Oct 27, 2010 23:00
After arriving at the E.R The tension in the waiting room didn’t lessen, it built and was like a ticking time bomb which could go off at any second. The Members were waiting to see what all was wrong with the others, and one word had the potential to make the room explode. They were told to wait while the doctors checked Lee Teuk, Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Kyuhyun.
The ladder once again had the most damage, though miraculously it wasn’t near the damage he had had previously. He had a concussion, dislocated shoulder, and a broken wrist, but nothing that wouldn’t heal relatively fast or caused permanent damage. Lee Teuk broke his radius (mid-way between the elbow and wrist), Eunhyuk and Donghae managed to get off the lightest with minor concussions. They all had shards of glass from the windows embedded into their skin but luckily it wasn’t too bad. If they all didn’t hate cars before, then they sure did now.
All but the two room-mates were admitted to the hospital, though Donghae refused to leave so he waited in the room sitting next to Kyuhyun in the uncomfortable hospital chair, holding his hand and trying to fall asleep to make the painful silent moments pass more quickly. Eunhyuk saw this and decided to give the love birds their space. Eunhyuk knew that it wasn’t the time to be jealous, and that he would have stayed too , the thought itself made him even more irritable so he just walked out of the room and down to the rest of the band.
Finally; after a millennia it seemed, Eunhyuk had come out and told all of them the news . HeeChul who assumed the part of leader, sighed along with his dongsaengs when he heard that it wasn’t anything serious. The bomb quietly left and they were all of a sudden feeling as if they had put on another tour, and nearly every one of them was;
1. Ready to see them
2. Ready to go back to the dorms and sleep as if there were no tomorrow.
They fallowed Eunhyuk back to the room and when they got there they were resting, so even though they wanted to wait till they all woke up, they opted out for the second option figuring that they needed their rest and that them being there wouldn’t help anything, they knew they would be back soon anyway.
Once they got to the dorm they went to their respected rooms and crashed, everyone but Eunhyuk, he wanted to sleep, but the absence of the other person who inhabited the room felt wrong. He couldn’t sleep no matter what he tried, till finally he broke down and got some sleeping medicine, which technically wasn’t allowed, because of schedules, but he really didn’t care at that point. He popped them and went to bed, and this time he crashed just as hard as the others.
Side Note: Sorry this took forever, plot bunnies are not exactly behaving themselves, and writers block is a horrible Disease X.x *rubs hands together and sings 'Sorry Sorry'*