Presidential Firepower

May 23, 2012 20:43

1) Hangar

[If anyone is looking for Michael at this time of day you would find the President looking over Metal Wolf's guns and scratching at his stubbly chin. He then looks to the assortment of Mecha he shares hangar space with and begins plotting. If it's one thing Neo-Americans love it's pondering on how to make things that go BANG.]

2) The Whereabouts of Gentarou

Hey Gen! Got a minute?

[The President had a spark of boundless enthusiasm. Something they both probably had in common.]

Need to talk about those switches of yours if it's all good.

3) The Whereabouts of Shoutarou (and possibly Philip.)

[Michael soon walks around a corner, right into Shoutarou's view.]

Hey Shou! Think we could talk for a bit?

[Cower in fear Half-Boiled. The President wants some of your time.]

markus haley, michael wilson

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