Mission 114 "Trust"

Sep 10, 2012 21:38

Session Start (overmanzs1:swugamission114): Mon Sep 10 18:53:32 2012 -0500
*** overmanzs1 has joined the conversation.
*** Mist3r (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** G-F (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Raptor (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Knux (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Arach (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Kami (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Salsa (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Tenebro (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Eric (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Jockey (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Shaun (SRW mod) has joined the conversation.
*** Steam (SRW mod) has joined the conversation.
Zs1: (( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-FQcyuz_row)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-FQcyuz_row ))

*** Eric (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Liz (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Zs1: In our last episodes, the Earth Sphere was under full assault from the Harvesters again. Thought defeated, they've returned in much greater force.

Zs1: What's more, Taarak and Mejere are also under assault. It's through their efforts, and the persuation of someone on the other side, that they've opened up a wormhole-like passage so that the Nirvana, and as much of our crew we can spare, can cross over into the main battle.

Shaun (SRW mod): Dita is all tense, but there's a sense of... relief, maybe? She's ready to finish this, and there's a lot of need to see this through.
Zs1: That's where you come in! The few, the proud, the... Cups? IDK.

Zs1: You've managed to break away from the rest of the fighting to get to the other side of the galaxy, in another time (so to speak). Of course this doesn't remove you from the fighting. You're just doing it elsewhere now.

Steam (SRW mod): Julia's determined to see this brought to a close just as much!
Arach (SRW): Charl is…well, kind of confused by all this, but there's evil to be shot!
Zs1: The battlefield is... a mess of things. On one side, you have a fleet of "starships" opening fire across the ocean of space; a scene some of you may have not seen outside Sci-Fi movies or documentaries of the One Year War. On the other side, a massive milky-white 'dust storm' of sorts. Over the radio chatter you hear it refered to as the 'magnetic storm', which many of your enemies seem to be spawning from; their ships included.

Knux (SRW): Another day for Coop. No worries
Tenebro (SRW): Momo clenches her teeth as she looks at the swarm of Harvesters.'
Zs1: It's an enormous battle, and you're but one small faction in it. Are you ready!?

Kami (SRW): Laura's been feeling the frustration of fighting through seemingly endless waves of Harvesters, so when the call comes to move out, she's there in a heartbeat.
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Wow, certainly a lot out there. Way too many numbers out there."
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita is so ready for this.
Kami (SRW): Sticking close to Dita, of course.
Knux (SRW): Coop: "We got this in the bag!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: It's now or never. The future, and the past depend on this.
Zs1: ((Enemies: (Link: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/Other/CounterfitGattai.jpg
Counterfit Eagle, Counterfit Crab, Counterfit Giant x300
(Link: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/Other/Harvestership.jpg)http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/Other/Harvestership.jpg Harvester battleships x100))

Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "If we just take out the right pieces, we'll win though!"
Steam (SRW mod): Or at least that's what she hopes.
*** Liz (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Jockey (SRW) has left the conversation.
Zs1: Magno: "Everyone! Listen up!"

Tenebro (SRW): Momo: "We are strong and together we are even stronger. We can do this"
Zs1: Magno: "No matter how we struggle, or how painful it gets, don't even think of ending it all easily by dying! That's nonsense!"

Zs1: Magno: "A bright, exciting, and cruel future awaits you all!"

Zs1: ((Initative: Coop, Momo, Charl, Dita, Julia, Laura))
Zs1: (Coop, Momo. ACTION)
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Ah... I think I'll take the bright and exciting part, thanks!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: We'll have to strike first to make it count! Julia, lets combine!
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Alright, so let's start this with a bang!" *And Coop presses a button, which bring out... missiles, of course. All The Missiles. And he fires. Itano Circus has nothing on this explosion filled party!+
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "Right!"
Steam (SRW mod): And thus the Corona zooms to rendezvous and join up with Dita's Dread!
Shaun (SRW mod): And in a burst of energy, the Blue Giant is reborn!
Tenebro (SRW): Momo charges forward at unreal speeds. She launches a massive volley of Ellen Sonic at the enemies, aiming to hit as many as possible withe the explosions to draw attention to herself. She then gets ready to take evasive action in hopes of drawing the enemy fire away from everyone else.+
Zs1: [Coop] A spectacular display it is, but... it's, sadly, not on enough of a scale that it's going to do any real damage. Maybe if this were back on Earth? It at least proves that the enemy looks to move in squads as a 3 Crab, 2 Giant, and 3 Eagle are wiped out from the blast, with the remaining Giant from the squad rushing in and brandishing a sword aimed for Coop's car! (React)
Steam (SRW mod): # (Coop)
Knux (SRW): Coop: "...oh, c'mo--WOAH!" *And Coop's gonna try to grab that blade before it hits him+
Zs1: (approved: Julia > Coop (SupDef)
Steam (SRW mod): * "We have your back, Coop!" Julia shouts as the Blue Giant zooms in to the rescue, letting its sword slash out and blow through the imitation's midsection!+
Arach (SRW): "Hmm..."
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Ah... thanks!"
Zs1: [Momo] Two squads of Counterfits are taken by surprise causing more of a wreck amongst eachother than wiping them out directly. But it brings another squad to bear on the PreDesu, with the fake Red Eagle getting there first. It's wing grazes along the Desu's arm, with the Crab and Giant soon to attack (react)
Zs1: [Julia] The sword is just inches away from the engine block of the hotrod before the entire machine is cut in half! Lucky save!
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: there's a lot of small ones. We'll need to go for the big ones. Watch each others backs!
Knux (SRW): Coop: "...close... too close! And I'll take that sword! Just for keeps!"
Zs1: ((Charl, Dita/Julia, ACTION))
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: We've got to stop them this time!
Tenebro (SRW): Momo attempts to keep them as at a distance as she speeds up. While she is playing keep away, she launches Ellen Sonics at the two enemies to enrage them to keep them following her as well as break them apart.+
Arach (SRW): *Charl does what a tiny speedy unit does best, and dives towards the nearest enemy battleship. It's going to be on the receiving end of her new bombs. Yes, she is doing a dive-bombing in space!+
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "Still, we need to clear the way through to the big ones... and fortunately we have just the thing!"
Shaun (SRW mod): *Shifting the weapons over the Vandread's shoulder, Dita unleashed a torrent of green energy into the crowd to completely take out the opponents in their way!+
Steam (SRW mod): * The Blue Giant's chest cannon begins to glow as well, and Julia lets that fire off as well to join in the shoulder cannons!+
Zs1: [Momo] The other two don't keep up as well, especially under pressure. The Crab nearly gets close enough to clamp down before being hit again, knocking it off course into the Giant. But once more, the Eagle whips around and crashed into the Desu's back!
Tenebro (SRW): Momo flinches from the impact before narrowing her eyes. "I need more speed."
Zs1: [Charl] At least intelligent enough to protect their own ships, several enemies start swarming the tiny orange girl. While a massive hole is leftin the side of the ship, Counterfit Crabs are swarming the IS, one of which grasping onto it's wing (react)
Arach (SRW): *"Hands off!" And that guy now gets a knife stabbed into the offending limb…again, and again, and again!+
Zs1: [Dita/Julia] Both shoulder and chest canon combined send a screaming blue wave across the battlefield. As expected, it wipes out nearly a dozen chasing and meandering fakes. However, their back is open, a pair of Eagle counterfits zipping in and crashing into the Giant's back. They hit, but after a breif backup, they're rearing to strike again (react)
Steam (SRW mod): Julia grunts as she's sent rocking from the impact... but she's not going to just let that go unanswered!
Zs1: [Charl] The tiny knife doesn't seem to be doing too much against the massive (by comparison) pincers pulling at the wing. Another Counterfit Crab tries latching onto Charl's leg, pulling on it. Fortunately, enough stabbing finally breaks the pincers of the first (react)
Steam (SRW mod): * "Should've... made the first hit more decisive!" she shouts as the Blue Giant turns! And as those fake eagles attack again, the giant's response is a pair of well-timed cross-counters!+
Arach (SRW): *Okay, FINE. Enough of this. Charl pulls a pair of improbably large shotguns, and lays into the pincer at her foot with extreme prejudice.+
Zs1: [Julia] Each eagle catches one good slug to the face, crumpling them and leaving each one drifting through spaaaaaaace.
Zs1: (Laura, all alone, it's your turn)
Steam (SRW mod): And at that, Julia can't help but grin.
Steam (SRW mod): "The faster you move, the harder you're hit... that's the beauty of a counter-punch."
Zs1: [Charl] Two good shots of lead to the face finally break the Crab off the IS's leg. Sadly, it stays there too, simply drifting rather than exploding.
Kami (SRW): *As Laura moves forward with giant sword in hand, the rest of her Sophium cloud streams out behind her before condensing in to six crystalline prisms resembling Lily's psigun-wings. Swarmed as Charl is, he's who she follows, darting between the counterfeit Vandreads attacking him to give him a shot at the battleship!+
Kami (SRW): Laura: "Dita, Julia, are you all right?!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: We're doing okay! Stamina's good! *and a thumbs up*
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "We've got a few bumps and bruises but we're doing fine!"
Zs1: [Laura] That large sword cleaves through another of the Crab pack chasing Charl. It loses most of it's left limbs, as well as the drifting, defeat crab being cleaved in half, somewhat dulling the blow to any third enemy.
Arach (SRW): "Thanks!"
Zs1: [Momo] The enemy seems to learn, and can tell what their enemy can and can't handle. Two fake Eagle gattai make a charge for the Desu Ellen, one crashing into it's side, trying to spin it around leaving the second to get a cheap shot in (react)
[Charl] Now free of the Crabs and allowed to proceed, your path is, again, blocked by one of the Counterfit Giants. Bringing it's shoulder canons to bear, it takes a bead and fires upon the tiny IS student (react)
Arach (SRW): *Well this just won't do! Charl goes and ignition boosts the hell outta there, aiming to get under and behind the enemy giant.+
Zs1: [Charl] It's a dodge just in time as one of the wide beams clips only the wing before it gets under it's firing arc. Fortunately it can't really turn while firing and she's placed behind the giant machine.
Tenebro (SRW): Momo throws up an Ellen Barrier while spinning her Guitar Rod into its' axe mode and lashing out to cleave the enemies in half.+
*** Mist3r (SRW) has left the conversation.
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita is breathing a little hard but she nods. "Julia, we've cleared a lot but we need to go for the main boss."
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "... Yeah." And looking around how everyone was doing, she stirred a little.
Steam (SRW mod): "... Might want to break off... the Corona handles fine in space anyways. Can't say the same for everyone else though."
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: "That's true. Charl! Let's combine right now!"
Arach (SRW): "H-huh? Right!"
Zs1: [Momo] The barier keeps the second Eagle at bay, but the first has already hit and gone by. Pressed against the barier, it's in easy range for the Guitar Rod to smash thorugh the enemy's head!
Steam (SRW mod): And with that, the Corona and the Dread split off once more, the Prominence Armor brandishing railgun and HFM blade at the ready!
Zs1: A new, rather... remarkable enemy begins to emerge from the magnetic storm. It doesn't look too much different from the other Harvester battleships but, it's SIZE is... frighteningly massive.

Shaun (SRW mod): Zooming towards Charl, there's a brilliant flash of light as an Orange Eagle resolves out of it.
Zs1: (Link: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/Other/Vandreadfinalboss.jpg

Zs1: (new gattai noted; initative adjusted accordingly)
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Something's coming...!
Arach (SRW): "Ah…That would be it, wouldn't it..."
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "... It's huge!"
Kami (SRW): Laura: "My god..."
Zs1: It wastes no fanfare opening fire, too! One hell of a massive RED beam aimed in the general vicinity of the Vandread gattai!! (React: Dita/Charl, Julia )

Steam (SRW mod): "... Still... something that big- grrrh!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Whoa!
Tenebro (SRW): Momo's eyes widen. "It's unreal."
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Meh."
Steam (SRW mod): * The Corona is going to let off a huge jet of its anti-beam gas to help cover Dita and Charl while she countershoots! "Just worry about combining you two!"+
Shaun (SRW mod): *Dita pulled the Vandread into a spinning dive, hoping to get away from it!+
Kami (SRW): #
Zs1: (This should be amusing. Who are you covering? Dita or Julia?)
Kami (SRW): (If not both, then Dita/Charl)
Zs1: (approved: Laura > Dita/Charl (SupDef)
Zs1: [Julia] The beam is FREAKING MASSIVE! Standing there and covering for othes might've not been the best idea! The entirety of the Coronoa is covered, and Julia is shaken about ruthlessly. Physically, the damage isn't... much, but the systems have been jacked. It's going to need a reboot, leaving the Coronoa prone for now.
Kami (SRW): *In a flash Laura's between the enemy and the Orange Eagle, holding on to the larger unit - down to four wings, as one just absorbed in to her to let her make that dash, while the other has reverted to mist surrounding the Vandread, like a cloud of chaff. Dodge faster, zig or zag at the right time, beam be scattered and dissipated - whatever solution might help, Laura's willing it with all the focus she can muster!+
Steam (SRW mod): As the beam powers through the gas, Julia gasps and cries out in shock... but fortunately this wasn't the end for her!
Steam (SRW mod): "... Systems scrambled... railgun's KDU needing a reboot..."
Steam (SRW mod): Her hands are already dancing over the controls to try to get it working as soon as possible
Zs1: [Laura/Dita/Charl] For all it's worth, all that evasion and effort, only just get the Orange Eagle out of the beam itself. But it's uncomfortably close. So... disturbingly close all kinds of warning signs are going off inside the Orange Eagle, computers registering a lack of energy, lack of weapons, lack of love, lack of radar. They eventually stabalize but for a moment it felt like the Gattai was going to be lost!
[Julia] While you're prone, floating there in the lonliness of space, a giant enemy crab latches onto the Corona and shaking it around, clamping down on it (react/reboot)
Zs1: ((Top of the turn, Momo and Coop again; action)
Arach (SRW): "…Lack of love?!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita grit her teeth, pumping the throttle rapidly. "S-sorry, it works on emotions!"
Kami (SRW): Laura: "Ghhh... I don't... think we want to cut it that close again..."
Knux (SRW): *Well, Coop's going to handle things HIS way! - He's going to fly to that humongous ship, land on its hull and... start punching it silly+
Steam (SRW mod): * "Not good, not good!" Julia grunts in shock as she's getting thrown around! She needs her arms working right now... and they finally are! "ALRIGHT THEN!" Her HFM blade activates again, thrumming with life and letting off its high-power microwaves... and she plunges it into the crab to try to take it down!+
Arach (SRW): "Right, right..."
Tenebro (SRW): Momo takes a deep breath before rocketing forward. Moving at unreal speeds, Momo starts performong hit and runs on enemies, dashing up to them at near blinding speeds for one powerful strike before blinking away and striking the next enemy. "Faster. I need to go faster."+
Kami (SRW): So many enemies, so much chaos...
Kami (SRW): Laura: "Julia, Momo... Coop, everyone all right?"
Zs1: [Coop] Not if the enemy has anything to say about it. You're met with a wall of Counterfit Giants. And a wall of beamspam. You think your Itano circus was impressive... have you SEEN a wall of laser before (React?)
Knux (SRW): Coop: "...you just HAD to say something!"
Knux (SRW): *Coop's gonna hunch in, bring up the beam shields and hope he doesn't die!+
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "A little tied up here but I've almost got it-!"
Tenebro (SRW): Momo nods slightly at Laura's question. "I'm alright."
Zs1: [Momo] The hit-and-move tactic is working well enough, though, sometimes the damage she lands isn't enough to cripple. What several machines that lost an unecessary limb to her attacks have begun to chase her, a pair of Giant's on her tail opening fire (react)
Zs1: [Coop] The shields ALMOST hold for the duration of the attack. Sadly, they're overpowered, leaving the Megas exposed, wrecking the drawn-in arms quite a bit. They... barely work still!
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Aw, jeez... not good..."
Tenebro (SRW): Momo pushes the Ellen even harder as she turns upwards to spin around to dodge the Giants while firing down Ellen Sonics on their heads.+
Zs1: [Dita/Charl] With Coop's charge totally unsuccessful in stopping the main battleship, that big ugly canon opens up again and fires. And you're, once again, caught in the line of fire! (Dita/Charl, Coop: react!)
Arach (SRW): "Dita, move!"
Shaun (SRW mod): *Dita cries out for a moment in surprise, aiming to dodge out of the way --+
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Oh, not again...!" *And Coop, as much as he hates it, is going to start evading, trying to dodge the shot+
Zs1: [Dita] It's not quite enough, aslas, as the wings are clipped. And more than just clipped, the whole gattai is undone, leaving the Rafale Revive and the Dita Dread drifting in space for a moment.
[Coop] Fortunately you don't need FEET in space, as both feet and the shin of the left leg are scared from damage. Yet not blown away...
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita struggled with her controls, reactivating systems and groaning.
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Jeez! Man, I miss it when I could get away without having to reBUILD after every fight!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Is everyone okay? We need to take that thing out now!
Arach (SRW): "Augh..."
Zs1: (Charl, Dita, despite your... just being hit, action!)
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita looked around and made her decision. "I think it's time for the Super Vandread! Everyone, lets go!"
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Super who now?"
Kami (SRW): Laura: "I'm... okay!" And clinging on to Dita's dread feeling queasy after that rollercoaster ride.
Arach (SRW): "Ah…Right!"
Zs1: [Julia] The Crab gattai gets a good 'chomp' into the Corona before the machine is up and wokring again! That HMF blade drives down into the crab, stabbing it right down in the face!
Arach (SRW): The little orange blur heads off to Dita's Dread.
Shaun (SRW mod): All of the units that were normally involved, begin to glow in a massive energy build up--!
Zs1: (wait, who's your fourth? Dita, Laura, Julia and...?
Steam (SRW mod): (Julia)
Steam (SRW mod): (Oh wait)
Shaun (SRW mod): (Charl too)
Zs1: (I did mean to say Charl, not Laura but, yes Laura too?)
Shaun (SRW mod): (yes)
Kami (SRW): (Indeed)
Zs1: (proceed)
Shaun (SRW mod): Shifting parts, a massive frame emerging from nowhere, expanding, growing until the Super Vandread stood there for a moment, drawing its sword from its hand.
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Charl, let's blow it all away! Everyone, focus your attacks on the main one!
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Oh... so... that's Super Vandread."
Shaun (SRW mod): *Bits fly out as Dita charges the main energy cannon, and there's a whine of energy as she thrusts her sword forward, releasing a massive beam of green pexis energy at the boss!+
Zs1: [Super Vandread] JUST in time too, as the canon is once again ready to fire. WHAT DO LADIES? (and gentleman?) (React!)
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "... First time I've gotten to be in this thing..."
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Ah... let's see... oh, I haven't used this in awhile!" *Coop's arms might be wrecked, but not his chest - out comes the familiar Wave Particle Cannon on the not-Yamato and firing at the big boss!+
Arach (SRW): *"…" Charl's screen fills with targeting dots, as countless as the stars in the sky. In large, proud letters, it reads "ROCK ON". And then, she fires. A swarm of missiles form out of light, then race towards the various foes!+
Tenebro (SRW): Momo pushes the Ellen to its' max speed to blink out of the way of the canon. She turns to the enemy and she breathes heavily. "More...I need to go even faster!"+
Steam (SRW mod): * And while everyone else is spamming guns or swords or whatever? Julia's having the Super Vandread's free arm deliver a spinning corkscrew blow reinforced with Pexis Energy to send a rippling way of energy through the ship!+
Zs1: [Firstly though, Charl] ALL the missiles! However, with the numerous enemy it doesn't really make a big dent in the enemy force's numbers, it does clear the swarming Counterfits from approaching! After all, you're now one big blue target fo everything besides the main battleship
Kami (SRW): *Laura doesn't have the best associations with the last time she was in the Super Vandread, but that's not stopping her from pouring all she's got in to reinforcing it, strength, speed and attack - her armour may hide her eyes even here, but her focus is easy to read in her entire body.+
Zs1: [Dita] As the huge enemy beam comes closing in, your own crashes into it, the two massive waves of energy cancelling eachother out, leaving the Super Vandread free to charge forward into the enemy ship!
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Lets go!
Shaun (SRW mod): And Dita charged the opponent, ready to let her team work with her in tandem.
Zs1: [Julia/Laura] Between the two of you, you've gotten in just left of the main canon, and into the battleship itself, leaving a gaping hole in the ship.
[Coop} Bringing out the classic 'big gun' doesn't deter anyone from attacking, but, it leaves you prone from other sides. Again though, the enemy learns and rather than getting in too close to something so big firing such a big gun into their forces, a cluster of fake Eagles is holding back while the wave-motion gun eats up the enemy
[Momo] Fortunately, the enemy's main canon isn't focused on you any longer. Most of the enemy have taken morei nterest in defending the battleship than chasing you, giving the Ellen a moment to breathe
Zs1: [Super Vandread] But finally, wedged partially into the ship, you girls get to lay eyes on this creepy kid: (Link: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/Other/VandreadFinalBoy.jpg
)http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b253/Zappa_Slave/Other/VandreadFinalBoy.jpg if only for a moment before everything turns red, shaky and painful. The Super Vandread is caught in some hideous red energy barrier, and it's doing a wonderful job of keeping everyone nearly paralyzed in place!

*** Corel (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Zs1: Boy: "The Paksis is showing an interest in all of you. It seems you've gotten strange powers by getting in synch with it."

Knux (SRW): Coop: "Ah... that red stuff doesn't look good."
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "G-gah!"
Steam (SRW mod): "Ohe of the Harvesters...?!?"
Steam (SRW mod): ^One
Arach (SRW): "Who are you?!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita cried out as she was linked the most to the Super Vandread -- and without warning, she was thrust OUT of it, landing hard! With a sickening crack, she landed on the floor of the ship!
Kami (SRW): Laura: "What the -!"
Kami (SRW): Laura: "DITA!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: W-who are you...?
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "DITA NOW!"
Zs1: [Dita, Julia, Charl, and Laura] Like it or not, the gattai is forced undone, leaving each of your individual machines trapped in their own red barrier, stuck in place, while Dita is forced from her cockpit into the room with the boy
Tenebro (SRW): Momo's eyes widen in fear. "DITA!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita struggled to stand, but the gravity was so intense...!
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Hey, hey, hey!"
Arach (SRW): *Well Charl isn't going to let that stand. Barrier, meet Mr. Knife. Again and again and again.+
Zs1: [Charl] Unfortunately the pressure on your body from the barrier doesn't even allow you to move, much less draw a knife to strike out at it.
Zs1: Boy: "Zen, leader of Taraak. Anri, leader of Mejere. Thanks to all of you, Earth is eternal. Thank you."

Kami (SRW): *Laura struggles within the barrier. Even if she can't move, she can form a blade where she needs it - right...?+
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: What are you saying?
Steam (SRW mod): * And the Corona's gonna experimentally shoot that barrier with her railgun!+
Arach (SRW): *"Ghh…" There's the sound of firing pistons from Charl's left arm. Gray Scale, you have Barrier Peirce in your NAME.+
Zs1: Boy: "All of you were born thanks to us. Isn't it proper that you benefit us? Yet you get in the way all over the universe"
[Laura] It's probably the hardest struggle in your life just to form the blade, given the strange gravational pressure being pushed against you.
[Julia] It takes all your strength just to pull the trigger on the railgun, and even then, it's as though the bolt from the gun doesn't move more than an inch from being unleashed
Zs1: Boy: "All of you were born thanks to us. Isn't it proper that you benefit us? Yet you get in the way all over the universe"

Tenebro (SRW): Momo bites her lip hard, so hard she draws blood, as rage starts to build in her. She shakes violently to try and keep her anger in check. "Give her back. Give her back this instant."
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Ah, hate to break it to you, but I wasn't born from you."
Zs1: Boy: "You've been causing us much trouble. Earth will fall at this rate. That is why we chose the best path for mankind. We are Earth's children."

Shaun (SRW mod): Dita struggled as she got up, working her footing forward.
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Hey stop this right now!
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "How can you say all of this is for mankind's own good?!?"
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Earth? Fall? Are you out of your mind? You know who we are? We've kicked your butts many times!"
Knux (SRW): Coop: "...okay, not me PERSONALLY, but..."
Arach (SRW): "I fail to see why I should care where you come from…"
Zs1: [Dita] Without even batting an eye, the boy says no. He says no with GRAVITY! I'm sorry... were you bracing yourself on that hand? The massive flux of gravity on your body, and you're trying to support yourself. In an instant, your arm is broken down near your wrist, even a few bones in your hand cracking.
Zs1: Boy: "This is why we cannot perish. Compared to we pitiable ones forbidden to die, are you not happy you can die? You can continue to live as part of us."

Zs1: Boy: "Isn't the most idealistic thing for humans to die for someone else? Not everyone can go so far for another's sake."

Shaun (SRW mod): Dita screams in pain and falls prone, her arm twisted behind herself.
Knux (SRW): Coop: "...you IDIOT!"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "DITA!"
Zs1: Boy: "But all of you were born with that destiny. I think you're happy that way."

Arach (SRW): Charles is busy doing a very un gentlemanly growl.
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "No!"
Steam (SRW mod): "I may accept a lot of duties for people... the Chalice, Mr. Herrera..."
Steam (SRW mod): "But being a soldier isn't about dying for anything!"
Knux (SRW): Coop: "...alright, you little creep."
Zs1: Boy: "Everyone hates failure and hard times, right? But using our method, the human race won't perish. You understand, right?"

Tenebro (SRW): Momo's violent shaking increases. "Stop it...Stop it now..."
Arach (SRW): "It's not going to perish without your method..."
Steam (SRW mod): "You... call what you do living?!?"
Kami (SRW): Laura's smiling. ...kind of. Her teeth are showing, so that counts, right?
Steam (SRW mod): "Hurting so many people?"
Kami (SRW): Laura: "If not dying is so hard for you, we can help."
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Just say the word. I still got a LOT of toys to play wiht."
Shaun (SRW mod): From Dita's prone position, she started to laugh as she slammed her good hand down, glancing up at the boy who was sitting there.
Zs1: Oh look... he actually bats an eye. What's this now? Despite the gravity?
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Geez. This is pitiful. To think I was scared at this point. I still am... trying to live how everyone wanted me to... but I finally understand.
Shaun (SRW mod): Slowly crawling to her hands and knees, she continued.
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: This... this isn't my life, I don't have to give pause, I don't have to stop. This is me... this is how I chose to live...! What I was scared of right now, is ME AND MY OWN FEAR!
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: You think you're on top, you convince yourself that there is everything that matters is yourself in the end... but you know the difference between you and me? I have a lot of friends!
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Everyone's doing their best, no one's going to give up, no one will tell me to stop because it's wrong, because everyone will do their best! And when I get over my fear, BEATING YOU WILL BE A PIECE OF CAKE!
Shaun (SRW mod): And Dita is sitting up now, smiling.
Zs1: Boy: "I'm bored of talking to you now."

Knux (SRW): Coop: "...and I thought I was dense."
Zs1: But finally, he seems to show emotion. A scowl in his brow. "I... hate you"

Zs1: Dita, in a flash there's two spears of light then... pain. Dripping red. You're bleeding.

Shaun (SRW mod): Dita gasped... bringing up her arm. Yes, she was bloody now...
Zs1: Boy: "I want you... to go away!"
Once again, gravity is against you, and you're thrown back, forced into the cockpit of your Dread and forced out and beyond the barrier of red Paksis, you, and the other trapped girls.
(Julia, Laura, and Charl are now free from icky gravity barriers)

Shaun (SRW mod): Dita tried to fight back, but was thrown!
The main canon to the battlship starts charging again, however, it seems more like a large black and white gathering of energy than the red it was spewing out before.
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Alright, you little creep."
Knux (SRW): "You invaded Earth."
Steam (SRW mod): (Is that barrier still up?)
Knux (SRW): "You tried to kill my friends just now."
Zs1: (There are no barriers)
Knux (SRW): "And you're being a total pain in the neck!"
Knux (SRW): "It's GO TIME!"
Zs1: Nirvana bridge bunny (names are escaping me now): "The Paksis has reacted like this before! Last time it was just a wormhole but... this... It's trying to blow away eveything in this sector!"

Arach (SRW): (are we on free actions? Because if she's in the same room as this guy, and no barriers...)
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "And we're obviously not going to let them!"
Tenebro (SRW): Momo growls and she clenches her fist HARD! You can easily feel the rage that is rolling off Momo...It's frightening really. Even Seiren never showed this much anger.
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita grit her teeth as she flew towards the energy ball, slamming her Dread towards the canon! "I won't let you destroy this world!"
Knux (SRW): Coop: "We ALL AREN'T!"
Steam (SRW mod): * And the Corona is zooming right with her, spamming railgun shots one after another! "Dita, can you still pilot with your arm hurt?"+
Zs1: However, something is blockig the canon. It's hard to see with all the crackling energy but that's DEFINATELY Dita's Dread at the mouth of the canon!
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita grit her teeth as she held on. "Sort of...!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Huh... in the end it's just here and now...
Zs1: (If you act timely yes you may take one action)
Zs1: (Timely and orderly :P)
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "D-Dita what are you...?!?"
Knux (SRW): ((Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAi3x5AKM58)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAi3x5AKM58)
Knux (SRW): *And Coop's not waisting any time, bringing up his beam machine guns and firing at the cannon+
Arach (SRW): *Charl is in no position to really block a space laser, soooo she opts for the pragmatic option. That is to say, she summons two of Metal Wolf's missile launchers and opens up in full on the creepy little boy.
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: If I can keep the explosion from happening, I will stop it with my own body!
Arach (SRW): Who is also a blonde! Funny how things work like that.
Zs1: [Julia] There's not any sort of defence going on as shots from the railgun blast into the ship and the canon. However, in terms of overall damage, it doesn't seem to be hitting anything vital that would stop the canon.
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Ah, I don't think doing that's such a good idea. I mean, we're small and squishy. That's... not."
Steam (SRW mod): Even just a decent enough crack in their armor will do though...
Kami (SRW): Laura: "DITA!"
Steam (SRW mod): But then there's issues with Dita to worry aobut!
Tenebro (SRW): Momo unleashes an ear piercing scream as she can no longer hold all her anger back and snaps. She pumps as much emotion into Ellen as she possible can before she just seems to...vanish. She reappears and starts to hack away at the enemy with her axe. She seems to be teleporting around the enemy to strike as many different ways as possible. Anyone who has seen the Ellen in combat knows it shouldn't be moving this faster. "Faster! FASTER!!!!" The attacks speed up and soon it looks like one attack is actually several near instant attacks. She plants her feet into the enemy before jumping back with a ring of energy in her hand. "TONE!!! RING!!!"&
Kami (SRW): *She was already on her way to try to heal Dita's injuries - now this only makes her put on another burst of speed. She can't let her do this!+
Shaun (SRW mod): Pieces are flaking off the Dread, as Dita leans back. "Everyone... looks like this really is going to be it. I promise I'll be back..."
Zs1: [Charl] The boy barely raises his hand from the chair, causing the volley of missiles to stop just feet from hitting him. As they all erupt, the blast is gravationally forced in the opposite direction, leaving HIm safe, but his little throne room is a mess
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Hey, hey, hey, hey! Don't you do that!"
*** Hedge has joined the conversation.
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "Dita, NO! NOW! NO!"
Steam (SRW mod): Tears are welling up in her eyes at this...
Steam (SRW mod): "Losing another person close to me like this...!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Julia...
Arach (SRW): Charl: "…Well now."
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Look, I know we haven't gotten to know each other, but really... you kinda got friends back home who would PROBABLY not want you to pull this sort of thing!"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Coop.. Charl...
Arach (SRW): He turns and floats away, heading outside the ship.
Tenebro (SRW): Momo: NO! I won't let you! I will die myself if that is what it takes for you to stay safe!
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: Momo...
Zs1: [Coop] Piling into the damage to the ship, it's showing a little wear, but, still, nothing seems to have stopped the canon itself from stopping, and especially with Dita still there blocking it from firing.
[Momo] Little by little, the ship is taking more damage, and even bouncing around and attacking the canon's shaft it's... not looking good for Dita so far!
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Okay, this thing's not going down...! Anyone got any big ideas? Maybe we can recreate that Super whats-it again?"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "We can't do that without Dita... but..."
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita smiled, bowing her head. "Everyone... everyone's a friend... I love everyone but especially..."
Arach (SRW): "..."
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita looked up. "Everyone... thank you!"
Tenebro (SRW): Momo coughs violently. Even in her hardlight suit there is only so many Gs that a body can withstand.
Shaun (SRW mod): And with that, EVERY UNIT BEGINS TO GLOW!
Knux (SRW): Coop: "...um... that's not standard."
Arach (SRW): "…?"
Shaun (SRW mod): (Link: http://www.esnips.com/displayimage.php?pid=34209993)http://www.esnips.com/displayimage.php?pid=34209993
Shaun (SRW mod): Everyone whirls into position, energy building as the Super Vandread is reborn! And this time, Dita is sitting in the middle with Julia on her lap. "I'm sorry... for almost giving up."
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Eh, as long as we kick some alien butt, I forgive ya!"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "S-so... we're..."
Shaun (SRW mod): "Everyone is precious to me but..." She looked over at Laura and smiled at her reaching for her hand.
Kami (SRW): Laura takes it.
Shaun (SRW mod): "I love Laura. And Julia, you're my best friend. I couldn't stop doing anything without you two."
Tenebro (SRW): Momo looks around to see she is in the Super Vandread, looking worse for wear. It is obvious that the stunt she pulled messed her up bad.
Arach (SRW): "Ah…"
Shaun (SRW mod): "Charl you supported me, Momo is a great friend... Coop you knew what to say..."
Steam (SRW mod): And at that, Julia blushes quite a bit.
Arach (SRW): Charles appears more than a bit flustered at this whole prospect!
Steam (SRW mod): "You'll... always be a special person to me Dita."
Shaun (SRW mod): "So... lets end this. Let's stop this cannon from firing!"
Knux (SRW): Coop: "...something tells me someone would have fit better than me!"
Zs1: (Inatitive: Super Vandread, Super Vandread, Super Vandread)
Zs1: (Super Vandread, ACTION)
Kami (SRW): Laura: "I love you too, Dita. And I won't let you go."
Zs1: Bridge bunny: "Super Vandread has entered the gate! It's holding everything back with a shield."

Tenebro (SRW): Momo is breathing heavily but there is a soft and warm smile on her face as she hears Dita speak.
Zs1: Bridge bunny: "We're detecting dormant energy within the spacial distortion of the expansion! It's putting a lot of pressure on them!"

Knux (SRW): Coop: "Alright, let's end this with a BIG BANG!" *And thanks to part of the Megas' cockpit being brought into the Super Vandread, there's also a shiny button on there: End of Series Button. One big push of it, and there's enough laser spam to go around, but still enough for others to do stuff!+
Arach (SRW): *ALL THE MISSILES! Every one of them! Even the little missiles that split up into more missiles, and the missiles that have tiny guns on them that shoot things as they fly by, and two missiles that are about the size of small starships themselves! Yes, every missile is here.+
Steam (SRW mod): *And with that, the Super Vandread's chest opens up, in a way very, VERY reminscent of the Corona... crackling with Pexis energy before Julia pulls down on the controls and looses the massive, spiraling beam of energy at the ship!+
Tenebro (SRW): Momo pushes her being once more into attacking the enemy as insane amount of Ellen Sonics launch at the enemy which is topped of with a Tone Ring. All of these turn into massive explosions which end up engulfing the enemy as they connect!+
Zs1: [Coop/Charl] Between lasers everywhere and anti-laser missiles passing harmlessly in between, any sort of enemy trying to protect the ship is wiped clean from existence. The shelling around the main canon is blow away piece by piece as well, like peeling a banana... but with BULLETS
Zs1: [Julia/Momo] Sonic waves ripple around the giant Corona cannon ripping apart through the canon itself, crushing through all the sciency goodness that's trying to end this entire sector of the universe!
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "You should have gone for something that could charge up faster!"
Kami (SRW): *Where Laura's hand meets Dita's, mist seeps out and sinks into her skin, bone knitting and skin sealing. Unlike before, her armour isn't present in the cockpit even if her powers still seem to be active, and on the outside, the Super Vandread's sword grows, clear diamond disappearing into invisible sharpness around each edge.+
Shaun (SRW mod): *And Dita holds onto Laura's hand, squeezing it gently before bringing the sword up to bear, the weapon growing huge with every passing millisecond before it becomes a sword truly able to cleave time and space. "This is for everyone who brought us to this point!" And Dita struck hard.+
Zs1: [Laura/Dita] The final strike! The massive diamond-edged blade is sharp down to the final miscropic nanometer as it comes down and cleaves into the canon, only moments before it finally unleashes in it's final attempt to end the Vandread and our heroes before it's lost instead!

Cue a zoom in on the boy's face as he finally shows an expression of shock while the ship around him explodes.
Zs1: But there's still so much energy that needs dispersing... and even if it were to do so safely, the Super Vandread is at point blank. In an instant, it's covered in light and energy
Zs1: ????: "Friends. Precious lives. Friends are to be protected."

Zs1: Suddenly, the Paksis in the Nirvana starts flipping out. Neigh everyone is blinded by it, OR, blinded by the massive wave of energy it fires out from all canon ports.

Zs1: After the blinding wipe out of... the enemy! Well, most certainly the lead battleship, the Super Vandread is covered in Paksis, having protected it from the point-blank explosion of the battleship and the canon's energy. .
Zs1: Every other Harvester battleship in the area goes dead. All the Counterfit Gattai stop acting, only moving through space under their own previous momentum, bouncing off eachother near comically in a dramatic standstill of battle. Not one Harvester seems slightly active at all.
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita: The Paksis... it protected us all...
Steam (SRW mod): And at that Julia breathes a sigh of relief.
Arach (SRW): "This power..."
Steam (SRW mod): "... I was right..."
Knux (SRW): Coop: "...we're alive?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita heaved a sigh of relief as she leaned back in the chair. Finally it's over... finally...
Zs1: Cheers from every ship around, Taraak and Mejere alike, erupt over the coms. It's almost deafening!
Kami (SRW): Laura: "Of course."
Zs1: MISSION! COMPLETE! (It's time like this when I wish I had like... a .gif of a shine going across the world complete)
Kami (SRW): The one thing she'd had to cling to as a perfect, unshakeable certainty through all of that was that she could not lose Dita. Of course they made it.
Tenebro (SRW): Momo smiles gently before she has another violent coughing spree. Pulling that many Gs was obviously extreme punishment on her body.
Knux (SRW): Coop: "...Okay, that was cool!"
Steam (SRW mod): Julia then looks down at Dita's arm, swallowing a bit nervously.
Steam (SRW mod): "Dita, are you okay?"
Shaun (SRW mod): Dita nodded. She was glad everyone pulled through. And she giggled a little. "Laura healed me. I'm okay."
Kami (SRW): Laura: "Is everyone okay?" She still has a little of the good stuff to go around...
Steam (SRW mod): Julia nodded.
Arach (SRW): "The Rafale is a bit roughed up, but I'm fine..."
Steam (SRW mod): "I'm good... glad this is over."
Steam (SRW mod): "Corona's got a bit taken out of it but it's fine."
Shaun (SRW mod): "And now the hard part too... talking with the leaders of Mejire and Taraak."
Tenebro (SRW): Momo nods weakly. "I'm fine...Just a little tired." Weak lie. 'A little tired' equals 'damaged innards from pulling Mach YES!'
Knux (SRW): Coop: "Eh, Megas needs fixing. Again."
Shaun (SRW mod): "Looks like we'll be all docking with the Nirvana. I hope you guys can stand living on it for a while before we head back to reunite with the fleet."
Arach (SRW): "I, uh…eep."
Steam (SRW mod): Julia: "... I could use the rest. Though I think that goes for everyone."
Kami (SRW): Laura: "I think I'll manage." It won't be the first time, after all.
Kami (SRW): She takes Momo's lie at face value, distracted by - well, everything.
Tenebro (SRW): Momo nods a little. She has never been on the Nirvana but she is more than fine with any place right now so she can recover.
Knux (SRW): Coop: "...ah... never mind." Oh, boy, Him stuck on a spaceship full of girls. This'll be glorious or DISASTROUS.
Arach (SRW): (Definitely the latter)
*** Knux (SRW) has left the conversation.
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*** Kami (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** G-F (SRW) has left the conversation
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