Mission: "Yours is the Drill that Shall Pierce the Heavens" debrief

Oct 01, 2011 02:11

The mission "Yours is the Drill that Shall Pierce the Heavens" was a tremendous success!

The primary mission log can be read here and the side log can be read here.

Important notes:
- The White Chalice's intervention of the Neuroi has been reported to Fuso, and in turn reported to Britannia.  Hopefully the fact the 501st is still doing their job will smooth over that whole Black Knights thing.
- Simon and Kamina, members of Jeeha Village, have joined the White Chalice with the Gunman known as Lagann.
- A large, OOO-themed cake was sent to the White Chalice from the mayor of Fuuto to celebrate the first kill the TaToBa Kick has ever done.
- After yet another check of historical charts, Dan has again found no record of Jeeha village or the islands it's under.  For the time being, it's been agreed that knowledge of the islands to be kept on the down-low
- The pilot of the Gunzar was extracted from the machine.  Curiously, the pilot is more animal than human, with the uncreative name "Beastman" being applied to him.

- The Reinheit has had its right arm blown off at the shoulder.  The limb was recovered though and work to re-attach it has begun.
-Sigil's sword, as well as its left arm and its right leg, have beenseverely damaged by Neuroi lasers.  It will take some time to replace/repair them.
- Tsukasa Kadoya has taken some serious bumps and bruises from cushioning the Lagann's crash to the Earth.
-Yoshika Miyafuji has all but completely exhausted her readily availablemagical power.  It will take some time for her to recover her reserves of magic power.
- The Gunzar has also been recovered at the behest of Kamina, along with the wreckage of the various other Gunmen to be used as spare parts to repair the Gunzar and improve on it.

debrief, canon: strike witches, mission, canon: tengen toppa gurren lagann

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