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haro_and_firing April 18 2012, 09:17:52 UTC

"After the everyone got captured, and things where a mess, Haro was a small comfort to many small girls. I guess this is their way of saying 'thank you' really. I only hope they didn't use superglue to put those eyelashes on." He shook his head, and looked back at Allealujah, smirking warmly.

Those mis-matched eyes, so strange, and alluring. Lockon found it hard to look away from his silver gaze, so he didn't.

"I didn't mean it, honest. It was just a joke. But if you didn't react like this, it wouldn't be nearly as fun."


subject_0057 April 18 2012, 19:37:37 UTC
"I guess... sometimes I wonder if you only tease me because Tiera and Setsuna wouldn't have the sense to be embarrassed..." That, and Tiera had already done his cross-dressing for the group. "Anyway, I think the eyelashes will come off... don't most of them come with some built-in glue that wears off after so long?"

He tilts his head to the side, eyes still meeting Lockon's. The grey bangs tilt slightly to one side, partly revealing the golden iris - though without it's usual violent flames. After a moment, Allelujah realized they were staring deeply into each others eyes, and looked down with a slight cough as yet another blush overtook his cheeks.


haro_and_firing April 18 2012, 21:05:34 UTC

Lockon laughed softly. "Well that certainly could be true." He agreed. No matter how he tried to tease Setsuna he never played along. What fun is teasing if it doesn't rise a reaction.

Lockon honestly wasn't nearly as worried about the makeup as he acted. Haro was metal after all, he would be fine.

For a moment he stood there, with his hands in his pockets, enjoying the comfortable silence, smiling back at his friend.

"So, what are you reading?" He leaned over now, and examined the book in Allelujah's hands.


subject_0057 April 19 2012, 01:30:03 UTC
Allelujah lifted the book; it wasn't anything particularly entertaining, just a brief history of the Earth within the last hundred years. "Unfortunately, we don't have too much to read here on the Chalice right now, so I have to settle for the dull stuff," he said with a small smile, leaning forward.

He brushes one strand of hair from his eyes, and leans forward. "What about you? Anything interesting keeping you up at night?"


haro_and_firing April 19 2012, 02:12:04 UTC

"The very opposite, now that everyone is back safely, I feel like climbing the walls. There is nothing to do. And I'm still pretty uncomfortable with the Chalice altogether." Lockon sighed, and sat down on the edge of his bed and leaned back on his hands.
"I know where Miss Sumaragi stashed her liquor ya know." He peaked an eyebrow playfully at Allelujah.


subject_0057 April 19 2012, 02:27:19 UTC
He slowly arched an eyebrow, smiling and leaning forward. The book was set quickly to the side, and his silver eye sparkled with mirth. "Aren't I a bit young for that?" he reminded the older pilot, chuckling. "Besides, wouldn't that be back on the Ptolemy?"


haro_and_firing April 19 2012, 05:22:38 UTC

"Allelujah, I don't think age has anything to do with being a man." There was a soft sort of knowing smile on his face.
"So? It's not like it's hard to get there. When was the last time you where there?"


subject_0057 April 19 2012, 05:42:27 UTC
"Well, about two weeks ago, when I was debriefed," he admits, smiling wanly; was Lockon being friendly, or was there something else to it? The blush was back. "Uhm... I guess I'll follow you then?"


haro_and_firing April 19 2012, 07:03:26 UTC

"Don't get to comfortable here. You belong with us." Thought his smile didn't change, there was a steady, serious look in his eye for a moment. And just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, and Lockon was on his feet heading for the door. "C'mon, go home."


A hop, skip, and a jump, and our Meister's found themselves on familiar 'soil'. Lockon seemed a loosen a up a bit the moment his boots touched the floor.

"Ah, I feel better already."

It wasn't far at all, a supply closet with no lock. From behind a stack of toilet paper boxes, Lockon deftly pulled out what seemed to be a rather good looking bottle of whiskey.
"And there we are. One party for two." With that grin it was impossible to tell if he was joking or...


subject_0057 April 19 2012, 09:02:42 UTC
Allelujah was quick to follow the older man across the Chalice and onto the Ptolemy; it wasn't until he saw Lockon's shoulders droop and relax that he realized how tense he was as well. His back was full of knots and tensed musculature... He grimaced. It would take a good massage to get all those kinks out.

When Lockon stopped at the closet, Allelujah just about ran into him before recovering his footing. "Lockon, what are you doing? This is just a-" The bottle of whiskey cut him off as it came into view, and he stared blankly at it for a second. Realizing his mouth was hanging open, he closed it, swallowed, and simply said, "Oh."


haro_and_firing April 20 2012, 03:50:11 UTC

"Told you." He grinned at his friend. "She's got stashes all over the ship. Don't ask me how I know, alright?" He shrugged and chuckled softly. "You seem so surprised. We're all adults here aren't we?" He ribbed Allelujah softly. "But we better hide in my Quarters, if Miss Sumaragi catches me stealing her liquor she might be a might miffed, don't ya think?"


subject_0057 April 20 2012, 19:15:47 UTC
"O-oh, of course! Yeah, wouldn't want her catching you - us? - stealing her alcohol," he agreed, not quite thinking straight enough to really do more than just agree right now. He's just a bit bewildered right now, and without thinking he grabbed Lockon's arm like a child might grab for an adult's hand. Adorable.


haro_and_firing April 21 2012, 03:44:40 UTC

Lockon was a bit startled when he felt Allelujah's hand on his arm, thought he tried not show it. Instead he just smiled softly down at his friend, and tucked the bottle under his other arm. It was actually... cute the way Allelujah was now. It was almost staggering, to know the monster that lived inside this seemingly delicate young man.

Lockon strolled lazily through the halls, feeling so much more at ease now that back on the Celestial Being's own ship.

He slapped the button that opened the door to his quarters, and swing Allelujah in first with a warm laugh.
"So, how long has it been, ya know, since you've been in here?" He left the other man standing and rummaged in drawer till he found two chipped lowball glasses. Holding the glasses in one hand he deftly fills them.
"Here you are."


subject_0057 April 22 2012, 23:21:00 UTC
It didn't really strike him how strange it was for him to be clinging to the other man. He followed just behind, letting Lockon pull him gently along, and glanced at the surroundings. After so long on the Chalice, the familiar walls of the Ptolemy felt a bit alien.
He almost tripped as he was shoved gently into the room, and grinned a bit.

"Uhm... Hmm... it's been a long time. The last time I can remember was back when I'd just been introduced as a Meister... I remember being very nervous and jittery. The talk you gave me that day really helped me out, you know?"

Having some experience with whiskey before, the pilot raised his glass a bit and smiled. "So... Cheers, then?"


haro_and_firing April 22 2012, 23:51:28 UTC

Lockon was touched by this words, he always wondered if his peptalks where just a bother or not. It was good to know that what he did meant something to his friend.

"A toast then." He paused a moment to think, and then raised his glass. "To you Allelujuh, and to being back on where you belong."


subject_0057 April 23 2012, 04:44:55 UTC
The pilot blushed a bit brighter, but raised his glass and slammed the drink back in obedience with the rules of a toast. That strong sensation that struck him was, of course, a little unpleasant at first but quickly formed into that warm feeling in his chest. He took a deep breath, held it, then breathed out with a smile. "You're too kind, Lockon."


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