3rd Not-so-Hot Blood

Sep 16, 2011 23:08

[[There he is, folks. The elusive Kamen Rider Technica. The guy MarKus sometimes mentions... the guy who pilots the presently leg-less Type-T "Technica" Frame.

Yeah... if you didn't know advanced math, you now know MarKus and Technica are one in the same. And at the moment, he doesn't seem to care much as he isn't wearing the helmet at all. He's propped up against a crate, drink in hand and the helmet at his side.

A swarm of thoughts are about him, so, you can sneak up on him, yell at him, probably punch him; all free game as he sits there.

Namely, he's torn up over the loss of his parent's work. He can rebuild it, but, that'll be forever and a day... when, and if (this has become an if now) he gets back aboard the Chalice.

Then there was Shirley... He'd protected her this time but... if something like that raining Festum crap happened again, they were both shit outta luck. But... well... She was safe now and that's what mattered.

Which had him thinking about something she'd said before. He was considering it, well... making sure to daydream about it... Getting married? Already? He certainly wouldn't say no if it came up, but, he wasn't going to bring that up unless she did.]]

Well... there went my parents' work...

hua cheng kwan, markus haley, haruka amami, shirley yeager, devon, route b

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