Mission: "Stand By, Ready" scheduling post

Jul 29, 2012 15:59

Stand By, Ready

Just as it seems the case of the Book of Darkness can finally be closed, things take a turn for the absolute worst as the Book of Darkness's defense program activates, setting its sights on the White Chalice.

Canon: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (finale)
Characters: Nanoha Takamachi, Fate Testarossa, Chrono Harlaown, any five pilots
Type: Spontaneous
Setting: The area around the White Chalice (wherever that may be)
Schedule: This mission will ideally take place some time between Thursday, August 2nd and Wednesday, August 8th.  However, seeing as how I've just gotten a job but have no idea what my hours are yet for next week, that may change.

mission, canon: magical girl lyrical nanoha

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