Nov 19, 2010 03:33

 Just saw the midnight premier of Deathly Hallows. Honestly not fucking sure whether I loved it or hated it or both.
Six friends and I were the Horcruxes. We got a picture all in a row. In order of destruction, in case anyone cares.

I don't even know.

I was a great movie, really. It streamlined the boring bits beautifully and the performances were really well done. The main trio all did really well. Definitely Emma Watson's best film yet, and I really do love Daniel Radcliffe as an actor.
Also, how much do I love Jason Isaacs for making Lucius Malfoy so twitchy and broken?

And the settings were fabulous and the animation on the story of the Deathly Hallows was FUCKING MAGNIFICENT, REALLY, and the Ministry was suitably creepy (nice Nazi propaganda overtones, directors. Never seen that before...) and Bill! Got bitten! By Greyback! and the self-esteem destroying monster that came out of the locket was really cool (I think I've seen that Harry/Hermione fanart somewhere on the internet) and I do so love Ralph Fiennes' Voldemort

And Lupin. Wasn't. Fucking. In it. At. All.

I'm already crying because I'm going to have to watch him die next summer, and I just read the entire Stealing Harry 'verse and it was so much more the story I wanted than the one I got.

They skipped my two favorite parts: Potterwatch, and Lupin trying to go with Harry. I've been waiting for more than 3 years to see that scene, and it didn't even happen. I know Lupin will never be important to the story, but he's important to me, dammit, and I was hoping for a little something.

So it was great, and Dobby dying was hard, and Hedwig dying was worse, and Moody hit me harder than I thought it would because I like Brendan Gleeson, and OH GOD, HOW AM I GOING TO DEAL WITH FRED DYING I COULDN'T TAKE GEORGE GETTING HURT FUUUUUUCK.

I want to watch something angsty with David Thewlis now.

movies, harry potter was my childhood and look w, my issues, harry potter, remus lupin, need fic, with friends like these...

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