[The battle for Shin Dragon has been won... but one final step still had to be taken to cripple the Invaders' efforts in the Earth Sphere! The background Getter radiation that had saturated the planet had to be dealt with, and as the thing that put it there in the first place, Shin Dragon was what was needed to get rid of it again!]
Alright then... it's time to fucking do this!
[And as Kei grips the controls she steels herself before letting out a furious cry which Shin Dragon joins in! And at once, the air around Shin Dragon... and in fact all around the world itself begins to crackle with green energy... energy that immediately began to rush in to Shin Dragon! And that cry soon changed to one of pain though as Kei's body served as the conduit through which Shin Dragon undid the damage it had inflicted, bit by bit... until...]
... Fuck... and I just... woke up from that coma like... five minutes ago...
[The whole of Shin Dragon is smouldering and blackened, the thing looking closer to death than ever before. And as for its pilot? Well, Kei's looking very, very burned out right now and slumps over... but she's alive.]
(This is more for people to just react to the Getter radiation being re-absorbed into Shin Dragon)
[... Several days later however, and Kei's in the White Chalice's infirmiry, looking pretty worse for wear but still okay, all things considered.]
... Well...
That's an experience I'm glad I don't have to do again. Just so long as nobody sends another nuke at Shin Dragon. And if anyone puts me through that shit again they're getting a Getter Drill up their asses first thing.