.

A/N: Good?  Bad?  Any idea how I can classify this?  Lemmie know...

fanfic, pairing: merlin♥arthur, slash, story: a life for a life, universe: merlin, drabble, rating: pg-13

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