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haro_and_firing April 20 2012, 03:51:18 UTC

"Well I guess giving your dog the 'scent' might be moot at this point as Haro is a robot. But I'm glad for any help I can get frankly." He held out a gloved hand with a grin. "I don't think we're been introduced before. I'm Lockon Stratos."


crystal_energy April 20 2012, 03:53:02 UTC
There was also the problem of Kaze not being trained... for anything.

Arika shook his hand enthusiastically. "I'm Arika! Arika Yumemiya! And this is Kaze!"



haro_and_firing April 20 2012, 03:56:14 UTC

Lockon squatted down and patted the dogs head. "Well hello Kaze. It's nice to meet you." And then standing but up he smiled at the girl too. "And you as well Miss Yumemiya. I haven't much idea where he could have gone, so any direction is as good as any to start I guess."


crystal_energy April 20 2012, 03:58:45 UTC
Kaze wagged his tail at Lockon's pat.

"Kaze and I'll do our best! We'll start with my school, since it's kinda a restricted area!"


haro_and_firing April 21 2012, 05:50:45 UTC

"Sounds good to me." Lockon nodded. He didn't know the Chalice that well as it was, he was never going to find Haro with out help. " Ladies first." With a sweeping arm motion, he playfully bowed and held out his arm to let her take the lead.


crystal_energy April 21 2012, 06:30:58 UTC
Arika giggled, and tugged a little on Kaze's leash. "C'mon, Kaze! Let's sneak you both into school." Arika led the way toward Garderobe's section of the ship, knowing that she was going to get detention (again) if she got caught.


haro_and_firing April 21 2012, 18:36:24 UTC

"Sneaking huh? Well I'm pretty good at that." He scratched his cheek absent mindedly, falling step beside the girl and her dog. "Sounds like my kind of mission." Lockon laugh warmly. "So why exactly if this part of the ship restricted?"


crystal_energy April 22 2012, 05:26:07 UTC
"It's my school. Miss Maria says that too much interaction with everyone else would taint the 'pure Otome students'." How Arika got away with it was beyond anyone.


haro_and_firing April 22 2012, 23:05:14 UTC

"That's absurd. Especially considering your school is in a place like this. But I'll be sure not to 'taint' anything." He put his gloved hands in his pockets with a sly grin, as if a child promising not to touch anything.


crystal_energy April 22 2012, 23:23:23 UTC
"Well, that's what Miss Maria says."

"And just what do I say, Arika Yumemiya?" A stern-looking woman asked, coming up behind the trio.

"M-Miss Maria!" Arika wished she could shrink herself. "W-we were looking for something he lost! I didn't want it sneaking in here!"

Miss Maria had a skeptical look on her face, as she looked down at her student.


haro_and_firing April 22 2012, 23:55:07 UTC

Lockon put on his best soft smile for the woman. He could see that the girl was certainly frightened of this woman.

"Ma'am. I'm sorry, please excuse my intrusion. I had only just promised not to touch a thing. You see I've lost something very important to the mission. My Haro, he's orange and round, and crucial to my ability to pilot. Arika and Kaze kindly offered to help me look here, since I dare not enter your lovely school with out here."


crystal_energy April 23 2012, 00:00:42 UTC
Miss Maria sighed. She was strict with the girls, but she was not cruel.

"I suppose as Arika is accompanying you, it shall be permitted, as it would not do for the students to be... distracted... by an outside influence." Arika started to sigh in relief that she wasn't going to be in trouble, until Miss Maria continued. "However. Miss Yumemiya. In addition to cleaning any mess this canine causes, I also expect you to compose an essay on the purpose of Otome, and what it means to be one. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, Miss Maria." Arika looked down, knowing full well she had gotten off lightly.


haro_and_firing April 23 2012, 00:08:52 UTC

Well that was certainly unfair!
"Please, Miss. Don't punish Arika for this! I understand you want you school 'untainted' but this is for the mission. If we where attacked just now I would be unable to assist in the protecting of the ship with out my Haro." Usually he wouldn't tell anyone about how crucial Haro really was, but he had to keep Arika from getting into trouble because of him. Even a paper was more punishment that she deserved. "If you have to punish someone, it should be me. I asked her to bring me here, I thought it would be beneficial for forge a bond with such a talented pilot. You see Miss Maria, at Celestial Being we foster communication, and understanding."


crystal_energy April 23 2012, 00:12:59 UTC
"M-Mr Lockon, that's okay, really!"

Miss Maria sighed again. "Sir, while I assume your intentions are pure, I must insist on our girls obeying strict rules, if they are to become proper Otome. If you insist on punishment, than you may be the one to clean up after the dog. However..." Miss Maria looked levelly at Arika. "While I have largely turned a blind eye to Miss Yumemiya's fraternization with the others aboard this ship, and her battle prowess is indeed fierce, her schoolwork is severely lacking. I insist that she write the paper."


haro_and_firing April 23 2012, 00:25:00 UTC

Uhhhh, this woman was fierce. He could see why Arika was afraid of her. She was genuinely frightening. But the woman seemed to have no grasp of what was important to the over all mission of this fleet.

"Well then, have you seen my Haro? I will get out of your school with the up-most urgency if he could only be located!" Lockon pleaded with the woman.


crystal_energy April 23 2012, 00:26:57 UTC
"I have not. And I have heard of no disturbances in or near the classrooms. However, you may still check the other areas. I will... hold the students in their classrooms, so that there is no concern."


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