Starking Your Way Into Things

Oct 27, 2012 21:58

1. Gucun was alight with new ships coming in during the end of the crisis that had been on hand. While some of them carried supplies, one of them was a truly massive ship emblazoned with the words "Stark Industries" across it. Even before setting down, you could hear hard rock that pre-dated the Impact being blared over huge speakers embedded into ( Read more... )

tony stark, ranna

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2 nietzsche_waifu October 28 2012, 04:16:27 UTC
How strange of one man to deal in tools to both save and take human lives.


Re: 2 withboxofscraps October 28 2012, 04:19:49 UTC
Clearly you've never noticed us before, since we usually worked with Neo-America.

[Tony lowered his sunglasses.] Madam President. You look well. Stark Industries prides itself on peace-keeping weaponry and medical advances. We've got our fingers in everything.


Re: 2 nietzsche_waifu October 28 2012, 04:29:36 UTC
I had little interest in dealings of large corporations for most of my life. I do not know how economically viable is it to provide many different services with a shared goal in mind, rather than specializing in just one area. But the thought is commendable in itself.

Yun Li Kwan, mr Stark. I do not like official titles... especially since my husband is not technically a president.


withboxofscraps October 28 2012, 04:33:24 UTC
Well then, Yun Li if I may say call you as such, I'm here to offer as much aid as you can carry. It's why of course I brought the mobile expo.

Even if we've got nothing of military need, we also have some of our older projects, all using repulsor technology of course. I even have the flying car stuck here somewhere. Perfect for quick getaways and avoiding traffic when you want a Dunkin Donut.


nietzsche_waifu October 28 2012, 12:49:20 UTC
The State's people would be foolish to reject aid so graciously offered. We manage much better now than years ago, as we both realize... but that does not mean the time of need has passed.


withboxofscraps October 28 2012, 15:44:59 UTC
Well I'm nothing but generous. And Stark Industries, while not quite the biggest weapons group, also has a generous technology and aid program.

If there's anything that I can help improve or develop, go ahead and ask.


nietzsche_waifu October 28 2012, 16:15:12 UTC
The medicinal sector is still under development. It's much better than it used to be... but still not good enough. This is where Stark Industries could help most.

Gucun is built on principles of strength through superior firepower, so guns aren't lacking. It's everything else that's the problem.


withboxofscraps October 28 2012, 16:18:24 UTC
Understandable considering its history. I'll see what I can do, maybe move some of the expo gear into your medical sector for the time being. All of these are either working prototypes or mass produced for the medical facilities around the world and colonies.


nietzsche_waifu October 28 2012, 16:26:41 UTC
Much obliged. I am sure we can negotiate a fair deal for both sides.

In the meantime, please enjoy yourself. The State of Gucun treats its guests with respect and open arms.


withboxofscraps October 28 2012, 16:33:11 UTC
[Thumbs up here.] Got it. And feel free to look around, and request anything, and we'll go into negotiations for it.


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