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Re: Day 2: Daytime hearturrushrod August 25 2012, 04:53:08 UTC

Adette was awe struck by the sense, the huge dome removed left the city venerable to the harsh elements of the tundra. the houses looked so small, as if one good snowstorm would simply blow them all away.

"We have to stop them! We can't let them get away with the dome!" Adette shouted frantically into her comm system. She hated this awkward feeling that was building in her chest every time she saw Resnick face on her screen.

She wasted no time, and charged in to fray with out thinking. She scooped up a long iron garter in the power Golame's hand, ready to bash some heads, both literally and figuratively. no one was going to come to her town and do this.

Two dogonzzo charged her, bu Adette was ready. She cracked on in the knees, and it flipped as the force of it's change was suddenly redirected. As if flew through the air, she grabbed the mech from the air and swung it at it's counterpart. The terrible, beautiful song the metal on metal crunch caused Adette to shout with the force of her blow. When they where fallen, the Power Golame stepped on top of the broken Dogonzzo's, and crushed them with the weight of her overman.

"Who's next?!" She shouted over the speaker system. "Who's want a piece of Big Sis?!"


Re: Day 2: Daytime an_alpha_wolf August 25 2012, 05:40:16 UTC
It wasn't just an aesthetic sense. A blizzard was drifting in from the north, in the city's direction. In fact, soon the pilfered dome would be in it too, and then it'd be a sumbitch to track.

The first lead mech surged ahead to support her. Then there was a sudden flower of light and sound from the ground underneath it, and the Jenner IIC went flying up several dozen meters, minus the left leg below the knee, accompanied by imprecations over the comm against the ancestry, honor and sexual habits of whoever laid that deadly egg.

"Mines!" Resnick warned as he targeted one of the riding Dogozzos too and let loose with a full flight of LRMs that bloomed bright against its fragile armor, causing it to topple backwards, gutted.

He activated his jump jets to hop towards the dome, but as he hit the ground, a long rifle barrel emerged from below the dome and swept his mech's leg out from underneath him. It took all the coordination his EI implants gave him to keep the mech upright.

And to add to that, more bad news over the comm: "Big Sis...they took out the power before they left. And the backup generator for the hospital."


Re: Day 2: Daytime hearturrushrod August 25 2012, 06:07:54 UTC

Of course they did!" she snarked back on the comm, as the next round of enemies charged her. She tore one of the rifle out of the hands of the Dognozzo she had just crushed and fired wildly at the approaching troops. One fell, another took damage before Adette turned the gun in her hand and used it like a club, one hit to the head was all that Dogonzzo could take, it broke into pieces, flying into the snow.

Adette turned, to slow, the dogonzzo get a few cheap shots off, but the Overcoat kept her safe.
"Ha!" She shouted, as the Power Golame sung it's claws into the enemy mech's chest. "You'll have to try harder!" With a flick of the arm the Power Golame tore to dogozzo to shreds.

But the dome was pulling away in the distance, if they got away with it there was telling what would happen.

"Do what we can to move the civilians into the other domes. Its a crying shame, but you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs!!"
Adette was getting mad, you could see the photon mat appearing around her overman.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to say this..." Adette dashed after the dome, as fast as the Golame would go. It could not fly with the overcoat it, but it still made good speed, diving into the cluster of peons.
"But, now it's time to use MY OVERSKILL!"
All at once the photon mat changed and turned into a spinning disk of light and terror!

The moment the disk was free, it sliced through grunts left and white, and those who where left met the Power Golame head on, charging like a football player. Throwing mechs into the air, and even once headbutting a dogonzzo into submission. Her shouts sang like music through a symphony of destruction.


Re: Day 2: Daytime an_alpha_wolf August 25 2012, 08:24:19 UTC
Though physical attacks still made him a little nauesous, when he saw Adette jump into the fray screaming like a banshee and bashing heads, Resnick instantly began to wonder if walking away from her last night had been a good idea.

Wrenching Prowler back into balance, he leap frogged into the fray, cutting down the much lighter dogozzos and dorbeks, trying to match her battle frenzy. They went tumbling to the ground with legs sliced off clean at the knee, or exploded as their engines were penetrated. The cold atmosphere let him run hotter than normal.

Yet even as he took some down, more appeared, proving in miniature the ultimate failure of the Crusade to Terra: your state of the art machine could take out five, but they could always make ten.

They were carving a path together, but more waited on top of the dome, taking pot shots at them from on high. As long as they could be delayed here by this bubbling swarm of cheap mechs, they'd never get there...


hearturrushrod August 25 2012, 08:54:39 UTC

"We have to at least slow them down! If we can knock the dome off whatever they're using to move it at least they won't get away with it!" Adette loosed her Disk Harpoon again, cleaning herself a path towards retreating dome. She picked up parts of broke mechs, and used it to beat others down. She dove in deeper, trying hard to catch the dome, she knew if she could catch it the power of her Overman might be enough to derail the Railway's plans.
She had no idea how they where going to put it back over the city.

She saw an opening and went for it, dashing passing enemies as they swung and fired at her. The overcoat allowed her to shrug most of the damage, which was helpful but even it had a tolerance.

With out thinking she rushing in and grabbed the lip of the dome, and leaned back, sinking the Golame's feet deep into the perma frost.
"GIVE IT BACK! The people need this!" Suddenly it had become an elaborate game of tug of war. The air around the golame shimmered as it did exactly what it was designed to do, be big and strong. The dome came to a standstill as men atop is scrambled to take out the nuisance. Some of the men whispered among themselves, they remember when this unit was on there side.

"I could use a hand here!!" Adette tried to spread her photon mat to absorb even more of the on coming assault but the Overman was taking a right beating. The mech shook and rocked with each attack, but Adette refused to let go.


an_alpha_wolf August 25 2012, 09:12:25 UTC
"Aff. Just do not let go." He said, with another jump jet burst that landed him next to her. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep, or the rattling of cannon rounds shaking him inside his cockpit but his voice sounded a bit slurred, as if he were drunk.

A Timber Wolf wasn't much good in a tug of war contest, even with hands. But he could keep the mooks off of her. Popping from side to side, he did not let up firing, even as his LRM ammo ran low and heat spiked in his cockpit, making him sweat even as the blizzard started to breath its gray, cold breath over them.

And then the simplest thing in the world happened. The center of the dome was a hole, normally used to let sunshine in to the park at the center.

Something around a third the size of his mech emerged from that hole and went rolling down towards them. Then two more somethings. Round, distressingly familiar somethings.

"Stravag! Adette, let g-" And then everything around him was light and heat, so loud it wasn't heard at all, but more felt, as if someone had set off a firecracker in his head filled with the whine a trideo set with the volume turned off made in his skull.

To put it simply, they'd rolled a couple of really big bombs down on them. The Railway didn't much care if the dome took damage, they were just going to cover it with astroturf and make it into a ski resort anyway.


hearturrushrod August 25 2012, 09:42:46 UTC

And then there he was, right beside her, doing his best to help hold down the dome, but it was pointless, even at full power the Power Golame's feet where starting to drag through the ice.
"I don't know how much longer we can hold on like this!" The Overcoat was starting to smolder, this couldn't be good at all.
And then came the bombs, Adette had been to focus on pulling to notice them until it was to late, one of the bombs hit the power golame square in the face, exploding on impact, throwing the heavy Overman back into the snow, the outer layers of metal glowed red hot for only a moment before the winter air chilled it again.

Inside the cockpit whistles and alarms blared loudly in her head.
"My Overcoat is nearly toast! I'm in trouble now!" Stuck on it's back the Overman was vulnerable, and unable to right itself. "I'm going to have to eject my Overcoat, can anyone have a ranged weapon I can use? I'm a might useless with the coat." Adette was already ejecting it, her naked mech crawled out of the pigish coat. "Picking up and recovering this coat has a very high priority, I'm not giving those bastards back what I've rightfully stolen!" She barked into the comm system, someone was sure to take care of it for her.


an_alpha_wolf August 25 2012, 10:21:15 UTC
As his mech staggered to its feet, Resnick replied with what he thought was "Aff, I am moving to cover it." but really came out more like "afgalfmng tkkvrrch". His ears were still ringing and despite cooling down, the feeling of heat in his cockpit wouldn't go away.

Nevertheless he managed to jump directly onto the discarded overcoat, already being eyed hungrily by the Railway mechwarriors, who'd get a nice bonus if they brought that back. He keyed into the open channel.

"If you want this, come and claim it in single combat! I will show you how a Warrior of Clan Wolf fights!" He bellowed, still brashly confident despite the swaying motion his mech was showing. It was a parralel to Natasha Kerensky's death on Twycross two months ago. Certainly he wasn't the equal of the Black Widow, but these salaryman mechwarriors were hardly Falcon Guards either.

"That...good enough for you?" He said, already turning his mech to the left to avoid a shell from a dorbek. He could only hope Ranna, and reinforcements arrived before the light mechs circling him lost their fear and rushed him en masse.

Meanwhile, the section of dome Adette had been pulling on lay in a hunk about three times the size of an overman in the snow, broken off by the stress on the metal. So much for repeating the stunt with the city units.


wardeninexile August 25 2012, 10:32:06 UTC
"Minimize further damage to the dome," came Ranna's voice over the comm channels in a clipped tone.

PPC bolts and lasers flashed across... from the direction the Railway is moving towards. Her Command Star leading the light and faster Able Star.

"Adette and Star Captain Resnick, need not worry about immediate reinforcements. We have intercepted them."

Was that multiple smoke trails coming over the horizon? Hard to say, what with the newly arriving Clan mechs opening up on the Railway mechas. It seems Ranna's decision to outfit her Trinary with mostly energy weapons is paying off, as the cold climax allow them to fire off more shots.


hearturrushrod August 25 2012, 21:00:01 UTC

With the cavalry pulling in Adette didn't feel so bad about the loss of her Overcoat. Sure, with out her Photon Mat and coat she was completely with out shielding, but she had something else up her sleeve still.
"You sound like shit Resnick, get it together! You're built to be a better pilot than me right?"

Adette ground scored two rather beat rifles, tucking one under each thin arm, before taking to the air.
The thrusters caused snow to fly around her as the Overman lifted off, and soared into the quickly darkening sky.
The same hole they used to roll down bomb would be their newest weakness. From above Adette threw down a heavy a heavy barrage of fire, she could see a mech or two pulling back and away from the opening to protect themselves from the fiery rain Adette was sending down upon them.
She laughed aloud into her comm system, letting her delight for the battle show clearly. She had lost any sense of restraint now, her nerves stood on edge, every movement in her field of vision was carefully watched, and noted.

Adette fell back, twisting through the air as the Railway returned fire. This feeling... this exhilarated feeling of flying, it was the first time Adette had ever tried it in the Golame, each rush of motion made her stomach leap and drop.
As she came back from more, heading this time to land on the top of the dome, guns a-blazing and all that, when something very strange happened.
A rainbow light engulfed the overman, Adette knew this feeling, even though she was unable to do anything about it.
From the hole in the dome came the Rushrod, (or rather was surely was a second Rushrod after they had destroyed the first one.) and Adette gasped.
But it was all to late, Yasuba open fired on the unprotected overman, shouting some self righteous bullshit about how Adette was the true enemy here.
She couldn't hear him, the moment his shots ripped through the metal of her overman his grip on the time-space around her loosened.
The overman tipped back, hanging for an instant in the air, before gravity gripped it, and it tumbled down the side of the dome with a hell of a noise, before landing with a thud in the snow.
The Power Golame when silent, your display only showing darkness inside the cockpit, with a few slivers of light leaking in through the holes that Yasuba's bullets had torn in it, and the barely audio-able sound of shallow breath.


an_alpha_wolf August 25 2012, 21:40:53 UTC
Resnick was going to offer some witty banter in retaliation, but had to twist his mech out of the way of a barrage. He swept his lasers over the source of the barrage and it backed away, bubbling molten armor making steam of the snow. Half a flight of LRMs finished it off, just as a second barrage pinged into his side armor. He could hear her laughing, which caused his heart to skip a beat then return the following even more intensely. The cockpit felt like a sauna, though no damage had yet been reported to the heatsinks. The rest on the other hand...well ten tons of ferro fibrous armor was a lot, but was still completely eaten away in points, showing the guts of the machine as they sparked.

Then he glanced up and the feeling of unreality intensified. He could have sworn he saw Adette's mech hang there, like a miniature in a diorama. No jump jets. Then something happened and she tumbled to earth. His heart skipped a beat again, for a far worse reason and he knelt to snatch up the overcoat, before jetting over to her.

He came down on top of the broad plate of a dorbek's torso, crushing it and its pilot beneath his superior weight. He let out a primal cry, wasting no time in dropping the overcoat and punching through a dogozzo's cockpit.

For a moment it was six years ago and he saw, superimposed over his own vision, his mech's hand smashing into a different cockpit, a different kind of scream, someone else's blood. And then he was back there as the rest of the Railway mooks got their act together and knocked him sprawling with a coordinated barrage. Propped on his side, he managed to drive them away with a final flight of LRMs, at least for a few more moments.

That was when he heard Ranna and her command star arriving ahead of them, driving through the blizzard to try to cut off the dome from the other side. They'd need everyone they could for that. They couldn't spare people for a rescue...Couldn't...

"Mechwarrior down. May need a medic." He meant Adette but that could just as easily apply to himself.


wardeninexile August 26 2012, 02:40:53 UTC
The Railway mechas that knocked Resnick down could not celebrate for long, as a salvo of Arrow IV missiles came screaming in. Bravo Star must have used Resnick telemetry to fire in. The massive warheads more or less vaporised each Dogozzo they hit.

Ranna cursed softly before commanding, "Elemental Point One and Two, break off and support Akula and Star Captain Resnick. Bravo Star will continue support. Able and Command will continue advancing."

There was a chorus of 'Aff's as the Wolf mechs continue to close the gap. She trusts her Elementals to cover the other two, but she still worries.

They were friends and comrades after all.


hearturrushrod August 26 2012, 04:30:17 UTC

The world swirled around Adette' head, the screen of her overman had gone black, there was liquid dripping from somewhere...
In Adette's mind all she could see was...
Yasuba shot me!!

Though her screens where dead, her comm system was still working. The barking and shouting in the speakers bled together, it all became one long sound.

And then she screamed. High and shill at first, and then is descended into a shout of rage.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" Adett threw herself up in her seat, pulling desperately at the control. The Overman tried to turn on once.. twice... but it remained dark. She screamed at her mech over and over, telling it what a piece of shit it was for not moving. The Rage and shock overloaded her brain, she didn't feel the blood soaking her jacket from the inside, or the cold wind that whistled through the holes in her cockpit, riding in just before the storm. Now, bits of snow where blowing in, the wind was picking up high, the sound of explosions echoed through her cockpit.


an_alpha_wolf August 26 2012, 05:07:17 UTC
The real enemy...She warned you to get out of here, you fool. She offered you hegira. I will not.

The ten Elementals came bounding in towards them and swarmed the remaining Railway mechs sorrounding them, pulling off armor plates to get at the men and women inside. Some surrendered. Most were too terrified and sealed their own fates by firing at the alien looking armors with pistols.

Two Elementals peeled off and hopped down to where she lay. From his own crippled mech, Resnick popped the hatch and staggered out too, carrying his cockpit's medkit. One of the elementals supported him as he staggered to her cockpit. The wind and snow whipped at him. His hands froze.

They knocked at the hatch. "Adette! Can you get out?"

"Is everything alright, halfback?" Said the lead Elemental, the same one that had crushed her while they were playing football.


wardeninexile August 26 2012, 07:22:16 UTC
Even as Ranna kept an eye on the comm channel, she calmly picked off more Railway mechs emerging from the moving dome. In some ways, she was very different from Resnick. The angrier she got, the calmer she appeared. Blue bolts picked off her enemies with almost frightening precision, and her Command Star was urged on to try and match her accuracy.

As the range closed further, it became utter massacre as medium pulse lasers came into play. Ranna had taken out the LRM-10 for a trio of them, and they spewed forth a stream of light amplified death. It also became clear the damage to the dome was not something they were equipped to repair in any reasonable period of time. That means that they would have to evacuate the civilians or have they freeze to death. Unacceptable.

The callous disregard for lives irked her... greatly. The next salvo of PPCs destroyed 4 Railway mechs.


hearturrushrod August 26 2012, 08:02:12 UTC

"It's not alright. I've lost most of power! I can't open the cockpit, you'll have to rip it open." Followed by a string of cuss words in Russian she she slammed her hands into the controls again and again.

A moment later the sound of ripping metal filled Adette's ears, a sound that was becoming more and more common today. She had never been more pleased to see the giant woman that had broken her ribs.
She held out the arm of her mech, and Adette reached out and gripped the three handed arm that was extended to her. It was only when she thrown as carefully as possible over the the shoulder of the elemental armor did Adette finally notice how much damage she had taken.
She was thankful for her gloves as she hugged the icy metal of the armor, being that her jacket was stained in crimson down the front and right sleeve. The cold cut her face deeply, and made the blood freeze almost instantly in the fabric.

Adette's head was swimming, the bitter cold of the storm kissed her cheeks and ears with such ferocity that it put Resnick's teeth to shame.
"Please, don't drop me." She closed her eyes tightly. "I'm the football now. Take me to the endzone... please."

The up and down gain of the Armor as it ran made Adette's head bob back and forth, her right hand could hardly grip, and she feared she might fall at any moment. But... trust. She had to trust.
Trust Celeia.
Trust Ranna.
Trust Resnick.
And more so...

Trust herself.


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