[[This is Schwarz making his way to his Gundam, not doing anything to be sneaky about it. He'll gladly tell anyone what he's doing if they cut him off, at least until he leaves in the Gundam itself. Proper clearance for departure and all that.]]
[[If you tune into the right frequency, or, heck, even with Dan's help, some of the monitors not in use start playing a broadcast. It's not the Finals of course, but, something seems to be recording a match between the Gundam Spegiel, and
Skull Gundam.
For a while, the match seems... fair. An equal trade of blows until what Skull thinks is the finishing blow turns out to only have hit a cluster of trees. Speigel erupts from underneath the Gundam and lifts it into the air. But rather than dropped, it's thrown higher into the air, and caught in a metal net from Speigel's hands.
With a yank, Skull is pulled back down to the ground, and as it passes along the black Gundam, one of it's forearm blades flips over, making the Skull's head graze over it's blade. Skull crashes to the ground and doesn't get back up as Speigel stands beside it. Schwarz has a few choice words for it but, doesn't act further until he and the Gundam disappear in a cloud of smoke.
Close inspection shows that only the V-fin crest on Skull Gundam's head was removed, and thus, it remains completely active in the Gundam Fight!
[[And here is Schwarz's triumphant return sometime during Monday evening!]]