Not particularly significant...

Jan 29, 2010 02:30

 I find this to be elegantly tragic. I really, really hope that when we finally have a manned mission to Mars, Spirit will get to be properly retired.

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Private to Spence onlynewlife February 1 2010, 23:04:11 UTC
I know, I'm just bustin' your chops. You're a good guy, Spence. I like you.


Private to Kimberly ssa_dr_reid February 1 2010, 23:22:35 UTC
What are you supposed to say to that, thank you? Does that make me seem conceited?
Thank you. That's very kind. You seem like a good person too. (And Jack likes you, and he's an excellent judge of character.)


Private to Spence onlynewlife February 1 2010, 23:31:57 UTC
I didn't say it to be nice. It just is what it is lol Jack's a cool kid, I'm glad he likes me. So when are we gonna chill again? Me and you, I mean. Sans snow, because I kind of hate it. lol


Private to Kimberly ssa_dr_reid February 1 2010, 23:43:27 UTC
I like snow for now, though that may change depending on how much longer we have to deal with it. I grew up in Las Vegas, and then went to college in Southern California.

And I'd like to hang out again. Um, before your party?


Private to Spence onlynewlife February 1 2010, 23:47:10 UTC
It gets old pretty fast, trust me on that one. I grew up in White Plains, NY. The older you are, the less fun the snow becomes, I swear lol

Me too, hence my having asked ;) When are you free and what do you like to do?

Oh! Totally unrelated: I meant to tell you - I don't know if you'd be into this kind of thing but I bet Jack would've loved it: Connor took me to the Ontario Science Center to the planetarium to watch a meteor shower for our date, but the building is huge, there's tons of cool stuff there. You guys should take him sometime :)


Private to Kimberly ssa_dr_reid February 2 2010, 00:00:28 UTC
Jack loves the snow, and it's hard not to get excited when he wants to make a snowman or something. There are a bunch in various states of disrepair outside of our building.

I typically have a pretty open schedule; I usually work in the mornings, but any time after four should be okay. And...I don't really know what there is to do in town.

Ontario Science Center? That sounds pretty awesome; I think Jack would like it too. Actually, someone gave Hotch tickets to take him there for Christmas.


Private to Spence onlynewlife February 2 2010, 00:16:55 UTC
Haha yeah kids love snow. I know I used to. But yeah, you'll get sick of it pretty soon, I'm sure. Maybe not right away because I'd guess that being from Vegas would make it almost a novelty but still.

I don't really know my schedule yet because the Pie Hole hasn't officially opened, plus I don't know that I'll be waiting tables right away - I'm wondering if Ned will get me to work on the marketing first so Olive only has to train one of the waitresses at a time, but I haven't gotten an official word on that so for now I'll say evenings I'm free and hopefully weekends. Ned said they're pretty flexible. I don't know a whole lot to do in town, either, honestly. Most of my outings have been to Toronto, but that didn't really answer my question, now, did it, Spence? ;)

Oh cool yeah I think he'll really like it :) Definitely take him to the planetarium in there, that was really cool.


Private to Kimberly ssa_dr_reid February 2 2010, 01:50:28 UTC
Well, it's not like I've never seen snow before. Granted, it took me until I was 22 to see more than flurries, but I have seen it before.

I'm looking forward to the pie shop opening; it sounds amazing. I honestly don't go out much, so I don't know what I like. Um, jazz music? Reading, science, magic tricks...

I don't know if Hotch would want me to go; I'd probably end up explaining all of the exhibits to Jack in words he won't understand yet.


Private to Spence onlynewlife February 2 2010, 21:07:56 UTC
Yeah but seeing snow and having to dig your car out of having been plowed in therefore making you late to school practically every morning are two very different things, my friend :P

I'm so excited for the Pie Hole, you have no idea. I love pie, I cannot wait to try Ned's. Uh, okay, well I like music. Jazz isn't at the top of my list but it's sure as hell not at the bottom, so uh I did a little looking and there's a place here called the Jazz Club, down by Dive; do you know where that is? We could meet there and hang out for a little bit if you want :)

Haha aww you should, I bet you'd like it. I have to go back sometime, I think. I'm curious what else was in there. Maybe not soon or anything but at some point.


Private to Kimberly ssa_dr_reid February 3 2010, 01:14:49 UTC
True. I don't drive much, but I've had to shovel my car out a few times already. It wasn't fun. (Though Jack seemed to think it was a game. It would have been more fun if he was actually helping as much as he thought he was.)

That sounds like fun. I know where it is too. When do you want to go?

Jack didn't seem too excited about the tickets at the time, but I think he'll enjoy it anyway. I gave him a kid's chemistry set for Christmas, and he seems to like that.


Private to Spence onlynewlife February 3 2010, 01:18:52 UTC
Yeah it's not. At all. :P Haha awww! That is so cute!

Uh, whenever :) Tomorrow night? Tonight, if you're free and you don't mind calling it kinda early, since I work in the morning. I've got a few hours to kill if you're up for it. Either way. Whenver you want :)

Aw, yeah I bet he'd really like it then.


Private to Kimberly ssa_dr_reid February 3 2010, 01:34:44 UTC
He's four; it's hard to find a point where he isn't being cute.

I'm free tonight. I really don't mind calling it early. That gives me less time to say the wrong thing. And I may have to stop by the Pie Hole tomorrow, because who can say no to fresh pies?


Private to Spence onlynewlife February 3 2010, 01:38:24 UTC
Good point.

Okay, cool, gimme like half an hour and I'll meet you there? That would be awesome, but you're gonna have to hold off. Grand opening is the 12th; day before the party, actually. Right now we're setting up shop which is why I'm working. But you should totally come for the grand opening! Ned's got me on the opening shift, though...maybe you can take a break from your work just once to pop in? :)


Private to Kimberly ssa_dr_reid February 3 2010, 02:06:19 UTC
Okay, see you in a half and hour. And I can come by for the grand opening, I'm sure. If any emergency work thing comes up, they can call me. And let Garcia make fun of my sweet tooth.


Private to Spence onlynewlife February 3 2010, 02:09:09 UTC
Wait, wait, time out. I might be swinging by Aaron's first - are you on that side of town? Jack's sick, and I said if he wasn't about to go to bed, I'd stop by. Gimme a few minutes to hear back from Aaron first and then I'll confirm? And ha awesome! You know it'd be totally okay with me if you wanted to bring Aaron and Jack with you. I'd be really surprised if Ned didn't serve some pie a la mode which I bet Jack would love.


Private to Kimberly ssa_dr_reid February 3 2010, 02:24:33 UTC
Oh, I actually live in the same building as Hotch, right across the hall. I actually was about to run to the library to get a few books for Jack.

Jack might be at preschool, it depends on what time we go. But I'll be there, and I'm sure Hotch will want to come too.


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