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zeonfunnelcake September 2 2012, 22:23:35 UTC

"Good, because I know where you sleep." Haman smirked, and playfully teased him. She was in to good of a mood today, and after everything that happened with Luger last week, it was refreshing to feel so... content.
"Which is to say, beside me, so you better not tempt me. I'll put my cold toes on you when you least expect it." It was only a playful empty threat.

"Shortly. I hope." Haman had never tried to throws a children's party before, she was a bit... wary that this might just be one big disaster.
"But before that, I have a present for you I want you to open before the party, ok?"
Haman pulled out a very crudely wrapper package, and handed it to Mineva.
"Can I really open this now?" The child got a little wide eyes, and immediately sat down on the floor and pulled the paper off. Inside was a new outfit, regular clothes, a regular child would wear.
"I though it would be nice for you to have some more clothes to play in. You don't need to wear that uniform all time after all." Haman smiled at Char, as if to say 'see, I can handle this just fine.'
"Wow Haman!! It's so cute!" Mineva hugged the little denim jacket, "Can I wear it now?"
"Of course you can. That's why I gave it to you now. You're a big girl, right? Go to the bathroom across the hall and change alright? And this time, come straight back." Haman wagged a stern finger so Mineva didn't make her disappearing act a repeat performance. The girl nodded happily and got up and ran out of the kitchen.

When she was gone, Haman stepped forward and stole a kiss from Char's lips, as she perched on tiptoes to reach.
"See, I can do this 'mommy' thing."


redfckngcomet September 3 2012, 04:49:22 UTC
Char watched the entire spectacle unfold, quietly proud. This was why he insisted Haman become the Regent; Haman cared about her, and knew for herself what it was like to lose her parents. Well, Char did, as well; but if it ever came to light who he really was, it would be extremely easy to accuse him of having an ulterior motive.

He smiled when he saw the outfit. He expected another Zeon uniform, but was pleasantly surprised to find out something else entirely. That was actually a cute outfit

When Haman dove in for that kiss, he wasted no time in returning it. "I know you can. But to this day I've never seen you throw a party."

The skepticism in his voice was entirely teasing.


zeonfunnelcake September 3 2012, 05:18:50 UTC

"That's because I never have. I usually have people who do this for me after all, it was all a bit challenging." She leaned back on her heels, looking a bit coy. "But I wanted her to be happy when I brought her here, like you said, so, I did the best I could. Cooking is a long was from my forte." Really it seemed the only things Haman was really good at was killing people, and making love. She definitely needed to broaden her vanishing point.
"I think when this little party if over, I've got a present for you to unwrap too." She wrapped her fingers around his wrists, and was about to say something else, when Mineva came back in, spinning around in her new skirt.

"Look! Look!!" She pulled on Char's jacket hem and grinned.
Haman laughed softly, and stepped back from him just a little.
"You look beautiful."


redfckngcomet September 3 2012, 21:07:51 UTC
"Well, I'll look forward to whatever idea you have for a party," Char answered. He knows that look. That coy look; only usually it precedes sex, not a little girl's birthday party. And yeah... Char enjoyed the latter more than the former when it comes to killing and fucking, but it didn't hurt to have other talents, as well.

"Oh? I thought most of the presents were for Mineva," he answered, when Mineva came busting back in. Char looked down at Mineva as she pulled on his jacket, and reached down to pick her up. "You do. Haman knows her fashion, at least."

Just a teasing comment for the woman who just teased him.


zeonfunnelcake September 3 2012, 23:32:43 UTC

It was strangely... a good day. Haman couldn't help but feel almost giddy with the strength of the joy that was surrounding her, pushing away the darkness and the whispered until she hardly remembered they existed at all. It was refreshing to feel so normal, so human, for once in her very pampered existence.

"May it never be said that the Regent of Axis isn't a stylish dresser." Now that Mineva was in his arms, it was easy to drape her arms around the two of them. It was so easy, this feeling of love that welled inside her seemingly endless, at time like these. It was everything she had ever dreamed it would be, more maybe even. She hoped against hope that this could go on like this forever.

"Don't hold you hopes to high, I've never done this before. But I'll try anything if it'll make Mineva happy." As she said it she rubbed her cheek against Mineva's playfully pocking her ticklish ribcage. The little girl squirmed and giggled and clung to Char's neck.
"Ahh help me Char, Haman is trying to tickle me!!"


redfckngcomet September 4 2012, 07:18:04 UTC
And this was why Char never gave up hope on Haman. She wasn't like the Zabis, even with all of the hatred she felt towards the Federation, and how she had killed Natalie and his unborn child. He'd never get over that. He'd never get over Lalah, either. But this... he finally had a chance to do something right. Something good.

To give Mineva the life that neither of them ever had, and to give the Colonists the Zeon that they deserved.

"Sorry Mineva, the oath I swore to protect you never mentioned tickling," he teased, kissing the young girl's cheek.


zeonfunnelcake September 5 2012, 22:38:03 UTC

"Nooooo! I command you to protect me!!" Mineva yelled and laughed as she tried to escape, squirming and clinging to Char. Haman was having none of it, her fingers somehow always finding the tender places to tease the giggles out of the child.
"You're not in charge yet." Haman came in close and snuggled Mineva's cheek, grinning.
There it was for all to see, there was a sweetness at the core of Haman, under the shroud of a monster, the heart of a child was hiding. And who could blame her? You would be a monster too...

"Alright. Alright. I'm done." Haman stood back, her face a little flushed with joy. How did everything become so very... right? It radiated off her like the summer sun, the rarest sort of feeling coming from The Regent.


redfckngcomet September 6 2012, 20:50:11 UTC
Char could tell. This was a side of Haman he hadn't seen since she was just fourteen years old, and it was refreshing to see her let herself go wild for once, especially considering what they have to deal with back on Axis.

"I can't overrule her, Mineva. Sorry," he teased, just as Haman embraced the two of them again. His free arm went around Haman's waist, pulling the three of them together, but only for a minute. He then set the princess down.

"I should go get ready for the party," Char commented. "And we still need to get this place cleaned up."


zeonfunnelcake September 6 2012, 21:43:58 UTC

It was funny when he chose to use the word 'we', Haman was starting to forget it had even been something that didn't exist once, this idea of 'We'.

"Don't worry about the mess, I made it, I can clean it up. I may be not be the greatest leader Zeon had ever known, but I'm still a woman. This should be easy." Right? Haman was really trying hard here, to impress not only Char, but others as well. Let it be known that Haman wasn't a complete bitch all the time. Sometimes, just sometimes, she was as human as anyone else.

When Mineva was back on her feet again, she immediately picked tried to pick up the broom with great awkwardness, a wide grin.
"Can I help too?"

Oh, if they could see this back on Axis!
Haman shuddered to think about it.


redfckngcomet September 8 2012, 23:46:36 UTC
Oh, it would be the story of the decade. And it would make a lot of people lose their opinion of Haman being a hard-liner.

"I'll hold you to that, Haman," Char responded, taking Mineva's hand in his own. "Now if you don't mind, I need to take her back the handmaid. New outfit or not, she needs a bath after playing around in the hangar all day."

As for the broom... "Sorry, Mineva. If the party's that soon..." he says, turning to grin at Haman, "Big sister Haman needs to clean this up by herself."


zeonfunnelcake September 11 2012, 02:22:26 UTC

Haman didn't like being called that, and the look on her face made it clear, even though she didn't say anything in protest. The only person who could have called her that was long gone now.

"Go on then you two, I'll take care of this."


The kitchen was cleaned with the help of A few other hands, and they little party went off with out a hitch. Haman was honestly impressed with the thought that Cynthia and Bernie had put into their gifts to the princess, and made a mental note to let them both know it. The cake was at least mostly taste, but a bit dry, but no one seemed to care.
When all was said and done, Haman found herself standing with the little princess in her arms, falling asleep against her guardian's shoulder.
"I think it's time someone went to bed."


redfckngcomet September 13 2012, 16:19:49 UTC
"Oh?" Char answered, noting the sleeping Princess. He remembered what Haman had said earlier, about Char's own present that he needed to 'unwrap.' He smirked, and nodded. "Okay, then. I'll be waiting for you in the other room when she's asleep."

When Haman would walk in, there was a bottle of wine already out, with two glasses... and Haman's favorite satin sheets.


zeonfunnelcake September 14 2012, 00:43:00 UTC

Mineva's was an easy child, all things considered, and didn't fight the need for sleep. Haman undressed the girl herself, and put her to bed with a kiss.

As the door closed behind her Haman leaned back and sighed aloud.That had gone so much better than planned, she couldn't have been more pleased with herself. After all she was the Regent, not a party planner, and a rather poor excuse for a mother.

Back at her own room she wasn't at all surprised to see Char waiting for her, he knew what was promised, and after a day like this Haman was looking forward to a little alone time with her main beau.
"Oh well, look at that." She grinned, quite pleased he was in the same mindset she was. She sat down beside him, leaning her head on the tip of his shoulder.
"It'll take it that I did a good job then?" She peaked a playful eyebrow at Char and smirked a little, obviously as worn as Mineva was.


redfckngcomet September 15 2012, 02:23:11 UTC
"That was still quite a mess you made," Char answered. "But all in all, I think it was a C Plus." Passing grade, just not stellar work. Char pivots at his seat at the edge of the bed, smirking at her touch. "Looks like you didn't forget about your promise, either."


zeonfunnelcake September 15 2012, 02:54:40 UTC

"A C+?" She looked a big disgusted with him, but only for a moment, and it melted into a smirk. Haman would never be the domestic type, even if she wanted to, but it was the effort that counted after all. It was a children's party, not a political affair, the latter would have gone much smoother.

"Alright, if that's all I get. I guess I'll take it." And no, she hadn't. "I haven't, I haven't. Can't a woman sit down for two minutes? I do all this in heels after all." She leaned forward and kissed him though, soft and warm, a taste of what she had in store for him. She linger nears his lips for a moment, reveling int he warmth of his skin, the way he radiated out like the very sun to her mind.


redfckngcomet September 15 2012, 23:47:43 UTC
He knew that's how she would react. He knew her all too well at this point, for better or worse. "Sure, you can sit down," he replied, about to make an innuendo before she leaned in to kiss him. He was only too happy to return the kiss, his hands moving to her sides, slipping his fingers underneath her shirt for just a moment.

"Exactly where did you want to sit down?" he asked, finally able to slip that in.


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