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hearturrushrod August 27 2012, 22:06:31 UTC

"I've already said my piece to him. Whatever is festering is because Resnick doesn't understand how to take 'no' for an answer." Adette got to her feet carefully.

"I would appreciate it very much. Don't take it personally, but I don't belong here with you guys."


wardeninexile August 28 2012, 01:00:28 UTC
Ranna stayed close, but did not make any move to help Adette walk unless it seemed like she needed it. "He is tenacious enough, aff."

She did not respond immediately to the second sentence, but did sighed almost relaxingly as the exited the sheltered comfort of the medical facility and out in the blizzard, taking in the wind and the snow.

"I think the better way to phrase it is that we do not belong here. I believe the Great Father's decision to take the Star League Defense Force into exile was correct, though it created a certain... disconnect. I wonder if that is part of how the Warden philosophy came up?" Ranna shook her head with a sombre smile. "My apologies, that was rambling, quiaff?

I just want to clarify that if it seems like I have been attempting to get you to join Clan Wolf, that was not my intention. I just wanted to give examples of how we could co-exist, even if abeit awkwardly."

There was a sudden gust of wind, and Ranna seemingly skipped in her steps. It seemed that she was enjoying the blizzard, some how.


hearturrushrod August 28 2012, 01:20:23 UTC

"It's alright, really. I feel like I've been the one talking to much today." The cold wind barely affected Adette, this was her home, and she was acclimated to. But the wind was no colder than her heart right now, so it seemed appropriate that they should be out in it. Although the elemental sized jacket she had over her shoulder was definitely helping to keep the cold of her wounds.

"Awkwardly being the keyword here." Adette wished she could think of some way to make them understand. "And even if I did join you, what would I be? A delicate drawback? A fish with wings? I cannot breath the air you do. And I can't live the way you do no more than you could suddenly become like me. I appreciate that you're trying to do, please don't get me wrong. I like you alot, and I don't usually like other women." Adette didn't fail to see her sashay of joy, but it only made her feel more distance and angry.

"But I just want to go home. But I have no idea where that is anymore."


wardeninexile August 28 2012, 01:39:32 UTC
By Kerensky's Ghost, this IS Terra. She had spent most of her time on the White Chalice - this was the first time she could really enjoy the outdoor environment here.

"I am not asking you to live with us, quiaff? Neighbours, perhaps, when my Clan built our city here in Siberia. I believe that was our original plan when we took flight to the Inner Sphere. The amount of non-Warrior castes members we are moving is simply too big otherwise. We will maintain a seperate city, but stay open to trade and travelers. Plans will likely change due to this being Terra... but we can still trade with the Domes here."

She gestured at the night sky. Moments like this caused the fact to sink in - This is truly Terra. Ranna then smiled at the other woman. "I like you alot too, though I do not have other quantifiers for that."

"What of the peanut gallery? Do you consider a place with them to be home?"


hearturrushrod August 28 2012, 01:49:18 UTC

It was funny how she kept using that expression, did she even know what it meant?
"With those three? Ha. No, they're just gullible idiots dumb enough to follow big sis' to the ends of the earth. But their devotion is to the woman who looks just like me, but isn't me at all. They're just... a convenient crutch." There was no point making a facade of it, she didn't have the energy to make up grandiose stories that made her look better than she was. " Though I can't lie, I'm looking forward to having them around again. If nothing else, they're the armor I wear to protect myself from this feeling in my chest."
Adette felt like a Debbie Downer next to the elation Ranna was exuding all over the place, but right now, of all times, felt like the right time to be depressed.

"When do you think... we'll be able to get back to the Chalice?" I have some business I have to attend to.


wardeninexile August 28 2012, 02:03:05 UTC
Ranna took the information in, then nodded. "You must done something to earn their devotion, quiaff?"

Her expression appeared to be a bit less elated now, but those who noticed the spring in her steps would know otherwise. "I am uncertain. Perhaps within a week or two. Glory is still assisting with the ongoing relocation, and my Trinary, however good they are, is still a single Trinary."

Which she utilized to rid another two domes of Railway influence in just two days, but...

"We have to consolidate our holdings. That was a mistake of mine, allowing them to do what they did to Six." Ranna looked at Adette, her face serious now. "I am sorry for that.

It will not happen again, at least, not without so little warning. I have two Aerospace Points rotating patrol between the domes, and another two Elemental Points acting as forward warning elements. The rest of the Trinary will be on stand-by if we spot anything coming our way."

Ranna may not have her bloodname yet, but she is definitely one of the Kerensky bloodine.


hearturrushrod August 28 2012, 02:32:04 UTC

"You'll be surprised how far a big rack and a nice pair of legs will get you in this world." It was unlikely the Clanner had any idea about how sex-centric this world was, and though everyone pretended it wasn't so.

"You don't have to apologize for the dome thing. I knew they would try something drastic, I just didn't know it would be that. Nothing we can do about it now. I only wish they had taken the dome from 9 and not 6. I feel sorry for the people who have to relocate to 8 or 9. I know you're working hard to protect the Siberians, most of them seem to appreciate what we're doing here. They will more so when we show them just how wide the world... the universe is." Adette swallowed hard. "I know I did."
She had kind of hoped they would be able to go home sooner. She had been longer than they had, and with wounds like this all she wanted was her hammock and her bottle and... Micheal.

Lights shown through the snow ahead, the gate to get back in the dome, they where almost there. Adette was glad, hopefully she could catch a ride back to the terrible trio, and find some place to sleep this all off.


wardeninexile August 28 2012, 02:41:31 UTC
"Most of us Clanners take a more practical attitude to copulation - an enjoyable physical activity. That is usually done with sibkin. I had realised some years back that it was an attitude not shared by the rest of the Inner Sphere." Ranna shook her head.

"Once the relocation is done, and I am satisfied that the stravags will not be able to simply walk into the Domes, we will return to the White Chalice." Having access to the dropship allowed them to respond to any attacks on the domes far more quickly, even if stationed at the Chalice.


hearturrushrod August 28 2012, 02:56:16 UTC

"Sex can be careless, but it's never meaningless. We try and pretend it doesn't mean something all the time, but it always dose." The guard opened the gate and let them in. It wasn't much warmer inside the domepoli, but it was better than the biting cold wind outside.
Adette heard someone whisper her name, she was never going to get used to this. Being a hero was... strange.

"I think I can get there from here." She turned back to Ranna. "Thanks for talking with me, and patching me up. If there.... if there is any way I can get back to the Chalice sooner, let me know alright. If you don't need me, I'll be here. Resnick knows where my house is, though I was prefer if you sent someone else. The less I have to see of him the better if will be for everyone."


wardeninexile August 28 2012, 02:59:16 UTC
"Any objections if I was the messenger? The rest of my Trinary would be tired as it is." As if she was not, but she knew her limits better.


hearturrushrod August 28 2012, 03:41:46 UTC

"That's fine, but I wouldn't want to put you out. Send a Siberian if it's easier, it might easier for them to navigate the inner blocks anyways." Adette waved hand a little, she knew Ranna would probably do it anyways, and get lost in the inner city residential blocks.

"I'll see you soon then." she didn't wait, Adette walked off into the chaos, in a moment she was out of sight between the hustle and bustle people hurrying everywhere.
She had hoped this conversation would help out this strange and uneasy relationship they where building. Ranna was still a woman, surely she could comprehend what Adette was saying better than that blockhead Resnick. Maybe she could set him straight, make him understand why they simply could never be.

There was a man with a old motorcycle just up ahead, Adette hurried up to him (though he made her feel dizzy to do so) and asked if he would give her a ride. When she told him who she was, and showed him her wounds he was happy to do so.
"Everyone will be jealous to hear I got to give the great 'Big sis Adette' a ride on my old bike." He laughed, like it was some treat, but Adette just felt worse for it. She was no hero, she had never set out to be one, and yet somehow her name was known the domes over already. Fate always did have a funny way of giving her exactly what she didn't want.

At last they reached the place she had left her Trio, they where still there, albeit they looked much more tried now than they had before. But they waved and yelled when they saw he come up, excited to have their leader back again.
When Adette dismounted the bike, and tanked the driver he sped away, and she turned to her troops with a pitiful look of guilt and sadness. None of them had ever seen this look on her face, but they reacted accordingly, taking up on either side of her.
"Will you take me to my house?" She asked them meekly, and they chorused in agreement. It wasn't far really, and Adette was glad for it, but the time she arrived she could barely hold herself up right, and was more or less being carried by Enge and Kijinan. When they enter the back lot the rest of her 'troop' was outside waiting, they rushed to help.
Adette didn't really remember it much, but she was carried in by no less than 6 of her own men, each holding her as carefully as one would a child. There was some commotion when they got in the house, surely her brothers rushing about in shock at the state of their dear little sister.

An old worn mattress had been drug from the bed room, to the floor before the hearth, and they put Adette there, helping her slid out of the over sized coat, and blood stained clothes. Careful hands covered her with a ratty old quilt that smelled like cedar and woodsmoke. Adette's mind was not even attached to her body anymore, it felt like she watched these things, these acts of genuine kindness, happening to someone else.

Keijinan stood with his back to the wall, watching as Jaboli dipped a rag in water over and over, trying to clean the dried blood from Adette's stomach. And her eldest brother combed out her hair and braided it lopsidedly out of the way. There was a hush on the house, everyone seemed to be holding their breath, waiting for that moment when they could breathe a collective sigh of relief. The only sounds where the crackling of the fireplace, and soft humming from Jaboli's lips as she worked. And somewhere between the fire warmth, the pain in her gut, and the tender kiss of loving hands, Adette closed her eyes and fell asleep, praying that she would never have to awaken again.


wardeninexile August 28 2012, 03:57:19 UTC
Ranna waved back, before navigating her way back to the outskirts, where her Warhawk was waiting. It was an interesting night, and the day as a whole was not quite satisfactory.

She powered it up, and went back into the night for patrol.


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