Out of the cage/The long road

Oct 27, 2012 20:04

[Released from the Brig, Mad's first action is to seek out several people on the ship and gather several odds and ends. But what was the purpose behind them?

1) [Action OR Video] [Locked to Mechanics and 'Science' Types]
Brains for Brawn )

sora myoudouin, yui sendou, mad caine, laura ericks

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2a an_alpha_wolf October 28 2012, 11:30:35 UTC
Resnick pauses in the doorway. He'll probably never get used to seeing armor pop up out of nowhere. And while it doesn't look like it provides anywhere near the protection of an Elemental armor, or even the Inner Sphere suits that imitate it, he has to admit it does have the advantage of being much easier to put on.

"Have you tested the protection on that?"


noliesnohero October 28 2012, 12:42:52 UTC
Its on my to do list. I want to make sure I've got a good feel for it first.

[That and make sure it'll stand up in hazardous environments. But that'll come later.]

Besides... if I get what I've got planned for this thing right... it might give me an extra edge in and out of the cockpit.

[She fiddles about with the keypad once more - a different combination than the first. There's a flicker near the side of the belt - there's now a weapon hanging off of it now - an odd hybrid of gun and dagger. Mad draws the weapon from its slot and tests its balance.]


an_alpha_wolf October 28 2012, 23:29:21 UTC
"Hmm...perhaps we have some spare harjel and automedkits...It takes longer to get into the accompanying sensor mesh-" And it kinda looks like fishnets "-but the chance to plug any serious wounds you might get are well worth it. Does this mean you have found mech combat not for you and would rather be in the infantry?"

He doesn't know how he feels about that. The BTverse has the acronym PBI-poor bloody infantry-for a reason.


noliesnohero October 29 2012, 00:01:39 UTC
No. Its not that I'm getting out of the pilot's seat.... Its more that I get the feeling there'll be times I'll be forced out of it to fight.

[True, just look at how often the Chalice gets raided and filled with enemy troops.]


an_alpha_wolf October 29 2012, 00:17:13 UTC
"Sensible. I have the machine gun cluster loaded onto Prowler. We can mount that on a dummy and test its resistance to small caliber fire any time you want."

And also potentially play a horrible prank on everyone, not that he'd ever think of it.


noliesnohero October 29 2012, 00:31:43 UTC
Sounds good. I heard the guys who wear these suits can really take a beating. So it'll be good to see if its true.

[On the other hand Mad as she is now probably doesn't have as many scruples about it.]


an_alpha_wolf October 29 2012, 06:02:00 UTC
"Aff, we will mount it on a post or something. Come."

And off to the hangar they go. If you wanna use your comm to imply that you're about to be honor-killed, now's the time. Just don't let him find out about it.


HEY SORA! PRANK TIME!! noliesnohero October 29 2012, 16:34:58 UTC
[It was a cruel, cruel thing to do. And honestly Mad should even be ASHAMED of trying such a thing. But she isn't. So she clicks on the comm to a certain Irgelion Desu. She wanted to see just how much she was owed.]

Screwed up... so badly... guess the Clan had to get pissed off at me some time...

[Mad takes a carefully measured breath - in the comms she would sound like she's close to tears.]

Big Dog.... Resnick's taking me to the hangar. Death by mech he said. He asked me to wear the armor I was working on so I could at least go out feeling like a warrior... the least he could do he said...

I guess... this is it...

[Clicks the comms off, trying her best not to grin too widely.]


sunshine_maiden October 29 2012, 18:03:51 UTC
W-what!? Hold on, I'm coming...! [Sora has never been one to act with caution. As such, she's zipping as fast as her magic can take her through the halls, and barely clears the last turn, rushing into the hangar at top speed.] Mad...! STOP!

[She stands to look for the girl, and loses her balance, tumbling some distance across the open floor.] ...ow...


noliesnohero October 29 2012, 18:07:41 UTC
[And over there, on the far side of the Hangar was a figure in black. Standing straight and looking right at the chicken legged machine that was before it. Unmoving. Watching and waiting before the machine for its Judgement.]

[Of course unknown to Sora, Mad's at a vantage point to view the testing of her armor's durability.]

Okay Big Dog, I'm clear and its all set. Fire away!


sunshine_maiden October 29 2012, 20:17:49 UTC
Dammit, no! [Sora jumps to action; she's not close enough to throw an Aegis yet, and she's prone on the ground. Solution: generate a handhold and heave herself in the right direction. With a determined look she bursts forward one more time, grabbing Mad(?) with one arm to tackle her to the ground, throwing a (unfortunately weak) shield behind her with the other hand. Only when she makes it into the firing line does she realize something's not right. Of course, this all assumes she makes it in time...]


an_alpha_wolf October 29 2012, 20:29:56 UTC
The chicken-walker mech jerks its arm to the side at the last moment and a .50 cal machine gun shell pings the roof instead. Resnick turns on the exterior speakers.

"Live fire zone, Myodouin! Did they not teach you the basics of battlefield safety or are you merely stupid?"


sunshine_maiden October 29 2012, 22:22:27 UTC
I... huh? But you were... going to... kill... [She looks down at the dummy she'd just valiantly offered her life to save.]

Weren't you about to kill Mad? Some kind of punishment I don't remember because I only heard that she was in trouble and flew over at top speed? [She seems confused.]


an_alpha_wolf October 29 2012, 22:28:36 UTC
"I suppose you are merely ignorant then, because stupidity on this scale would require some kind of hemmoraging on your part. She is over there."

He gestures with his mech's arms at the no doubt obnoxiously smirking Mad.


noliesnohero October 30 2012, 00:01:11 UTC
[Mad waves at Sora with a cheeky grin.]

Hey Sora! Nice save! I'm pretty sure that Dummy really appreciates what you did for it!


sunshine_maiden October 30 2012, 01:29:55 UTC
[Sora's head cranes around to Mad. Then back to the Prowler. Then Mad again. Last, slowly, down at the thing in her arm. Something seems to click.]

Damn. Am I... that easy to fool? Just tell me someone's hurt and I'll come running like an idiot?

[She puts the dummy down and lets herself fall on her side, listless.] Sorry. Guess I'm in your way. [She doesn't have the heart to move, though.]


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