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haro_and_firing April 25 2012, 10:39:50 UTC

"Drink it of course. That is unless, you don't feel man enough for the job." Lockon was baiting him, but he had always wondered what kind of man Allelujah would be when he was intoxicated. Alcohol had a way of being out the best and worst in people, all at the same time.
He filled his own glass greedily, and knocking it back with out pausing.
"Plus, what would happen if Miss Sumaragi found half a bottle lying about? I don't think you would to explain it to her, and neither do I." He chuckled a little, and leaned into Allelujah until their shoulder's barely touched. "Woman like her can be awfullyscary."


subject_0057 April 26 2012, 00:11:05 UTC
"Oh... I suppose that's true, isn't it?" he said. "Guess it'd be best to finish it." He filled his glass, slammed it back, then filled it and slammed again. "Ahhh... It burns..." he grumbles. That was plenty of alcohol to make him nice and tipsy, but it was going to take a minute for it to sink in.

"How protective is she about her alcohol anyway? I don't want Miss Sumeragi mad at me..."


haro_and_firing April 26 2012, 00:30:56 UTC

"Oh, very, very protective." He lied, but the way Allelujah was drinking Lockon was certain any minute now this was going to get wildly entertaining. "She might keelhaul us right through an atmospheric reentry, or worse! She might take away our Gundams. The only reasonable course is to make sure she never finds out." Lockon laughed aloud and clapped his friend hard on the back.
"It's good to see you loosen up a bit Allelujah." He filled his glass again, trying to keep pace with him. Oh yes, he was starting to feel it now, the rush of warmth in his veins, the way the world began to rock ever so slightly, and the ideas of modesty started to melt away.

With out really meaning to, Lockon reached out and brushed a bit of hair away from from Allelujah's face on the right side, admiring how strange his one silver eye was. It was the sort of thing that he was thinking about, and hadn't really meant to do, but the alcohol made it easier to give into those kind of desires.


subject_0057 April 26 2012, 07:52:05 UTC
The alcohol was kicking in, so when Lockon reached over to brush at his hair he wavered a bit. He didn't seem perturbed by the action, and actually ended up leaning against his friend's side. "I don't wanna lose my Gundam... And I like not being keelhauled... what's keelhauled?"

Quite tipsy now, but not wanting to get in trouble with Sumeragi-san, he filled another shot and downed it. Five down, and half a bottle left. The boy was doomed to be drunk by the end of the bottle. The world was a sort of slightly-brighter, smoother place now, and Lockon's shoulder was very comfortable...


haro_and_firing April 26 2012, 08:21:08 UTC

"Keelhauling was something pirates used to do in the olden days. If someone made the Captain really angry, They would tie a person to a rope that was looped around the whole ship, and they would throw him overboard and drag him under the ship and back up again." Lockon leaned in just a bit, to provide a stable plce for Allelujah to rest upon. He took the bottle and filled his glass, but instead of drinking he took a shot off the bottle, and then blinked confused. Oops, I got my hands mixed up. "But we're talking about a wooden sailing boat here, the kind that go in the water. It seems to me that death was nearly certain. Unless the man could hold this breath for a great amount of time." His arm moved around Allelujah's shoulder, gloved fingers sort of toying with the end of his hair.
"You know, I haven't felt this good in a long time. We should do this more often." There was a deep, happy sigh that escaped his lips, a drunken sort of pink on his cheeks, and a strangely affectionate smirk on his face.


subject_0057 April 26 2012, 09:39:57 UTC
Allelujah was oblivious to Hallelujah's mildly-drunken "Gaaaay" rumbling at the back of his mind, and only snuggled in closer to Lockon as he leaned in. "Mm, that sounds unpleasant... I bet I could hold my breath that long..." no he couldn't, but he was tipsy enough not to care right now. He held out his glass for another shot; the whiskey was entirely too enjoyable of an experience to give up.

"I'm glad you feel good, Lockon. Maybe we should do more than just drink together... you know?" And still completely oblivious to the homoerotic tone he was taking.


haro_and_firing April 26 2012, 10:06:01 UTC

"Well, like what?" It might have been a loaded a question, but he was interested what kind of things Allelujah liked. He didn't know much about him on that kind of a level, and this was as good a time as any to let the more timid of the two lead the way. Lockon was happy to sit and drink with him like this, what more did a man need than good whiskey, and good company?


subject_0057 April 26 2012, 10:10:49 UTC
"I'm not really sure..." Loaded question or not, Allelujah wasn't really thinking straight anymore as he slammed another glass. "I like to write... maybe you'd listen, sometime? Oh... If you do something fun, maybe I could watch or listen or..." he trailed off, his glass suddenly fascinating.


haro_and_firing April 26 2012, 10:32:24 UTC

"I didn't know you wrote." He tilted his head to the side, with a look of surprise. "I would like that. I mean if you want to share it with me, I'd happily listen." Lockon was curious what kind of stories might come out of a mind such as his. "I don't do anything like that. I'm jealous of your talent." He filled his glass and knocked it back, coughing a little.
Ah there it was, Lockon closed his eyes for a minute, reveling in the floaty, twirling feeling. He used his teeth to pull of his gloves, and chucked them on the floor, finding himself to be quite warm. Next he shimmied out of the fur trimmed vest, and it too followed the gloves onto the floor. Once free, his arm went right back around Allelujah.
It was only then did it occur to him, what he was doing, but it felt do damned good to care. Damn the hangover, and damn the awkwardness they would surely share tomorrow, for now it just felt right.


subject_0057 April 26 2012, 23:20:08 UTC
And Allelujah was hardly objecting, as he shrugged his thin jacket from his shoulders and curled up against Lockon's side, still a bit warm despite being only in a single layer of clothing. Without really thinking about it, he tugged his shirt off over his head and threw it aside, the alcohol convincing him that this wasn't at all an awkward thing to do. There was no commentary from Hallelujah, who was just as drunk as his mild counterpart. "I bet you do," he said, slumping against the other man's frame. "And sure, I'll read for you sometime..."


haro_and_firing April 27 2012, 00:01:11 UTC

"I never knew..." Lockon smiled and put his hand on the side of Allelujah's head, pulling him near. "That you could be so soft." Forget the bottle, he was to drunk to care. Inside this room, behind a closed door there was no one to see them, so what did it matter. This strange paradise they had discovered was as intoxicating at the liquor that coursed through his blood stream.


subject_0057 April 27 2012, 00:05:16 UTC
The young man, normally so reserved and reclusive, was for once not at all reluctant to allow himself to be drawn into another's arms. He slowly closed his eyes, his vision slightly blurred with the alcohol, his skin tingling softly as he shifted to gently grasp at Lockon, the strangely familiar scent of cologne. Nothing was wrong with the world right now, insofar as Allelujah was concerned.


haro_and_firing April 27 2012, 00:26:06 UTC

Topless, and drunk, this was so much better than he could have hoped for.
"You know, I never thought this day would end up like this. I never even hoped for this. But there's something... " Turning slightly, both arms came around Allelujah, pulling him close. The heat of his skin was singing a sirens song in Lockon's ear.
"... something I overlooked before. In you eyes. I can't put my finger on it but... now I don't want to let you go."


subject_0057 April 27 2012, 01:22:09 UTC
No resistance, no objections, Allelujah was more than happy to press into Lockon as those arms wrapped around him. Maybe there was something inherently wrong with it, but right now, Allelujah didn't care if it was. Those warm arms were safe, protecting, caring... all the things he wouldn't give up for the world.
"Mm... then don't," he suggested gently, lips inches from Lockon's chest.


haro_and_firing April 27 2012, 01:34:31 UTC

Lockon smile, and sort of flopped over, pulling Allelujah with him, so they where laying on the bed, facing each other. The smell of clean linens and whiskey, mixed with the scent of shampoo, and the delicate smell of man.

"Then I won't." A hand came down Allelujah back, resting on waist, Lockon looked down at him, smirking. He wanted to say something, to try and explain this weird feeling, but words where becoming hard to come by, everything muddled in his brain, and all her could hear was the thumping of his heart in his ears. Lockon had never wanted a man in his arms before, but something about this couldn't even compare to the way it felt to hold a woman. Allelujah was strong, and dangerous, and beautiful, and frightening. He was so much more than any woman could ever be. And to top it off, they where a team. Maybe fate had brought them together for a reason.


subject_0057 April 27 2012, 01:45:07 UTC
"Ah?" The sound that slipped from his mouth wasn't one of annoyance, or even of surprise, so much of just a soft, almost innocent reaction to the situation. Looking up at Lockon and trying to sort out his own thoughts through the muddle of the alcohol, he couldn't help slowly running his fingers up along the swell of the other man's bicep. What was this feeling he was having? His chest felt tingly, his stomach fluttery, and without conscious thought he pulled himself up enough to press his lips firmly to the man above him. All that strength, all that danger, all that fear, all of it had receded for a time for the sake of this gorgeous, wonderful man hold him close.


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