[very private]

Dec 07, 2009 03:07

Dear Mom,
I know my letters haven't been too long or detailed lately, but I promise you, I am trying. There are just a lot less adventures when I'm on a "technical sabbatical."

My apartment really doesn't seem like home. It's probably because I'm not there all too often, but I feel like I should be moved in already, like Hotch and Jack. Well, like Jack, at least. He seems to like his new preschool, as well as all the attention he is getting from Hotch. (And he still hasn't decided what to call me. He switches between Dr. Reid, Uncle Reid, and Uncle Dr. Reid. I'd be fine with just Spencer.)

Everything is a bit picturesque. I've met a few people here, most notably a girl named Clarice. She claims she's a mutant who died in the past in another universe. She showed me where the magic shop was, and I think I'm going to get Jack a toy magician's set. I was thinking about a kids' chemistry set, but all the decent ones I saw were for ages 12 and up, and I don't think Hotch would appreciate me giving him something potentially dangerous.

I've done shopping for almost everyone else, though. Emily is getting a first-edition book by her favorite author, Kurt Vonnegut. I found a book on Renaissance art for Rossi, one he doesn't already have in his office. I bought a nice collection of Dr. Suess books for Henry. (He's almost one year old now; he was born the last day I was in Las Vegas last year.) JJ was harder to find something for, because she and Penelope insisted that I was not allowed to buy everyone books again this year. I ended up getting her and her fiancee Will tickets to the new butterfly exhibit the Washington Zoo is opening next year. (She collected butterflies when she was little; I told you about that years ago.) Penelope is getting a USB charm bracelet, and I got a new memory card for Morgan's camera, since he has been complaining about not having time to empty the old one. (I don't know where he finds time to take pictures.) I'm going to buy a model kit for Nathan, but I need to check to make sure it's one he doesn't already have. Is there anyone else? Oh, Austin. (Do you remember her?) She was the bartender from Miami we saved last year. I'm going to send her the pen-through-paper trick. That's how I met her, you know.

But I don't have anything for Hotch yet. I'm just afraid that everything will seem a little trite. He's been through so much. Please give the enclosed note to your doctors, it has my updated emergency contact information. I sent an email to them as well, but please give them the note as a reminder.


mom, hotch, letter, [private]

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