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Re: Base Camp: Day One hearturrushrod August 24 2012, 03:07:14 UTC

Adette spent most of the immediate hours after the battle with her own men. First to mourn the loss of Texas, and then to celebrate their victory. In the few short weeks she had been here she had grown very close to all these men, and now, as her brother appeared out of shadows to join their small party.
There was hugging and rejoining all around, and Adette knew she had to rejoin the Wolves soon.
After a few shots of old Texas's homemade moonshine was rushing through her blood steam Adette felt brave enough to face the music. She quickly let down her hair and brushed it out with her fingers, smothing it with a bit of snow.
Adette hugged her brothers, and went off into the dark, pulling her heavy jacket around her tightly.

Adette hung in the shadows for a moment, looking in at the group of warriors, acting very much like her own group of Siberian's had.
She hoped that both sides would be able to see how very much alike they all where, despite such obvious differences.
For once in her life Adette was nervous to walk into the group, an she hesitate for a moment.


Re: Base Camp: Day One an_alpha_wolf August 24 2012, 03:10:36 UTC
Around the heater, the mixed group of Wolves and Siberians noted her approach. 'Big Sis...' was murmured by several of them, the appelation that had spread around the domes. Some of the Wolves asked what a 'big sis' was and had to have it explained to them.

Resnick finished his slug of the firewater and offered it to her, silently but with a smile.


Re: Base Camp: Day One hearturrushrod August 24 2012, 03:51:03 UTC

Adette fingered a ringlet of her hair uneasily for a moment, then took a breathe and sat down.
It was almost unnerving the way she heard her nickname was whispered, and ego inflating at the same time. She had kind of expected it, but it was weird hearing it.

She took the drink and sat down beside him, a healthy arm length between them, and she tipped back the drink. The burn of warmed her stomach, and helped to push away the awkwardness in her gut.

When she handed it back her usual look of smugness painted her features.



an_alpha_wolf August 24 2012, 04:10:50 UTC
"An auspicious start, quiaff? The people here seem to hold you in high esteem."

He knew her pride was almost as great as his, and before anything else, it would have to be appeased after he'd pulled her ass out of the fire earlier that day. Not her fault, he thought. You could not account for every wagging tongue in that kind of operation and that was why he preferred to stay clear of it altogether if he could.

He didn't think much of her distance at first. After all, everyone was exhausted. The only evidence of the clanner general disregard for privacy was how some of them were sleeping heaped on top of each other for warmth.


hearturrushrod August 24 2012, 04:24:28 UTC

"Things are going to well. I keep expecting something to explode, and people to start screaming. I don't know how anyone could sleep." She shook her head a little, hating the way her heart was fluttering in her chest. I though I dealt with this already.


an_alpha_wolf August 24 2012, 04:38:31 UTC
"We have learned. Though perhaps we should be more wary...no clansman would open fire on another while they were asleep. The Railway has no such honor."

That was greeted with general agreement and recall of some of the dirty tricks the Railway had pulled in the past, mostly true, though drunken hyperbole was beginning to show up. Across the rough bark, his hand sought hers, unaware...


hearturrushrod August 24 2012, 04:54:10 UTC

Adette almost reached out, but instead she drew her hand back and pushed them in her pockets.

"Anybody got a cigarette?" She said to those around them, and in a moment three cigarettes where held out to her, she took one, and the accompanying match to light it. She wasn't much of a smoker really, but time like this it felt needed. At the very least it would keep her hands busy.

"I have no idea what they have planned, or if they have anything planned at all. I'm just nervous. But... it has been nice to be back here, I will be glad when all this over though. " She held her hand out to take a bottle from another man, taking a shot off the bottle with out thought, though she thanked him when she handed it back.

"Anything going on back on the Chalice I should know about? I bet no one even knew I was gone." She mused, and wrapped her lips around the filter of the cigarette.


an_alpha_wolf August 24 2012, 05:16:18 UTC
Resnick looked surprised, not hurt yet, but wondering what the deal could be. Perhaps, he thought, she was misinterpreting that as a desire to copulate, something he was far too exhausted for.

"Some did. Gainer Sanga obsessively played his simulator for a while until someone dragged him off. We defeated Kashmir in Alaska, from which we claimed three pieces of isorla." Read: The Terrible Trio, who were clearly not well liked around these parts and thus best left as implication. "I think you will like. Then enemies from my own time showed up in New York, the Word Of Blake. We drove them off, at cost to ourselves."

No mention of Micheal. He didn't know what to say about that. The man had buried himself in his work and was usually unfindable.


hearturrushrod August 24 2012, 05:27:29 UTC

"I expected Gainer to do that. If he didn't do exactly that I would have been surprised." The smoke she exhaled hung in the still, cold air. "And the battle never ends on that Ship. Every week the world almost ends. I haven't missed that part of it even for a moment." She ashed into the snow and looked around, and frowned.

"Let go for a walk, bring that drink with you." She stood up abruptly, and tossed her hair over her shoulder with a flourish. "There's something I want to show you. Tell me about this treasure while we walk."


an_alpha_wolf August 24 2012, 05:43:32 UTC
Resnick took the vodka and said goodnight to his comrades, old and new. He walked with her into the cold air, where lights showed frightened faces, flickering bonfires around which the more gleeful and bold were dancing, drinking and kissing too.

"The isorla are named Keijinan, Enge and Jaboli. They are on the dropship now." Read: Under guard in case Adette overestimated their character and they try to make a break for the Railway. "What did you want to show me?" He stuck his hands into his pockets too, stiff from hours at the controls.


hearturrushrod August 24 2012, 05:51:54 UTC

"Wait." She stopped and turned. "You have the terrible three? You have my men?" She looked shocked. "I couldn't find them anywhere, I was worried they had been excited for heaving worked for me or something!" She laugh out loud in sheer relief. "Why didn't you tell me you sooner you moron? They would have been useful a week ago!" She moved to punch his arm, but stopped herself, and returned her hand to her pocket instead.

"Well I'm glad they're alright." She turned back to the path they where walking, passing in the shadows pass small group of people celebrating, complaining, hiding, it was all really the same. The air was thick with collective held breaths, everyone knew something was coming when the sun came up, but no one had any idea what it was.
"It's just a bit further. Can't you just enjoy the walk?" She held out her hands for the bottle. "Give that here. I've been sober for weeks."


an_alpha_wolf August 24 2012, 06:25:19 UTC
'Terrible' was right. He was glad to hand them off to her. "It was after your last transmission. I did not want to risk another one so soon..." And from what Ranna said, she certainly didn't seem in the mood to be bothered more than once.

It was certainly a tense atmosphere, but a slowly unwinding one. The oppression of living under a dictatorship (albeit a bumbling one) was being slowly replaced by that of war.

He handed her the vodka. Already it was starting to glow warm in his stomach.

"You poor thing." He said, remembering the Refusal War, so recent and yet somehow acquiring the luster of age in memory, when he'd gone without any kind of indulgence for six months. He liked this side of her better anyway, the competent HBIC. Maybe she'd learn to handle the bottle as recreation and not as crutch though, now that she was home.


hearturrushrod August 24 2012, 06:36:55 UTC

"Oh yes, poor poor Big Sister Adette." She mocked him mocking her, and snatched the bottle from his hand. "Forced into sobriety by the burden of duty." She swayed as she walked, like a young hooligan drinking from the bottle as they walked, completely unashamed.

They turned a corner and went down an alley between the tight buildings, and then over half of a stone wall, just beyond there was a big fire burning, and the sounds of boisterous celebration could be heard. As soon as the fire light washed over her face they all turned and yelled drunken greetings at them.
"Didn't expect you back so soon sis- oh!" The man who came over was obviously Adette's brother, the same eyes, and height, even the same manner of smirking. It was uncanny.
"Oh shut up!" She scolded him, putting her hand on his chest and pushing him backward. "I though I out to introduce you boys to our illustrious benefactor. Resnick. Resnick, the boys... Dutch, Chuck, Mike, Julie, and then of course, my brothers."


an_alpha_wolf August 24 2012, 06:51:44 UTC
Already exaggerated sloppiness was overtaking her. But he wasn't fooled. He'd just seen the aspect of her that she never showed on the Chalice. If they ever made it back, they'd never believe it.

He followed, buzzed himself, and leaped the half-wall. He was fascinated by her and her brothers, the way they interacted. It was like and yet unlike a sibko. Instead of a constantly shifting hierarchy of dozens of little brats, it was relatively small and contained and everyone clearly both deferred to (to an extent) and looked up to her. The resemblance was clear too...though she'd clearly gotten most of the sexy genes, he thought to himself.

'Illustrious benefactor' would technically be Ranna, but he found himself liking the sound of it. "I see I am just in time for the celebration." He said. "This place is looking better already."


hearturrushrod August 24 2012, 06:59:48 UTC

"Much better than sitting around a space heater." Adette took up a rusted crate by the fire and preached on it, flipping the last of her cigarette into the fire. As if it where some unspoken signal the other man backed off, Chuck laughed a little and rubbed his nose as he grinned.

"This is much better." She turned to look at him, the firelight dancing on her soft curves of her face, Adette smiled a little. "Don't take it personally, the party is just better on this side of the fence."


an_alpha_wolf August 24 2012, 07:24:51 UTC
He sat on an unoccupied cinder block on the other side, watching the way the firelight played over her.

"None taken. The hangar is cold and has no fire and I have seen nothing but the other Fourth Wolf Guards for the past two weeks while we got ready for this." He looked at the others around the fire. More hard bitten men, from a hard bitten place. He could have grown to like it there himself. "Tomorrow, I need your help..." He waited for assent or just to be told to go on. "Let it be known that the Railway's stores are now open and to be distributed equally." That anyone might not distribute the goods fairly didn't even occur to him. "All military items are ours. Everything else is yours. Except the liquor." He grinned and reached over the fire to take the bottle from Adette, down a shot and pass it. "On that we must insist on an even split." He grinned.


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