(Shinji's off duty for the day thankfully, so he's nowhere near the kitchen. Instead he's deep in thought on the deck. What's he thinking about?
Recent events, both good and bad. More bad than good, but still...his smile ranges from pleased to confused and nervous. When he finally does reach a decision, he'll turn to leave and go somewhere super important. That turns out to be the Studio, surprisingly.
Not even bothering to knock or whatever, he goes inside and doesn't even freak out at Kaze barking at him, bounding toward him and yipping at his heels. If you followed him, speak up now since he is determined to find who he came to see and sit him down for a serious discussion that doesn't have to deal with being a Rider...but he'll wish it did.)
Ren! Ren! Oi, RON! Where are you, Ron?
(That will get him...1,000 more yen added to his debt IF he's lucky.)