significance is cumulative… but not always obvious - Welcome to 2014

Jan 01, 2014 22:48

After a self imposed sabbatical from Live-journal it seems the whole world is laying down their new years resolutions and here I am again. The more we focus on time, the slower it goes but no amount of focus can send you back to the past nor any amount of apathy propel you into a prosperous future. The past in reflection teaches us, today allows us to act and the future will show us how well we've learnt...

Rather than recite a bunch of resolutions destined to fail miserably due to the seemingly impossible task of abrupt change, why don't we just make small changes? Whilst some people may succeed - I for one cannot simply and immediately change. Looking back at all the things last year, many of my problems didn't just happen. I may have had sudden realisation, but for the most part they were the culmination of seemingly insignificant events. I daresay that his would be the same for most people if they are capable of being honest with themselves.

So instead of focusing on the dramatic moments, consider the lesson in their creation. Small changes, slow and gradual development. We all know this is the nature of humanity and this can only mean that your resolution should be your goal, not your first step - so, by 2015 we… no… I, can look back and see insignificant moments, self-created don't sabotage myself, but are the small steps leading to some actualised awesomeness.

Step 1 - Learn Patience. Not the card game, though that may help - but enjoy the ride a bit more.
Step 2 - Nah.. fuck that, step one means I should wait a while for step 2. ;-)

Happy new year everyone!

via ljapp

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