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haro_and_firing April 26 2012, 10:32:24 UTC

"I didn't know you wrote." He tilted his head to the side, with a look of surprise. "I would like that. I mean if you want to share it with me, I'd happily listen." Lockon was curious what kind of stories might come out of a mind such as his. "I don't do anything like that. I'm jealous of your talent." He filled his glass and knocked it back, coughing a little.
Ah there it was, Lockon closed his eyes for a minute, reveling in the floaty, twirling feeling. He used his teeth to pull of his gloves, and chucked them on the floor, finding himself to be quite warm. Next he shimmied out of the fur trimmed vest, and it too followed the gloves onto the floor. Once free, his arm went right back around Allelujah.
It was only then did it occur to him, what he was doing, but it felt do damned good to care. Damn the hangover, and damn the awkwardness they would surely share tomorrow, for now it just felt right.


subject_0057 April 26 2012, 23:20:08 UTC
And Allelujah was hardly objecting, as he shrugged his thin jacket from his shoulders and curled up against Lockon's side, still a bit warm despite being only in a single layer of clothing. Without really thinking about it, he tugged his shirt off over his head and threw it aside, the alcohol convincing him that this wasn't at all an awkward thing to do. There was no commentary from Hallelujah, who was just as drunk as his mild counterpart. "I bet you do," he said, slumping against the other man's frame. "And sure, I'll read for you sometime..."


haro_and_firing April 27 2012, 00:01:11 UTC

"I never knew..." Lockon smiled and put his hand on the side of Allelujah's head, pulling him near. "That you could be so soft." Forget the bottle, he was to drunk to care. Inside this room, behind a closed door there was no one to see them, so what did it matter. This strange paradise they had discovered was as intoxicating at the liquor that coursed through his blood stream.


subject_0057 April 27 2012, 00:05:16 UTC
The young man, normally so reserved and reclusive, was for once not at all reluctant to allow himself to be drawn into another's arms. He slowly closed his eyes, his vision slightly blurred with the alcohol, his skin tingling softly as he shifted to gently grasp at Lockon, the strangely familiar scent of cologne. Nothing was wrong with the world right now, insofar as Allelujah was concerned.


haro_and_firing April 27 2012, 00:26:06 UTC

Topless, and drunk, this was so much better than he could have hoped for.
"You know, I never thought this day would end up like this. I never even hoped for this. But there's something... " Turning slightly, both arms came around Allelujah, pulling him close. The heat of his skin was singing a sirens song in Lockon's ear.
"... something I overlooked before. In you eyes. I can't put my finger on it but... now I don't want to let you go."


subject_0057 April 27 2012, 01:22:09 UTC
No resistance, no objections, Allelujah was more than happy to press into Lockon as those arms wrapped around him. Maybe there was something inherently wrong with it, but right now, Allelujah didn't care if it was. Those warm arms were safe, protecting, caring... all the things he wouldn't give up for the world.
"Mm... then don't," he suggested gently, lips inches from Lockon's chest.


haro_and_firing April 27 2012, 01:34:31 UTC

Lockon smile, and sort of flopped over, pulling Allelujah with him, so they where laying on the bed, facing each other. The smell of clean linens and whiskey, mixed with the scent of shampoo, and the delicate smell of man.

"Then I won't." A hand came down Allelujah back, resting on waist, Lockon looked down at him, smirking. He wanted to say something, to try and explain this weird feeling, but words where becoming hard to come by, everything muddled in his brain, and all her could hear was the thumping of his heart in his ears. Lockon had never wanted a man in his arms before, but something about this couldn't even compare to the way it felt to hold a woman. Allelujah was strong, and dangerous, and beautiful, and frightening. He was so much more than any woman could ever be. And to top it off, they where a team. Maybe fate had brought them together for a reason.


subject_0057 April 27 2012, 01:45:07 UTC
"Ah?" The sound that slipped from his mouth wasn't one of annoyance, or even of surprise, so much of just a soft, almost innocent reaction to the situation. Looking up at Lockon and trying to sort out his own thoughts through the muddle of the alcohol, he couldn't help slowly running his fingers up along the swell of the other man's bicep. What was this feeling he was having? His chest felt tingly, his stomach fluttery, and without conscious thought he pulled himself up enough to press his lips firmly to the man above him. All that strength, all that danger, all that fear, all of it had receded for a time for the sake of this gorgeous, wonderful man hold him close.


haro_and_firing April 27 2012, 06:22:48 UTC

What was happening?
Lockon's eyes went side when Allelujah lips cover his own. For a moment he was wide awake, his mind was clear, and was finally aware of what was really happening here.
But the taste of whiskey on their lips, and the way Allelujah was touching him arm.

He closed his eyes and gave up being afraid. His arms held his partner tightly, one hand cradling the back of his head, fingers lost in his grey-green hair, the other wrapped around the small of back, pulling him in tightly. Lockon kissed him back as heat rose up the back of his neck, and flooded his face with color. He squeezed Allelujah tightly in his arms, as if to say the world his lips could not.
If this is what you want of me, I can be this for you. I can shelter you from the storm, be the rock which you stand upon. I accept you for who you are... both of you.


subject_0057 April 27 2012, 08:36:09 UTC
The question crossed Allelujah's mind for just a moment as well, but oddly enough, it was Hallelujah who mentally shunted it aside. [i]He's YOUR man right now, Allelujah. Don't mess it up.[/i]

How unusual of Hallelujah to take interest in the personal life of his counterpart... but in the back of his mind, Allelujah understood the slow, burning affection that he had for Lockon and was beginning to realize it was just as much his as Hallelujah's. On this realization, he pressed up into the man's lips and wrapped his arm around the strong torso hovering protectively over him. Lips rolled with lips, his bare chest rubbed against Lockon's thin shirt, and almost without thinking he slowly shifted his leg so their thighs rubbed together through their pants.


haro_and_firing April 27 2012, 09:05:07 UTC

He was lost in the moment, as far as Lockon was concerned there was no world outside this room. The way Allelujah was wiggling against him, clinging like that, it was hard to think straight. Lockon didn't know if he was ready to take any further when they where this drunk. After all, until this point, his partners had been woman, and they where easy enough to please. But this... this frightened him a little, but more, he wanted to make sure in the morning they would be able to look each other in the eyes. There was no need to rush, even though it all felt so wonderful.
"Allelujah I..." He pulled back just slightly, so that as he spoke his lips where only a fraction of an inch from Allelujah's. "I... I want this... but, I don't want to rush. I don't want to wake up tomorrow and find out we can't look each other in the eyes anymore. But I won't let go... I won't let go unless you ask me to."


subject_0057 April 27 2012, 09:14:18 UTC
"Lockon..." the young man looked up at him with sad, pleading eyes. At first, he didn't realize what Lockon was saying... was he gently turning Allelujah's advances down? Was he not good enough for the older man?

Another small mental bump from Hallelujah jerked him from that train of thought, and he smiled a little. No... that wasn't it, and it was stupid that he'd even thought so. Fact of the matter was, they were both still drunk, and Allelujah realized he wasn't comfortable with the thought of maybe destroying what the two of them were sharing. "Alright... that's the right thing to do," he admitted, if a bit reluctantly. "Alcohol and all..." but he couldn't resist planting a sweet kiss on those proffered lips nonetheless.


haro_and_firing April 30 2012, 01:27:34 UTC

Lockon still held him tightly, with out falter. And the pleading looking in the boys eyes almost scared him, the way it made him feel. But it was the right thing to do, to wait. They could stay like this all night if that's what Allelujah wanted, but Lockon had no intention going going further. There was no need to rush.

But all the same, whatever this was, Lockon knew that come tomorrow there would be alot of thinking he was going to have to do. But not now. Not tonight. For tonight they could bask in the beauty of the moment, reveling in the sensations and feelings, and warmth.
He kissed him back, parting his lips slightly, sliding his tongue between them shyly, taste the sweetness of Allelujah's mouth. It was a hot and breathy kind of kiss, and despite his words, the start of a moan slipped out. It was obvious he was enjoying himself more than he should.
"You'll thank me tomorrow. But you don't have to go. In fact I'd like it very much if you didn't."
He brushed at Alleluah's bangs again, careful to not upset the part in the middle, and only pushed a few strands of the right side of his face behind his ear.


subject_0057 April 30 2012, 23:56:43 UTC
"Alright... I'd like to stay too," he murmured, clinging gently to the man and tugging him down gently on himself. "Just promise me you won't let me think tonight was a mistake, okay?"

He sighs gently as their lips roll together, delighted in the taste of the hot lips, the scent of whiskey on Lockon's breath, the slight tickle of flesh touching... Truly, perfectly wonderful.


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