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can_not_fly September 9 2012, 11:18:28 UTC

[Cherubot is cutting through the swarm like a knife through butter, leaving a trail of explosions behind itself as it shoots, crushes, or outright rams through anything that tries to get in its path. Pit is clearly having a lot of fun, but that doesn't mean he's going to get careless - he's fighting for the whole planet, here! It's just he's also enjoying turning Harvesters into alien goo]


spiralribbon September 9 2012, 18:28:03 UTC
[A different flyer was buzzing around the Cherubot. The Wyvern's cannons tear the harvesters that try to get close.]

"O're Azure Skies and Emerald plains...."

[The pilot seems to be livened up, fighting for freedom.]

"Do you need some cover there Sir?"


can_not_fly September 9 2012, 21:28:21 UTC
Uh? Who're you talking to? [Offhand wreckball crush to a Harvester trying to melee him]
I think she's referring to you, Pit. [Rapidfire shooting, six more Harvesters explode]
For real? [Pit seems to light up] Nobody here believes me when I tell them my rank! Alright then! [He spins on himself and cleaves a good ten more with a continuous shining laser - clearly Pit is practiced at bantering and fighting at the same time!] See yourself with guts to help me with that big one? I could do with someone to take the escorts off me!

[Cherubot's ball points at one of the huge cruisers, surrounded by dozens of small Harvesters. A pretty scary target to be sure.]


spiralribbon September 9 2012, 21:49:39 UTC
"Well, I have been known for airstriking the impossible. Do you mind helping me make a door, Sir?"

[Missiles take out a set of four harvesters, as M1 flies towards the cruiser.]

"The bigger they are, the weaker they are on the inside."


can_not_fly September 10 2012, 08:35:32 UTC
I like the way you think!

Alright, then! I'll attack the flank to keep its guns distracted, get me an opening to go inside! Then get away, because once I get Cherubot in there there's going to be a lot of boom! [Pit's enthusiasm is almost infectious]

[In any case, Cherubot zooms forward and starts weaving and pelting the escorts and battleship with shots] Hey, you uglies! Look here- whoa! [And Pit narrowly dodges a full discharge of a good twelve capital ship cannons aimed at him. He's clearly succeeded in annoying the Harvesters. He then starts weaving around, in a dogfight with a good fifty Harvesters plus the continuous rain of cannon fire, keeping him on the defensive] Wah! I think the distraction plan might have worked a little too well! [He's hanging pretty well though]


spiralribbon September 10 2012, 22:35:26 UTC
[A shower of explosions along the side of a capital ship, taking out there gun directors. The space plane turns to take out some harvesters near the Cherubot, using long range missiles.]

"I thought I was going in. Didn't think there was anyone else who Wanted to go inside a enemy fighting unit. Well I have your door ready."

[The plane moved to another ship, and carpet bombed it with cratering munitions, opening the side of it.]

"And I have my door sir."


can_not_fly September 10 2012, 23:38:43 UTC
Haha, that's usually what they tell me too! I never got why, things are easier to blow up from the inside, normally! It's why I said I'd go myself - didn't think you'd want to!

[And taking advantage of the sudden explosions in their midst, he weaves and shakes off most of the harvesters, who start turning for another run while under Cherubot's cannon fire]

Well, if you want to, you can go, then! I'll leave the big ones for you! Killstealing isn't proper angel behaviour, you know![Yeah, for being under fire from all flanks, Pit sounds like he's having fun more than anything]


spiralribbon September 11 2012, 00:17:13 UTC
"Killstealing? Life and liberty care nothing for that. If it helps lead to victory, take whatever shot you need. Just make sure other friendlies are not in the way."

[The plane dives into a battleship. Tearing into bulkheads, it finds the weak point, and catastrophically explodes the ship.]

"Target destroyed. Do you need help with yours?"

[The plane makes it out, as various kinds of AA fill the air...I mean space.]


can_not_fly September 11 2012, 07:43:10 UTC
You'd be surprised at how much many defenders of liberty and life care for such things, miss.
Yeah! Once a guy didn't speak to me for days because I swooped in first! Not my fault Cherubot was faster!
[Even as he speaks he's rushing straight for the other cruiser, dodging the escorts and getting into the hole.

A half minute of apparent calm...

...and Cherubot comes back out at top speed, clearly running the hell away. Which is explained about twenty seconds later, as the entire ship basically goes up in a giant fireball like the Death Star. The shockwave makes Pit tumble a bit around space]

Whoa! Okay, next time I hit the reactor in one of these things, remind me to do so while already starting up thrusters!


spiralribbon September 11 2012, 16:27:51 UTC
"Are you ok Sir? That seemed a little close."

[As another salvo of missiles streak across the battle.]

"Little things you learn when you can't stop. Aerodynamics and all, funny thing it is."


can_not_fly September 12 2012, 08:50:42 UTC
Aerodynamics always has been a bad subject for Pit
Don't worry, I'm fine! That was pretty cool!
He really is. Pit's rather hard to kill. He just miscalculated how long it'd take to blow up.
Come on, now! Plenty of them where those came from! Keep on my wing, we're going to help those guys! [And Pit heads straight for a bunch of smaller Harvester aircraft doing bomb strikes on the Chalice's ground-air defenses]


spiralribbon September 12 2012, 19:54:37 UTC
"Well Remember, I'm not use to stopping!"

[Pits enthusiasm is rubbing off on M1]

"I also have not flown as a wingman in ages. Let's go flight lead!"

[The plane charges along side, it's space type engines getting a workout now!]


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