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2) vjockey April 7 2012, 16:32:51 UTC
[To say Cheng was absolutely shocked was an understatement. He hadn't imagined that the situation had gotten that dire...]

Adventus has just brought the coming of more war upon Earth rather than the opposite.

[He gives Jeremy a particularly vicious look. Though he has not encountered this General before he was as wary as he could be.]

Zeon won't just be satisfied with taking back their regent and defeating your army... they'll want blood for every loss they felt from both the Titans and the One Year War.

[He's a soldier. He knows the mindset. With the motivations stated behind them they won't stop unless they're crushed into the dirt and at most can only be delayed.]


srwuga_mods April 7 2012, 17:38:56 UTC
[At that, Jeremy just shrugs.]

Adventus's charter says nothing about ending war, merely the abolition of using giant robots.

[... But then his expression grows more serious.]

But you are right. Situations like this have happened time and again throughout history and as a man concerned with the past I can see that.


vjockey April 7 2012, 17:55:42 UTC
If you Adventus is bound to merely that one goal then the world will be decimated even further. Even if Giant Robots as you call them are abolished, what is to prevent mankind from creating new weapons to fill in the gap....

[Cheng's distaste at being in the presence of someone who he believes had authorized or played a part in the messing of his grey matter lessens... albeit in a miniscule amount.]

I know little of history outside that of what Gucun has allowed in... or re-written... but I know those situations. I have seen them and been in them myself.


srwuga_mods April 7 2012, 19:09:31 UTC
Then I shall spare you lengthy explanations of the domino effect that may yet be realized.


I did not join Adventus for anyone's sake save my own. I am a historian by trade, not a pilot nor general, and though nobody can never truly know the future, patterns from the past can nevertheless be picked up on! One of humanity's greatest strengths is pattern recognition, after all.

So the question now becomes, what will you do in the face of this?


vjockey April 8 2012, 03:58:08 UTC
I intend to stand trial after leaving this facility with my comrades.

[He seemed to be very confident about just leaving the place with them.]

Assuming that I am not executed for my treachery... mind control or not.. it was still my body that pulled the trigger... I will attempt to convince the Commander to cease this foolishness... assuming he doesn't have me shot for my part in Haman Karn's capture..

[Clearly he's expecting plenty of outrage from the other members of the Chalice.]

Aside from that?

[He shrugs and regards the ring on his hand.... what does Devon think of all this?]

Hope that my wife knows me as well as I think she does.

[He said wife carefully. With the marriage recent he wasn't sure if it might hold up after this little mess.]


srwuga_mods April 8 2012, 22:18:35 UTC
[At that, Jeremy frowns.]

Admittedly philosophy is not my forte, but at the same time I am plenty aware of the period of time when many men discussed that subject and the concept of responsibility.

I will not hold my tongue any longer, what happened to you was unforgivable. RGNK's actions would be condemned by any military tribunal in the past or the present.

And if he were to inflict that hell on you again; I won't stop with beating him into the ground.


vjockey April 9 2012, 03:35:58 UTC
[To say Cheng was a little surprised would be an understatement.]

You would? But I thought...

[He thought that it was something that all of Adventus's leadership would have agreed upon or looked at favorably.]

I... apologize. I may have misjudged you.


srwuga_mods April 9 2012, 03:43:57 UTC
No, far from it! You made an inference based on what information you had about my behaviour. I don't fault you for thinking that, though I do appreciate heeding my words all the same.

And even if you would still feel animosity towards me, I would still accept it. It is not a historian's duty to sway the minds of people one way or another; but merely provide them the facts about what has transpired in the past! A true historian stays as objective as possible, even though his own actions will inevitably be swayed by his own morals!


vjockey April 9 2012, 10:34:38 UTC
You have your own duties just as I have mine, though it seems yours are far greater than mine. That is something I can respect.


srwuga_mods April 9 2012, 13:26:15 UTC
Leave history to decide whose duties are more important, Cheng.

Insignificant things can blossom into the foundation for everything we know... why in fact a single, city-based traffic law written in 2075 has gone on to become the cornerstone for every government institution today!


vjockey April 9 2012, 16:02:47 UTC
[Cheng was about to say something else. However though...]

How so?

[After all, there was still a lot he had to learn about the world outside of Gucun.]


srwuga_mods April 9 2012, 16:52:35 UTC
Regrettably, everyone else who understands the exact chain of events following the Nebraska Intra-city Traffic Law of 2075 perished in Second Impact, many under mysterious circumstances.


[And thus begins a very long and complicated explanation of a sequence of events that honestly even I haven't figured out yet. Nevertheless, Jeremy is entirely right about all of this!]


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