Late intro ahoy!

Jun 17, 2012 11:35


[ Turning a corner, there's a certain blonde Neo French aristocrat arguing with another member of Neo French royalty. ]

"But George, Domon kidnapped me!"
"No, Miss Maria Louise, he didn't."
"I was playing along. It doesn't take a genius to know Domon doesn't have feminine hand writing, and can speak fluent French."

[ This goes on for a while. Sorry if it bothers you. ]

(2) [ video ]

I am George de Sand, Gundam Fighter of Neo France. It seems three other Gundam Fighters are here, as well. And at one time, there was a fourth?

I'd be more than willing to accept a challenge from any of them, as well as finish my Gundam Fight with Domon now that Gundam Rose is fully repaired. Feel free to stop by my room if any of you are interested.

[ As he says this, a rose come out of his sleeve, and the feed ends. ]

george desand

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