Dec 11, 2008 15:38
I woke up early this morning in an attempt to get a head start on writing- which only turned into me surfing youtube and trying to figure out how livejournal works. Eventually I crawled back into bed with J and we swapped goofy dream stories. Mine consisted of protecting a golden retriever from a crazy old lady who shoved dynomite up the poor animals ass. His dealt with me leaving him for a really fat guy on a house boat.
So, J then proceeded to break the bad news that he has a test on friday which I thought he had off. I wont go into too much detail but we had plans for the entire day that involved lots of goldschlager and push-ups.
Enraged, I tried to kick him off the bed which led to a 20 min wrestling match ending with me face first in a pillow screaming my defeat. I then realized i was hungry. Within the past 3 hours i was awake I had not eaten anything yet. *BAM* The international house of pancakes stubby blue sign waned in the distance of my frustrated mind. I had never really liked Ihop but there arn't any Denny's in my town so I had to make due. I then pounced on the briused and disgruntled J and voiced my desire for an elaboratly fattening breakfast with mediocre servise.
Well, needless to say, with the recession and christmas around the corner, neither of us have the funds to splerge on Ihop, so he declined (especially after my ill-treatment of him earlier.) I nestled my face into his chest and pleaded sweetley, a week attempt at charming him into doing what I want. He laughed at me, enforcing his disition. I pouted, whinned, sang, and cooed and still he said "no". So i said "Fine, I'm going with or without you" knowing full well that I wouldn't go without him due to our hectic scheduals and the fact that we get little time together. Held me in a vice grip and continued to laugh "NO" .
I kicked and wiggled myself off the bed and onto the floor while he sat on me in protest. With a bit more effort and the help of the wall, I made it to the door frame. I gripped the door frame as he pulled my legs lifting me off the ground. We'd puase for laughs then abruptly continue our struggle and sheer determination. we entually fought our way to the living room where he backed off cuz I kept threatening to hit his computer (Hey, I never said I fought fair). After 20 more minutes of struugle i managed to get on my coat and touch the door. Because I hit the door he gave in and we walked 30 minin the rain to the Ihop where we got the crappiest server in the place who didn't even know we were his table.
Yes...victory never tasted so sweetley mundane!