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haro_and_firing April 21 2012, 05:45:49 UTC

"You don't have to defend your emotions. I'm just glad it's over now." Lockon showed no surprise to hear she too was a robot, even though in truth he hadn't known till just now.

"Is there.. uh... anyway you could like, I don't know, call him? He seemed to talk to other robots all the time, I always wondered if they had a secret language the rest of us don't know about. He sure seems to get into more trouble than an 'inanimate' object should."


mecha_eihwaz April 21 2012, 16:02:56 UTC
A secret language? Umm, binary, maybe... But it's not really secret, is it? And Haro still needs to be close enough to hear it, and there's no guarantee he'll listen is he's a troublemaker...

What else... I have a radar! It works much better outdoors, though.


haro_and_firing April 21 2012, 18:43:12 UTC

"Wow, I was kidding, I didn't really think you guys could do that. I think I'm a little jealous! Haro is just... curious, and well, I don't know the layout of the chalice well enough to even begin to guess where he might have gotten off too." How could a computer turn out to be so much trouble?

"But it's alright, I'm certain I can find him the old fashioned way, if I keep looking."


mecha_eihwaz April 21 2012, 20:06:56 UTC
Oh, I'm sure humans can learn binary too without much difficulty! It's the language computers use and you made computers, right?

I'll look around for Haro too, Mr Lockon! I know the ship pretty well. Maybe magnets will be useful in the search, too?


haro_and_firing April 22 2012, 01:04:02 UTC

"Magnets? That might fry his insides! Let's forgot the magnets if possible." Lockon found himself feeling a certain fondness for this girl. She wasn't so unlike Amy, well aside from that fact that her inside where metal and not flesh, but did such a thing really matter?


mecha_eihwaz April 22 2012, 02:06:15 UTC
Oh no, I don't want to hurt him! I just thought his circuits are protected against that sort of thing...! We use magnets all the time at Cosmic Ark...


haro_and_firing April 22 2012, 22:56:03 UTC

"I honestly haven't the slightest idea if it would hurt him or not, but since I'm not sure, I'd rather not try it." Lockon didn't want to think about what would happen if his friend's innards got fried.
"But if you where a little round robots, where would you hide?"


mecha_eihwaz April 22 2012, 23:23:44 UTC
Hmm... Somewhere that's too small for all the giant humans to squeeze into and find me! Like the ventilation shafts!


haro_and_firing April 22 2012, 23:58:03 UTC

"Ventilation shafts?" That didn't sound like fun. The last thing a fall grown man wanted to do with his evening was crawl around in tiny spaces. "You don't really think he's gone in there, do you? He likely sound someone to play with, I mean, unless someone told him to play hide-and-seek or something."


mecha_eihwaz April 23 2012, 01:18:56 UTC
He could be playing with the two tiny robots, the black and the white one! They like the ventilation shafts too. But if we want to confirm that, I can just send in a Pepen to check!


haro_and_firing April 23 2012, 01:27:45 UTC

"That sounds way better than crawling around in them myself. I'm not sure I would fit after all." Lockon was by no means a short person. Trying to cram six feet of man into a ventilation shaft seemed like a good recipe for getting stuck.
"A papen? What's that?"


mecha_eihwaz April 23 2012, 02:06:28 UTC
Pepens are cute robotic birds that cannot fly and wobble around instead! They're pretty small and should fit into a small gap without much difficulty. They're native to several of the ice planets around Cosmic Ark, but I heard Earth has similar birds too!

I have two of them. They're pretty smart for animals, so if I tell them to find Haro, they should be able to do that!


haro_and_firing April 23 2012, 03:21:08 UTC

"Oh, like a penguin! I see. That...sounds pretty cool actually, no pun intended. If it wouldn't be to much trouble, if you could dispatch them for me, I could give up the search myself and have some dinner." He paused for a moment. "Do you... eat food? I mean, I don't know much about your kind, and I do apologize if I offend you."


mecha_eihwaz April 23 2012, 03:56:30 UTC
I'll call them in just a moment, then!

It's okay, Mr Lockon. I'm happy you want to learn more about us, and there's nothing offensive about this! We eat too, just different food than humans. From things found here, on Earth... Batteries, mostly.


haro_and_firing April 23 2012, 04:26:34 UTC

"I should have known!" He laughed. "I think it's quite interesting honestly! I've never met someone like you before." He grinned wide, and warm. "I'm thankful for your help as well. Haro is a person to me, he is part of me, and I like to think I'm part of him. Some people think it's strange, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you of all people don't think that's weird."


mecha_eihwaz April 23 2012, 20:11:43 UTC
Well, apart from Jack Barlock and his crew I'm the first person from my galaxy to arrive on Earth, so it's not very likely that you met someone like me before!

And it's not weird at all. Haro is your good friend!


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