Mission 122: T is for Thunder/M is for Museum

Oct 13, 2012 20:28

Shaun (6:47:29 PM): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFCU68Gim3o
Shaun (6:48:22 PM): Gentlemen and ladies. It had been quite the turnout for this big peace conference held in the illustrious Sonozaki Estate. People from all walks of life were here, and hosted by the homeowner, the very revered Ryuubee Sonozaki.
Shaun (6:49:05 PM): Dressed in your finest you seem to be besot on all sides by people, dressed in incredibly high quality suits and outfits. A contingent of Green Storm is outside, protecting the place, as with the Cofederation troops, although they're smartly keeping out of sight.
Shaun (6:49:12 PM): What is everyone doing this fine evening?
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (6:49:57 PM): Zero is fucking terrified to be the center of attention as one of the Green Storm's most famous young officers now. She's also trying to keep an eye on Kensuke.
Camiu (6:50:11 PM): Shou's keeping a sharp eye out for any trouble while sticking close to Fate. He didn't know why, but there was something off about Ryuubee Sonozaki, just being close to him gave him the creeps...
Akino Ame (6:50:43 PM): Ren was uncomfortable at the very fancy, very social surroundings, and he was mostly doing his best at being a wallflower.
Tenebrae Luna (6:50:49 PM): Fate is just relaxing and enjoying herself. She has never been to a party like this so she wants to have fun.
howmuchineedyou (6:50:52 PM): Kensuke is doing his best to not wander off, feeling stuffy and out of place hanging on Zero's coat tails, Valentine tucked safely in his messenger bag which he refuses to take off, despite how it's wrinkling his jacket.
Alan Bunting (6:50:54 PM): Chrono's looking impressed at the estate here; between the fact that he's an on-duty Bureau officer and the fact that he's underage, he's sipping a glass of sparkling white grape juice. Why they have it is anyone's guess. As for being dressed up, his mother insisted he wear a tux; he compromised, and is looking very sharp in a tux adapted into a Barrier Jacket.
Shaun (6:51:10 PM): Speaking about the Sonozakis, the family members are out in full force, dressed in sharp outfits. Some of the younger men and women are taken by Wakana in particular.
Shaun (6:51:14 PM): Sonozakis: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100331061140/kamenrider/images/b/bb/Sonozaki_family.jpg
Shaun (6:51:47 PM): As it stands, Wakana breaks off and makes a beeline for you Doctor.
Shaun (6:52:00 PM): Wakana: Hello! I heard you are one of the Green Storm's people, are you not?
Shaun (6:52:45 PM): The family cat seems to be wandering free of Ryuubee's arms as it moves up towards you, Ren, as intrigued by you as any other normal housecat.
Overman Zappa (6:52:48 PM): Mio's being professional as FUCK, because, yanno, she's probably the one who can do that the best here. Most people are probably uncomfortable around her given... where doesn't she go without her sword?
Shaun (6:53:08 PM): As for that Mio, Ryuubee is all smiles as he steps forward with a charming bow.
Camiu (6:53:19 PM): Shoutaro [observing from afar]: Sonozaki Wakana, also popularly known as Fuuto's healing princess. What's her interest.
Shaun (6:53:26 PM): Ryuubee: Good day, madam! Or shall I call you one of Fuso's finest?
Camiu (6:53:40 PM): *?
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (6:53:53 PM): Zero: Ah, h-hello. Yes, i'm Doctor Oenone Zero of the Green Storm Resurrection C-Corps....
Shaun (6:54:10 PM): Wakana: Oh how incredible! You must be very proud of your time with them.
Akino Ame (6:54:32 PM): Ren wasn't as bad about cats as he was about dogs, so with a quick look around to make sure nobody saw, he casually dropped one of the hors d'oeurvres to it.
Overman Zappa (6:55:04 PM): Mio returns the bow, but, isn't much for words. (As player is still trying to assess the situation too!
Shaun (6:55:13 PM): Two other family members, Saeko and Kirihiko are chatting it up with other people, Kirihiko deferring to Saeko's conversations as he politely excuses himself and moves towards Chrono.
Alan Bunting (6:55:15 PM): Chrono raises an eyebrow at Wakana's presence. "She's certainly popular." He makes his way over to the person that must have the answers. "Hey, detective. What do you know about her? Anything other than what you were just mentioning?"
Shaun (6:55:30 PM): Kirihiko: Ghastly weather for this event. It's stifling isn't it?
Shaun (6:55:48 PM): Mick seems appreciative of the food, and he chows down, before leaping into your arms Ren!
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (6:55:48 PM): Zero: Well I just hoped to make a d-d-difference...help preserve the fragile environment a bit....[This is obviously said quietly and with much shuffling the feet and looking down.]
Shaun (6:56:09 PM): Wakana: Oh my! In this time of trouble we really need it, no less.
Alan Bunting (6:56:16 PM): Chrono: "Uh-oh, hold on, we've got company."
Camiu (6:56:36 PM): Shoutaro: *That man...* Ah, the Sonozaki family tends to keep to themselves, don't they? Sonozaki Kirihiko-san?
howmuchineedyou (6:57:04 PM): Kensuke feels bad for Zero, watching he fidget like that, he wished he could do something, but kept his mouth shut. this wasen't really his comfort zone
Shaun (6:57:11 PM): It's about this time that the envoys of the Green Storm and the Confederation step into a bit of a argument. The first is a massive familiar frame of General Naga.
Shaun (6:57:15 PM): Naga: http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/4/4194-batou.jpg
Akino Ame (6:57:34 PM): Ren certainly wasn't expecting the really lazy-looking cat to be that quick. "I should probably get you back to your owner, before we BOTH get in trouble."
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (6:57:55 PM): Zero: Thank you for hosting us, by the way. This wouldn't have been possible if we didn't have comfortable neutral ground...[A glance out the window at the mobile city parked outside, then at the argument.]
Alan Bunting (6:58:09 PM): Chrono clears his throat. "Mm... A little. I'm used to harsh climates, but- what's going on over there?"
Shaun (6:58:14 PM): And the second is a vaguely Germanesque man who had an accent so thick it was almost rolled on. This was Kriegsmarshal Von Kobold.
Shaun (6:58:17 PM): Kobold: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bismarck_pickelhaube.jpg
Shaun (6:58:41 PM): Kirihiko looked over and sighed. "The two have been in arguments since we conviened. Really rough to be honest."
Shaun (6:58:58 PM): Mick rumbled his appreciation as Ryuubee nodded and continued to chat with Mio.
Shaun (6:59:13 PM): Ryuubee: I have heard you are the leader of the 501st. Quite the achievement for one so skilled.
Shaun (6:59:36 PM): Saeko on the other hand, looked over at Kensuke and inquired, "What is it that you have in your bag, young man?"
Shaun (7:00:02 PM): Wakana smiled at Zero and noded. "Any help is good."
Akino Ame (7:00:14 PM): Ren made his way over to Ryuubee with the cat. "Excuse me. I think this is your cat. I didn't want him to get lost."
Shaun (7:00:32 PM): Ryuubee: Ah, Mick! Please forgive him, he is an inquisitive cat.
howmuchineedyou (7:00:42 PM): Kensuke jumped when he was addressed. "Oh uh... well." He looked at Zero as if asking if he was allowed to say anything about it.
Shaun (7:00:43 PM): And gratefully he would take him into his arms, relieving you of cat, Ren.
Alan Bunting (7:00:43 PM): Chrono nods in agreement. "That's to be expected with two large militaristic groups, honestly. I'm surprised a party like the Chalice manages to keep itself running smoothly as it does."
Shaun (7:01:33 PM): Kirihiko cocked an eyebrow. "Really? Seems like quite the ongoing party no less." He nodded at Shoutarou, and for the point of it, he is quite devoid of his usual marking, ie, the cuff with the red spot.
Tenebrae Luna (7:01:57 PM): Fate just stares at Chrono for a beat. 'D-Did he just say that the Chalice runs smoothly?'
Overman Zappa (7:02:18 PM): (who's Mick?)
Shaun (7:02:26 PM): At this point, there is a louder commotion. Kobold is looking kind of red while the General is glaring.
Camiu (7:02:32 PM): Shoutaro: That the chalice runs at all is likely a miracle in and of itself.
Shaun (7:02:35 PM): (The cat)
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:02:46 PM): Zero: [She stepped in towards poor Kensuke] An example of the civilian Stalker technology the Storm is prepared to offer as an incentive to peace. Stalker technology may seem a little ghastly, but please try to think of it as a way to reuse the scarce resources we have. [Misdirection successful?]
Alan Bunting (7:03:03 PM): Chrono grins. "You'd be surprised, but-" He's distracted by the increasing argument. "This probably isn't going to end well.
Shaun (7:03:10 PM): Misdirection is successful, and Saeko nods. "It seems like it, yes."
Camiu (7:03:13 PM): Shoutaro: [wincing at the ensuing arguement.] No, no it isn't
Overman Zappa (7:03:17 PM): Mio: "I am. I've got a number of achievements already. I plan on getting a few more."
Alan Bunting (7:03:37 PM): Chrono: "Are we prepared to deal with a confrontation here if one should start?"
Shaun (7:03:58 PM): Kobold: It is no surprise that your people insist on holding this in neutral territory, herr General. But you need to remember, that our Confederation wishes peace, if only for the fact that we have vast military might!
Shaun (7:04:18 PM): His accent by the way is atrocious, it's really heavy german. he kind of sounds like Colonel Klink.
Camiu (7:04:21 PM): Shoutaro: Good lord he's grandstanding, why is he doing that?
Camiu (7:04:48 PM): Shoutaro: Kirihiko-san, it may be for the best that you get your family out of here before things take a turn for the worse.
Shaun (7:04:48 PM): Naga: And yet you persist on wanting peace at the gunpoint, herr Kobold.
Shaun (7:04:59 PM): Kirihiko: Oh nonsense, this will be well in hand.
Alan Bunting (7:05:08 PM): Chrono: "Because negotations and diplomacy are often all about presence. If you appear a bigger threat than you are, you can get things ended faster and with less hassle."
Shaun (7:05:22 PM): With that note, we'll move away from the party. Feel free to converse a little more, while we move upstairs.
Shaun (7:05:48 PM): Upstairs is where all the magic happens, and there is a open window. Kaitou, you come in through the window easily, and find yourself in Ryuubee's Study.
Camiu (7:05:58 PM): Shoutaro: I wish I could share your sentiments, Kirihiko-san.
Shaun (7:06:10 PM): Around you are various nicknacks, but if you look closer, there is an actual indentation of well worn tracks around the place.
HyprKnux 1 (7:06:45 PM): Kaito: "Mmm-hmm... interesting..." And he's going to take a peek at those tracks. Nicknacks are fine, but this is probably where the REAL stuff is.
Alan Bunting (7:06:49 PM): Chrono raises an eyebrow. "If you're certain." He quickly confirms Durandal's standby form is in his pocket.
Camiu (7:07:25 PM): Shoutaro: I wouldn't call it certainty, call it a hunch
Shaun (7:07:59 PM): A cursorary look around reveals that there is a safe. It is easily cracked open due to your skills, and inside there is a box with various notes inside.
Camiu (7:08:08 PM): Shoutaro: Ah, imouto, I hope you're enjoying yourself, at least?
HyprKnux 1 (7:08:52 PM): And indeed, breaking it is quite easy and he can't help but take notice of the notes, going for them as he does.
Shaun (7:09:04 PM): Unfortunately, this is where things get a little problematic. A hand comes down on the box and a face appears from the darkness, a young man with a stripe in his hair.
Alan Bunting (7:09:04 PM): Chrono follows Shou's lead to greet Fate; he nods politely but says nothing.
Shaun (7:09:07 PM): Katsumi: http://images.wikia.com/kamenrider/images/e/e4/108.jpg
Shaun (7:09:22 PM): Katsumi: Interesting. I didn't think there was another sneak-thief in this place.
Tenebrae Luna (7:09:26 PM): Fate nods a little. "I have been enjoying it. Iy os rare we get a chance to go to a part like this."
HyprKnux 1 (7:09:38 PM): Kaito: "Mmm... I could say the same to you."
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:09:45 PM): Zero gestures with her eyes for Kensuke to stick close to her (not that he needs the encouragement) and heads towards the two arguing leaders. "Comrade General, if you'll forgive my impertinence p-p-perhaps we should show first that the Green Storm is willing t-t-to make concessions first? After all, we only fight b-because we're forced to..."
Shaun (7:09:52 PM): Katsumi: I need those notes.
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:10:12 PM): she's playing the good cop to give him an excuse to start compromising in earnest
HyprKnux 1 (7:10:16 PM): Kaito: "For what, pray tell? For all I know they'd do me well much more than you."
Shaun (7:10:22 PM): Naga: Ah, Zero. Of course we could! It would be in our best interests.
howmuchineedyou (7:10:31 PM): KEnsuke followed on her heels like a baby chick following it's mother, an though he kept his mouth shut he kept this ears an eyes open, watching everything carefully.
Shaun (7:10:32 PM): Katsumi: How about you keep your life.
Shaun (7:10:52 PM): [Kaitou] And it's at that point that he lashes out with a kick to take the box from you! [React]
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:11:14 PM): Zero glances back at him with a smile. See? Things are gonna turn out fine.
HyprKnux 1 (7:11:32 PM): *Kaito jerks back from the kick. You're dealing with the alternative to Decade here+ "Sorry, I don't give away treasures so easily."
Camiu (7:11:49 PM): Shoutaro smiles as he leans down to ruffle Fate's hair *while discreetly releasing Batshot, which starts navigating it's way up stairs while everyone is distracted.+
Shaun (7:12:04 PM): Katsumi: If you say so. But I am a very persistent person, and I need those notes.
Shaun (7:12:18 PM): It is at about this time that the doors open up and gunshots are fired.
howmuchineedyou (7:12:19 PM): Kensuke is only a little reassured, he smirked back of her as his glasses slip down his nose.
Shaun (7:12:32 PM): The rest of Katsumi's crew have charged in, laughing and making a ruckus!
HyprKnux 1 (7:12:39 PM): Kaito: "So am I. Whoops!"
Shaun (7:13:09 PM): It seems Never has eliminated all of the troops outside. People are fleeing in a panic, and there is a discrete exit from the Sonozakis to safe haven with the help of a few policemen.
Alan Bunting (7:13:50 PM): Chrono starts as the doors burst open; he hits the ground fast. "And of course there's a third party. Are we engaging?"
Shaun (7:14:05 PM): It seems so!
Shaun (7:14:40 PM): Kyosui laughed as he slinked up in through the crowd. "It seems like Katsumi-chan was right! There's so much fun to be had here!"
Shaun (7:14:58 PM): Ken grunted and Gozo cracked his knuckles. Reika smirked as she held up a T2 Gaia Memory.
Shaun (7:15:09 PM): Reika: Shall we get through with this little job first?"
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:15:11 PM): Zero instinctually ducks her head and seeks cover behind a table, pulling Kensuke with her. "If things get bad, take Valentine out!" Her stutter's gone.
Camiu (7:15:13 PM): Shoutaro: Gck-that's!
Shaun (7:15:23 PM): Ken: Game Start.
Akino Ame (7:15:25 PM): Ren is immediately on-guard as people around him start running, already reaching for his deck.
Alan Bunting (7:15:26 PM): Chrono: "That's a- what's going on here!?"
Overman Zappa (7:15:33 PM): Gunshots? That's about the time Mio puts a hand on her sword
Camiu (7:15:35 PM): Shoutaro: Never!
Shaun (7:15:37 PM): In a flash of light, there are several new Dopants standing around.
Shaun (7:15:53 PM): NEVER Dopants: http://images.wikia.com/kamenrider/images/b/b3/Never2.jpg
howmuchineedyou (7:15:54 PM): Kensuke follows her lead easily, in a way kind of expecting this, this heart stats slamming in his chest as he grips his bag a little. "I'm not going anywhere with out you."
Tenebrae Luna (7:16:10 PM): Fate reaches for Bardiche and pulls him out. "Let's go. We can't allow them to hurt anyone."
Camiu (7:16:34 PM): Shoutaro: Luna, Metal, Heat, Trigger... tch, how quaint
Shaun (7:16:45 PM): If it couldn't get any worse, several more sounds emerge as Masqerades appear from several of the party goers, and two of them sieze the two Generals!
Shaun (7:16:59 PM): (Enemy Count: Trigger, Luna, Heat, Metal, 30 Masquerade)
Shaun (7:17:41 PM): (Initiative: Shoutarou, Ren, Kensuke, Zero, Chrono, Fate, Mio, Kaitou)
Shaun (7:17:47 PM): [Shoutarou, Ren]
Alan Bunting (7:17:55 PM): Chrono scowls. "Well, time to clean house, I guess. Durandal, set up!" And with the usual [Yes, Boss], there's a staff in the boy's hand. He's still wearing the tux, and looking generally like a boss.
Shaun (7:18:48 PM): [Kaitou] At this point, Katsumi has engaged you with some hand to hand. His motions are quick as he strikes at your temple with a curved blade. [React]
Camiu (7:18:52 PM): *Shou's henshined to Luna Trigger, and shoots at the masquerades who tried to kidnap the generals!_
Camiu (7:18:57 PM): *+
Shaun (7:19:35 PM): [Shou] Your attacks slam into the generals, pushing them aside as two more gang up on the Rider, getting in close to make his gunplay mostly useless with strikes to the back of the neck and sides. [React]
Akino Ame (7:19:38 PM): *Ren immediately was fighting off Masquerades around him, buying time to get to a window, where he held out his deck. "Henshin!" Now armed, he took his sword and continued fighting the Masquerades.+
HyprKnux 1 (7:20:02 PM): *And Kaitou's quick to try to dodge the attacks, using the case as a weapon as well. He needs just enough time to go for his OTHER weapon.+
Shaun (7:20:07 PM): [Ren] Your sudden henshin blows back a Masquerade as another falls to your sword. They're not very tough but they're plentiful.
Shaun (7:20:19 PM): Katsumi: you're no ordinary sneak-thief.
howmuchineedyou (7:20:22 PM): For a moment Kensuke is tottaly in awe of all the riders ".... so coool..."
Shaun (7:20:40 PM): [Kensuke, Zero, Chrono]
Shaun (7:21:23 PM): Von Kobold is beside himself at this point.
Alan Bunting (7:21:27 PM): Chrono glances across. "Get your head in the game, kid, we're under attack here!"
Shaun (7:21:31 PM): Kobold: What is this madness?
HyprKnux 1 (7:21:55 PM): Kaito: "Heh, you got that right." A little more distance and he draws his weapon - the DiEnd Driver. "You can say that... I'm just passing through."
Shaun (7:22:03 PM): Two of the Masquarades will bat him over the head, making him grunt in pain.
Camiu (7:22:14 PM): *Shou ducks, elbowing the idiot behind him in the gut before slamming the back of his head into his while he's recovering. He's jammed the trigger magnum into the stomach of one of the approaching masquerades and fires wildly before spin kicking to get some distance!+
Shaun (7:22:36 PM): Katsumi: Oh... I see. Well then, I'm no ordinary thief either. He holds up a driver and straps it on. ETERNAL. Henshin.
Alan Bunting (7:23:13 PM): *And with that bit of advice, he activates his flight magic, hovering just above the ground and trying to cover the fleeing civilians first. If they're all gone already, he can safely attack with extreme prejudice; he's spent enough time around Shou to have learned a few tricks, and comes down with a poorly-copied Rider Kick at a Masquerade.+
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:23:13 PM): Zero: She starts up her wrist comm and speaks into it quietly but urgently. "This is ResCorps actual. We have a Code Menage. Storm Actual is captured and so's Von Kobold. Send in the Stalkers!" She prays that got through to the airships waiting outside. She puts her other hand on Kensuke's shoulder and looks down at the handbag. "Not yet, but have her ready."
Shaun (7:23:52 PM): [Shou] Your wild motions are effective at clearing a space around you, but a quick lightning fast blur knocks you to the ground. It seems that your fighting had attracted some unwelcome guests, as the blur strikes you again and again. The third time, it pauses and you can see a Similodon in the middle of the group.
HyprKnux 1 (7:24:09 PM): Kaito loads up a card, takes aim and fires. "Henshin!" [KAMEN RIDE! DIEND!]
Shaun (7:24:29 PM): Storm: Were cut off, Doctor! Something's incapacitated all of our troops!
howmuchineedyou (7:24:48 PM): "Valentine is always ready." He pushed up his glasses and tried to keep his voice from cracking, looking around on the floor or anything that he might be able to wield as a weapon.
Camiu (7:24:52 PM): Shoutaro: Che-A Commander type Dopant, too?!
Shaun (7:25:24 PM): Katsumi smiled grimly under his helmet. "Time to see the hell that you've caused with not giving me those notes." And he charges forward, slicing the air against Kaitou, knocking you through the window and down into the main room!
Shaun (7:25:55 PM): Kensuke you can find a fallen lamp. It's hefty, and made of solid brass.
HyprKnux 1 (7:26:04 PM): And DiEnd drops into the main room. Hey, Mio! Remember the Rider in blue?
Shaun (7:26:51 PM): [Chrono] Poorly copied yes, but it still takes the Masquerade out as several more gang up on you, striking you over the shoulders repeatedly. [React]
Shaun (7:27:08 PM): [Fate, Mio, Kaitou Properly now.]
howmuchineedyou (7:27:30 PM): He picks it off and strips off the shade, "Good thing I've been hitting the gym..." He mumbles gripping it and assuming a defensive position, his beck almost against Dr Zeros.
Shaun (7:27:53 PM): [Kensuke] One of the Masquarades charges you at that point, swinging hsi fist at your head. [React]
HyprKnux 1 (7:28:22 PM): DiEnd: "Ow... heh, well, seems like we're all one big happy family now. Let's liven things up." With that, he draws out a card and slides it in, loads it and fires. [FORM RIDE! DEN-O!]
Shaun (7:28:40 PM): The rest of the dopants haven't been idle, tossing through things, taking things, all in the name of riling up the Storm and the Federation. Trigger moves and fires at you Ren, several times in fact. [React Ren]
HyprKnux 1 (7:28:44 PM): And before you all is Kamen Rider Den-O!
HyprKnux 1 (7:29:00 PM): Den-O: ORE...SANJ-- Huh? What the hell? Where am I?
howmuchineedyou (7:29:16 PM): "So much for defending!" He jumped up, swinging the lamp two handed at the masquerade's knee caps in an sideways motion, he sort of grants as he dose it, putting his back into it. +
HyprKnux 1 (7:29:28 PM): DiEnd: Stop talking and fight. *With a grumble, the Dophants are going to get a faceful of Den-O, his blade drawn+
Shaun (7:29:32 PM): Reika charged in, Heat driving a burning kick at you Shoutarou. [React]
Alan Bunting (7:29:33 PM): *The Barrier Jacket blunts the hits, but not particularly well; he growls. "Ow. Ow. Ow. Durandal, Stinger Blade!" And there's an explosion of blue light as swords of ice burst out in a bid to throw the Masquerades off him!+
Shaun (7:30:16 PM): [Kensuke] Seems the Masquerade hates getting kneecapped and he goes down, slumping to his hands and knees in front of you.
Akino Ame (7:30:31 PM): *Ren took the first couple of hits, but he was quick to scan a card. {GUARD VENT} Darkwing appeared and surrounded him with his wings, blocking the shots. +
Camiu (7:30:37 PM): *Shou's bending backwards to dodge the attack, shoving the Ocean T2 Memory into the Trigger magnum and firing while she's exposed!+
Tenebrae Luna (7:30:38 PM): Fate flashes next to Shoutaro and fires a salvo of Plasma Barret down on the Similodon. The shots home in on it as Fate tries to use her spped to out move it and strike it with Bardiche in its' axe form.+
Shaun (7:30:53 PM): [Kaitou] Den-O tears into the opponents, slamming into them with the grace of a bull as he charges around half-cocked.
Shaun (7:31:33 PM): [Ren] Guard Vent is enough to defend for a few shots, but the shots soon throw you backwards into the wall as Ken cocks his weapon, stepping by for Gozo to charge in with a mighty blow! [React]
Shaun (7:32:53 PM): In the chaos, Katsumi circled around towards DiEnd, and with a swift kick, disarmed him of the box. It goes flying into the air, and lands open, pages fluttering around as he catches one and starts studying it.
howmuchineedyou (7:33:03 PM): Kensuke whipped the lamp around again with out a second thought and bright the down hard on the fallen masquerade's head with a bit of a yell.
Shaun (7:33:29 PM): The Masquarade explodes from the force of it, knocking you and Zero to the ground from the detonation.
HyprKnux 1 (7:34:00 PM): DiEnd: "Tch... damn!"
HyprKnux 1 (7:34:08 PM): Den-O: "HA! Serves you right!"
Shaun (7:34:59 PM): Chrono's attack blows the Masquarades backwards as Similodon decides now is the perfect time to change targets, and he lunges for you. [React]
howmuchineedyou (7:35:07 PM): Kenuke is thrown to the ground ear ringing a bit, and once he makes sure Zero is alright he kind of grins. "That was SO COOL!" He looks at his hands gripping the lamp and looks a bit to excited.
Akino Ame (7:35:33 PM): *There wasn't any way Ren could avoid the blow from the Metal Dopant, and it sent him sprawling to the floor. Darkwing managed to block some of it, but he still felt pain shooting up his arm. Even so, he scanned his next card. {NASTY VENT} Darkwing detached from him and flew up, blasting at Ken and Gozo with a sonic scream. +
Shaun (7:35:34 PM): [Shou] Your shots slam into Reika, but she succeeds in lighting you on fire. You burn for a few seconds, and you drop your weapon!
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:36:03 PM): Zero: She hits the ground, coughing as the wind is knocked out of her. She can only weakly signal to Kensuke to follow her and speak quietly to Valentine. "Smoked recipe. Authorization: a people are not redeemed by history." And Valentine lays...a smoke grenade. She can't spare the breath to congratulate him, just hopes he'll follow her as she army crawls towards the exit.
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:36:17 PM): *the window actually
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:36:18 PM): +
Shaun (7:36:20 PM): [Fate] Your attack slams into Similodon, but it seems to take it well, knocking you backwards. It is fast as hell, and seems to know how to use momentum to its ability.
Shaun (7:37:14 PM): [Ren] Gozo is hammered by it, and being metal, it seems to amplify tenfold as he clutches his head screaming in pain!
Shaun (7:37:41 PM): Suddenly, without warning, shots are fired as a floating being flanked by two others appear in a newly made hole in the wall.
Camiu (7:37:55 PM): Shou curses as he drops his gun before forcing himself to try and grab it again!
Alan Bunting (7:38:05 PM): *"Okay, I've got some spa- whoa! Break Impulse!" [Yes Boss. Break Impulse.] He doesn't have enough time to charge up all the way, but as Similodon comes in, Chrono takes a swing with an empowered, reinforced Durandal and hopes for the best.+
HyprKnux 1 (7:38:14 PM): DiEnd: "Hmm, more party crashers..."
Shaun (7:38:15 PM): Taboo: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120306132048/kamenrider/images/3/3d/Taboo_Dopants.jpg
Shaun (7:38:24 PM): Claydoll: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120306132245/kamenrider/images/d/d8/Clay_Doll_Dopant.jpg
Shaun (7:38:32 PM): Nazca: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120306132942/kamenrider/images/2/2e/Nazca_Dopant.jpg
Camiu (7:38:58 PM): Shoutaro: The Commander type from the ruins-!
Shaun (7:39:01 PM): [Chrono] Your break impulse seems to do the trick and knocks the Similidon back into the crowd where it doesn't seem to get back up.
Shaun (7:39:08 PM): Claydoll: How fun!
Shaun (7:39:14 PM): Taboo: Hmm, the detective.
Shaun (7:39:32 PM): Nazca: We should properly fend these people off. But first, we have our priorities.
Shaun (7:39:47 PM): [Shoutarou, Ren, Kensuke]
HyprKnux 1 (7:40:00 PM): Den-O: "Hey, who the hell are they?"
Camiu (7:40:17 PM): Shoutaro: Commanders of the Dopants...
HyprKnux 1 (7:40:56 PM): DiEnd: "Troubling..."
Overman Zappa (7:41:07 PM): *Being one of the few who comes prepared, Mio unsheathes her sword and is instantly ready to wreck shop. She makes a bee-line for Trigger, at her consideration, the biggest threat to the group as a whole, and draws her sword down across his chest+
Shaun (7:41:27 PM): [Zero] You make it outside, clearing the area. It seems like everything will be all right when suddenly, a wave hits you! It's not like anything you've ever felt before, it's more like a wave of pure undiluted Terror hit you. You crumple to the ground, literally screaming your lungs out.
Camiu (7:41:32 PM): Shoutaro: I don't suppose your priorities have anything to deal with these creeps? (motions to the Never Dopants with his gun.)
Camiu (7:41:48 PM): Shoutaro: (Wait, that was-!)
Shaun (7:42:14 PM): [Mio] Trigger parries, being pushed back by the force of Reppuzan's strength. "Interesting," grunted Ken.
Camiu (7:43:06 PM): *OCEAN, MAXIMUM DRIVE! Shou's firing the high pressure laser of water towards the largest cluster of masquerades! They needed to get outside, now!+
Shaun (7:43:44 PM): [Shoutarou] Your attack punches a hole through the Masquarades, and knocks Nazca backwards. Eternal simply sidesteps it.
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:43:47 PM): zero: [five lines of the letter A]
Akino Ame (7:44:05 PM): *With Gozo incapacitated, Ren scanned his next card. {STING VENT} Buzzstinger appeared and began raining down spikes on the Metal Dopant. +
howmuchineedyou (7:44:14 PM): Kensuke was right on Zero's heels, wielding his lamp, his chicken at his ankles, that was untill suddenly she fell to the ground. "Zero!" He shouted trying to catch her, completely off his guard as he scrambles to try and pick her up. "Dr Zero! What wrong??" He's compeltly useless.
howmuchineedyou (7:44:17 PM): +
Alan Bunting (7:45:26 PM): Chrono looks over to the new arrivals. "Good enough for me. Unidentified persons, you are being detained under the authority of the Time-Space Administration Bureau! For that matter, unidentfied hostiles, you are under arrest by the same! Release your combat forms and surrender, and you will be entitled to a fair trial!" Under his breath: "Not that this ever works."
Shaun (7:45:28 PM): [Kensuke] Your efforts seem to be helping a little, considering everything. The owner of the power however seems to be hidden somewhere.
Shaun (7:45:52 PM): [Chrono] No it doesn't. You're going to get potshotted by Claydoll.
Alan Bunting (7:46:21 PM): "Ow." Oh hey, that's a wall. There's a large crash as he collides with it in short order.
Shaun (7:46:46 PM): [Ren] Gozo is helpless against the barrage and is battered severely as he slowly crawls to his feet. "Bastard..."
Shaun (7:47:01 PM): [Zero, Chrono, Fate]
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:48:53 PM): Zero: She sobs in terror, but seems to calm down somewhat, enough at least to move around. "...Stalkers...need...them...on...airships..."
Alan Bunting (7:49:49 PM): *"Okay, scratch that. You're all under arrest." Chrono climbs off the wall, shaking himself off and restabilizing his flight. "Surrender now, or face the consqeuences." He takes a look around; the one that hit him is pretty clear, but Nazca seems like a good idea too. "Durandal, Stinger Snipe." [Yes Boss. Stinger Snipe.] A thin, icy blue beam shoots out at high speed from Durandal; it first heads for Claydoll, on a high arc that narrowly misses a chandelier.&
Tenebrae Luna (7:50:27 PM): Fate flies into the air and pops two cartridges before performing a Blitz Action to appear right next to Taboo. Fate appears with a fully charged Plasma Smasher about to fire, angling the giant electirc beam so that it not on hits Taboo but as many other enemies as possible. "Plasma Smasher!!+
Shaun (7:50:32 PM): [Chrono] Claydoll is pretty slow on the outset, and she fires back but is shattered by the impact. [Continue]
Shaun (7:51:00 PM): [Fate] Taboo returns fire, dodging out of the way as Nazca comes up from behind and slashes at your back. [React]
Camiu (7:51:09 PM): #fate
Shaun (7:51:26 PM): [Zero] Your efforts to compose yourself has actually impressed the owner of the Terror. He's willing to let this slide, just this once.
Shaun (7:51:29 PM): Approved
Shaun (7:51:58 PM): [Mio, Kaitou/Den-O]
Alan Bunting (7:52:22 PM): *At a wordless command from Chrono, Durandal continues, [Snipe Shot]. The beam arcs, taking a wide path near the windows, headed for Nazca now while he's clear. Chrono takes a bit higher to the air to survey and command better.+
Camiu (7:52:41 PM): *a quick change to Cyclone Metal, and the sword is met by the Metal Shaft! "Sorry, but I can't let you do that!" He knocks the weapon away and goes for a swipe to Nazca's side!+
howmuchineedyou (7:52:43 PM): Kensuke dose whatever he can to help Zero, biting his lip and trying not to look as scared as he is.
Overman Zappa (7:52:49 PM): *Persisting on her attack on Trigger, she charges him again, her sword glowing a bit as she takes another swing at him, this time aiming for what appears to be his gun arm+
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:53:20 PM): [oh crap didn't realize I was prompted]
Shaun (7:53:24 PM): [Fate/Shou] Your parry is successful but Shou you're literally kicked in the head by Heat who you weren't paying attention to.
Shaun (7:53:28 PM): [it's fine, take your turn.]
Alan Bunting (7:53:55 PM): Chrono: "Dammit! Shou, are you okay?"
HyprKnux 1 (7:54:00 PM): DiEnd: "Now, I think you have something of mine. Momotaros, help me here." *[ATTACKRIDE: BLAST!] And with Den-O charging and slashing as he got close to him, DiEnd takes aim with the DiEnd Driver and fires a flurry of shots at Eternal, hoping to double team him.+
Shaun (7:54:09 PM): [Mio] Trigger spins out of the way, firing back at close range! [React]
Shaun (7:54:43 PM): [Kaitou] The attacks throw Eternal to the side, the papers scattered once more as he rolls to the side.
Tenebrae Luna (7:54:43 PM): Fate turns to look at Shoutaro in panic. "Onii-chan! Are you okay?!"
Camiu (7:54:48 PM): Shoutaro: I've been better!
HyprKnux 1 (7:55:05 PM): DiEnd: "Speedy little thing, aren't you?"
HyprKnux 1 (7:55:14 PM): # (Mio?)
Shaun (7:55:29 PM): Not quite Shoutarou. At that moment, a wave of absolute terror floods the battlefield, affecting all but the hostiles! Everyone React.
Shaun (7:55:37 PM): [Denied]
HyprKnux 1 (7:55:43 PM): (Derp, never mind!)
HyprKnux 1 (7:56:08 PM): And both DiEnd and Den-O grunt and drop to their knees, paralyzed in terror.
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:56:17 PM): Zero: Safely outside, though still inexplicably terrified (for reasons other than the obvious), she heads towards the Green Storm ships and the Chalice with Kensuke in tow. She'll be signaling them if there seems an opportunity. She wants to gets to the Stalkers
Shaun (7:56:44 PM): [Zero] "We read you, Doctor. We're sending in support now. Three minutes."
Camiu (7:56:51 PM): *Welp, that just happened. Shou finds himself unable to move!+
Camiu (7:57:02 PM): Shoutaro: W-What is this?!
HyprKnux 1 (7:57:13 PM): Den-O: "N-No fair...!"
Overman Zappa (7:57:31 PM): *It's not a magic sword for nothing! She presses in, mustering what little she can of a shield to... impare the bullets, while pushing inward and staking a stab+
Alan Bunting (7:57:43 PM): *Chrono opens his mouth to continue his attack run, when the wave of terror comes in; he loses control of his flight as everything goes haywire and, contrary to his usual emotional state, he goes out of his mind, falling uncontrolled from a few times his (not particularly notable) height.+
Akino Ame (7:58:00 PM): Ren dropped his Visor and fell to his knees, shaking. He could hardly even breathe.
Shaun (7:58:01 PM): [Mio] Your shield is mustered and the attack is ricocheted into the ground, just in time for that terror wave to hit!
Tenebrae Luna (7:58:56 PM): Fate takes a few fearful steps back before focusing on Bardiche hoping that Bardiche can help her withstand the wave of terror.+
Overman Zappa (7:59:08 PM): Mio locks up, that annoying relization that... you know... she should retire...
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (7:59:58 PM): Zero: "Right. Holding this position." She tries to stay inconspicious...
Shaun (8:00:13 PM): [Everyone] That terror is pure unadulterated fear. It's paralyzing, and no amount of protection can withstand it easily! Whoever is in the air is dropped to the ground as people still there alike and what not begin screaming themselves hoarse. A second blast hits you Shoutarou, turning you into, well, End of Season screaming fear.
Shaun (8:00:25 PM): And as it stands, a tall dopant walks in, laughing.
Shaun (8:00:28 PM): Terror: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120306131745/kamenrider/images/7/7d/Terror_Dopant.jpg
Camiu (8:00:53 PM): Which is exactly what he's doing. Poor boy is catatonic at this point
Shaun (8:00:57 PM): Terror: To think all of this, right here would end in such a way thought amusedly. NEVER, I see you have been in good company.
Shaun (8:01:04 PM): Katsumi: Terror...
Shaun (8:01:21 PM): Terror: My dears, we must depart for now. I believe our esteemed guest has a goal.
Shaun (8:01:49 PM): And with that, the five commanders start walking away as Katsumi laughs a little.
Tenebrae Luna (8:01:50 PM): Fate is sweeting and seems to be close to crying in pure fear. "W-W-What is this? I-I've never felt anything like this before."
HyprKnux 1 (8:02:01 PM): DiEnd: "...tch..."
HyprKnux 1 (8:02:11 PM): Den-O: "Hey... get back here, you bastards!"
Shaun (8:02:16 PM): Kaitou, the box is near you. And two objects are still visible in it. Take it and run.
howmuchineedyou (8:02:35 PM): Kensuke drops to his knees and grabs his head between his hands, biting his bottom lip bloody to keep from shouting.
Shaun (8:03:06 PM): Katsumi: Now then... to take the first step into making hell...
Shaun (8:03:36 PM): Drawing the Eternal memory from his buckle, he clicked it before slotting it into the hilt of his knife.
HyprKnux 1 (8:03:39 PM): Kaito: "...Hnn..." With that, DiEnd's gonna make a lunge for the box.
Alan Bunting (8:04:01 PM): Chrono's locked up; if he hadn't been in his Barrier Jacket, he'd have broken quite a few bones, but as it stands he's just badly injured; his left arm is bent unnaturally and there's blood coming from a head wound somewhere. He's really having trouble getting a grip of himself, though the pain's helping. "D-damn... I..."
Shaun (8:04:31 PM): A wave of force blazed through the entire town, expanding until it covered the world. Shoutarou, your henshin comes undone instantly, despite you, y'know screaming your head off.
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (8:05:01 PM): Zero: She puts her Arm over he shoulder trying to calm him now. "Reinforcements are coming."
Shaun (8:05:13 PM): At this, Katsumi laughed loudly as he and his Dopant friends started to walk away, seconds before the Green Storm troops descended. But in a wave of astonishing force, they were obliterated by a massive ball of energy!
Shaun (8:05:26 PM): Katsumi: DETECTIVE! People of Fuuto, welcome to my hell!
Shaun (8:06:13 PM): And with that, NEVER departed, leaving the remaining occupants in various stages of mortal terror.
Shaun (8:06:51 PM): But there is good news. Kobold and Naga arrive shortly and start helping people up. It seems that they had come to a conclusion on the ship nearby. That they needed to help people.
Shaun (8:07:16 PM): But with so many psychologically traumatized people, it would take time to recover.
Shaun (8:07:38 PM): And now with all Gaia Memories inactive, well... lets just say there's more to that for later.
Shaun (8:07:52 PM): For now, the mission is complete. But the hell is just beginning.
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (8:08:01 PM): Zero: "Those soldiers...Send down the Stalkers! I'll take command of them!"
Shaun (8:08:22 PM): "Yes ma'am!"
Shaun (8:08:41 PM): Kaitou, several blocks away you rematerialize.
Shaun (8:08:48 PM): Prize in hand.
Shaun (8:08:55 PM): Worth the terror that you experienced.
HyprKnux 1 (8:10:28 PM): Kaito: "Hmm... excellent." Aand he's going to take a peek at what's inside.
Shaun (8:10:54 PM): What's inside, you might ask? It's a trump card.
Tenebrae Luna (8:12:01 PM): Fate falls to her knees. Looking on in complete fear.
Alan Bunting (8:12:49 PM): Chrono's having trouble finding the concentration to cast spells. Namely flight, or Physical Heal. For that matter, his Barrier Jacket is destabilizing, and he's finding himself in a black shirt and khaki shorts. His eyes are wide and he's jittery. Boy, for someone who's so dry and uninteresting most of the time, this hit him hard.
Shaun (8:13:28 PM): Everyone's in pretty bad shape, having experienced the full power of Terror.
Camiu (8:13:57 PM): Shou's taking it the worst out of everyone, still screaming even now
Shaun (8:14:01 PM): Naga: If only we could have gotten reinforcements... this wouldn't have happend...
Shaun (8:14:10 PM): Kobold: You're right. But... it happened.
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (8:14:25 PM): Zero: I'm sorry, general. I tried, but I failed to get reinforcements in in time.
Shaun (8:14:43 PM): Naga: You did good, Zero. We weren't expecting a resistance this strong.
howmuchineedyou (8:15:09 PM): Kensuke grips the fabric of Zero's dress, and is breathing really hard, trying hard to put himself back together internally. He looks up at her completely lost, terror wasn't a feeling he was a stranger to but he's still been as beaten by it as everyone else but when he heard someone talking to her, he let go.. not wanting to hold her back from her job.
Akino Ame (8:15:11 PM): Ren's henshin broke, and he was trying to catch his breath, still shaking. There were tears running down his face as he tried to recover.
Shaun (8:15:26 PM): Kobold: If anything, we will be resuming peace talks later on, in a less public setting next time.
Shaun (8:16:15 PM): Naga: I hope you can attend next time, Doctor?
Shaun (8:17:17 PM): Armed men and women and some Stalkers will move to help the remaining guests and combatants. They needed to get back to their hotel room and recover, and wait for the transport back to the Chalice.
Shaun (8:17:50 PM): Mission Complete.
Overman Zappa (8:17:58 PM): Mio finally starts dropping to her knees, stabbing her sword into the floor, tears streaming down her face
lionel boyd bokanon johnson (8:21:59 PM): Zero: "Of course, general. Permission t-to help these people?" She gives him a weak little smile.
Shaun (8:22:09 PM): Naga: Of course.
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