Shine 8 | And Be of Good Cheer

Jun 25, 2012 00:20

[On some level, Sora was surprised she was as happy as she was after a sortie; she'd come to associate post-mission downtime with depression, given she'd only really failed before. So this was a new feeling, and she loved it. Loved it with a passion she never thought she'd feel for piloting or anything related to it. Sure, she hurt all over, and ( Read more... )

sora myoudouin

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zetahatsudo June 25 2012, 06:34:07 UTC
[The Zeta comes down in a rather haphazard fashion, the left hand missing, but when Kamille exits, he is on fire from the adrenaline, throwing his helmet to the ground in a fit of passion and screaming at the top of his lungs-]

I SHOT DOWN 16 ENEMY SUITS! I AM AN ACE OF AXIS! YEAAAAAAH! [Stomps his helmet, spots Sora, and just dives in for a kiss.]


sunshine_maiden June 25 2012, 15:57:30 UTC
Oh, hey, Kamille. Good hunt- [And she's cut off as he's suddenly right there, moving into her with enough force to knock POTPOURRI aside. Part of Sora wants to complain, but it's thoroughly silenced by the amazing feeling from a month ago as Kamille comes in with the kiss.]

[POTPOURRI, for his part, takes a second or two to stabilize after being knocked away, then watches in what looks like confusion, fading into horror, then to jealousy.]


zetahatsudo June 26 2012, 01:56:13 UTC
[And as he comes up for air-] Woo! I haven't been this pumped up since the first time I performed a judo throw on a bully! [Smiles cheekily.] You seem to be in high spirits yourself. Things went well out there for you too?


sunshine_maiden June 26 2012, 02:06:15 UTC
[There's a long moment while Sora gets her head on straight, before she grins.] Yeah! We beat DUNE, commander of all forces that fight Project PreDestiny. The last boss, if you want to call it that. Hana and Eri hit it with something really big, and I helped, and... we took him out! Nobody's ever done that before, so... I'm feeling really good.

So, um-

[And she's cut off by a yellow object flying in from one side and attaching itself to her face, which then turns to Kamille while Sora tries to remove it.] No! You can't have my Sora! She's mine-dechu!

POTPOURRI... get off of my face, please...


zetahatsudo June 26 2012, 02:07:33 UTC
[There are no words.]

What. [Except that word.]


sunshine_maiden June 26 2012, 06:06:27 UTC
[The image of Sora trying to pry her own AI off of her would be comical, if it weren't so horribly timed.]

I promise, Kamille isn't going to take me away. Probably.

You're probably just saying that so you can go off and be all love-love with him while you leave me behind, right-dechu?

P-POTPOURRI! What are you...!? [And with a great effort, Sora finally yanks the plushie off her face, which is fairly red, and not from the AI's grip.] I can't believe you'd say that! In front of Kamille, no less!

I... I... [Nope, she's got nothing. She's pointedly not looking at Kamille right now, though.]


zetahatsudo June 26 2012, 15:11:05 UTC
[Kamille's got nothing, sorry Sora.]

Love-Love, really? [Except that.]


sunshine_maiden June 26 2012, 15:54:01 UTC
Sorry, Kamille. POTPOURRI means well, I've just been ignoring him a little more than is fair.

The last two months!

I know, I know! Anyway, he's just sulking. I'm going to make more time for him, though. Whatever it looks like - or whatever he says - he's one of my important people. It's a short list, but... the two of you are at the top of it.

[Sora's face runs pink again; she's clearly not used to saying such things outside the privacy of her own head yet. Not that it's much privacy where Kamille's concerned.]


zetahatsudo June 26 2012, 18:21:14 UTC
[FFFFFFFFFF- Kamille blew a fuse, sorry. He couldn't handle the cuteness of Sora's blushing face!]


sunshine_maiden June 26 2012, 18:36:09 UTC
POTPOURRI. Come here. [As the mascot approaches, Sora picks him up, hugging him to her chest and keeping him there, not unlike... well, a little girl holding a plushie. Except the plushie is moved to tears, but normal is relative, right?]

We'll stay together, okay? I know I've been ignoring you. So... I'm going to fix that. I promise. You'll stay with us too, right Kamille?

...Kamille? [Sora waves a hand in front of his face, then pokes him a few times, pouting when she can't get a response right away.] Hey, don't leave me hanging! It's not easy for me to say all this!


zetahatsudo June 26 2012, 18:38:12 UTC
[Oh god that pout- Kamille finally reacts by hugging Sora tightly, crushing POTPOURRI in the process.] SO CUTE! I WANT TO TAKE YOU HOME! [you may commence flailing.]


sunshine_maiden June 26 2012, 18:48:51 UTC
[Can't flail, arms are occupied and now pinned! POTPOURRI seems unhappy with this treatment, whining unintelligibly into Kamille's torso.]

[Sora, meanwhile, just smiles softly and relaxes.] So you were listening. I'm not sure how the others will take my being kidnapped by a crazy Newtype, though. Even if it is because he likes me. [Her faces slides into a comfortable grin.]


zetahatsudo June 27 2012, 19:10:04 UTC
[Waves off complaints.] It'll be fine, it's not like my room is that far from yours anyway. [Kamille most certainly did not want to bring Sora home to meet his horribad parents, no sir.] ... [backs up a bit.] POTPOURRI, you alright in there?


sunshine_maiden June 27 2012, 19:55:39 UTC
[Sora smirks.] Well, then I suppose you'll just need to be prepared for the wrath of the Desus.

[When Kamille steps back, POTPOURRI seems dazed in Sora's arms.] Sora...

POTPOURRI... [The girl brings the plushie up to her face and nuzzles him for a bit.] It's okay, it's okay, I'm here. You'll be fine.


zetahatsudo June 28 2012, 00:06:26 UTC
Let's see, considering that one of them has already had her fun with us, the other seems content in letting us be, and the last has no interest whatsoever, I think I'm plenty prepared. [Yup. You're doomed.]

[raises eyebrow.] I feel like I should be jealous, but I'm not sure why.


sunshine_maiden June 28 2012, 00:19:08 UTC
[Sora considers that as she plops POTPOURRI down on her head, where he'll make a credible impression of an inanimate plush toy.] I'm not sure Seiren's done with us, but yeah, Hana's fine with letting things stand as they are. Eri... I don't actually know how she feels about it.

[Then she giggles.] Jealous? Why? Because POTPOURRI is getting more attention than you?


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