
Dec 31, 2021 22:47

This will be some drabbles from words posted at 1_million_words to get words written before the end of the year. They posted one word/hour starting about 100 hours before the end of the year.

I will do some of them and use my univese of Garden of flowers 2.0. So it will be random which characters I use and not sure if any will turn up in any story. It can also be a mix of Swedish and English.

lets begin number is the hour the word was posted. (word count)
# 16 Bird (107)
Det prasslade till i löven, men det var inte vinden för den höll sig borta. Astrid tittade åt hållet ljudet kom ifrån och hon såg ett par fåglar som flög iväg. Hon stod och tittade efter dom tills de var helt borta. Det var ingen art som hon kände igen, men vid det här laget vart hon inte förvånad att det fanns djur eller saker som hon aldrig sett tidigare. Det kunde vara ett par excotiska eller någon fantasy art. Med personer från olika värdar var det ju inte konstigt att någon fauna följt med. När de inte verkade komma tillbaka så fortsatte hon på sin promenad.

(underline I know it is misspelled)

#18 project (200)

Astrid was sitting with a few of her friends at a cafe.

“So what are you up to?” one of them asked.

To let it go a moment she drank from her mugg. “I finally have something going on, a new project of some sort. I can’t say much more for the moment. All I can reveal is that I will most likely move when it isn’t here in the city.”

“Your teaser. How will that work out with the twins?” her other friend asked.

“That will not change from how it is today. We will still be keeping in contact over the net. I do not think it would be impossible for me to visit them either if I wanted to.”

All three sat in thoughts. Astrid had hard to feel bad over that she had quite little contact with her girls, and she didn’t miss them as it was normal to do. At least what the other friend seemed to think she should as often she asked about them. Astrid knew her other friend had a hard to be away from her children. Even if it was something she had hard for, Astrid was grateful she came.

(Her friends isn’t named yet)

will be updated.....

Fun reading if you dare

fandom:garden of flowers 20, type:drabble

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