6th Junk Sale | [video] - time frame: kidnap to aftermath

Apr 04, 2012 06:17

[Judau was gone after Adventus struck, but for the doubters that thought he stole a mobile suit, he did not. The Dijeh and G-Savior were still in the hangar, and for further doubts, you may see a video message and hit the play button, watching the images of what happened:

Judau was smiling as he looked at the screen, waving. It was one those rare smiles you can never find on the Chalice, considering who he was contacting.]

Hey Leina! Your bro's got some good news: private school time! That battle with the Harvesters was one heck of a brawl, but as always, your bro saves people and takes the reward. [After a second passes, he wags his finger, as if predicting her actions.] No, it wasn't stealing. Heck, they said I could take as much as I could get if I got it! Besides, even if they change their minds, I got the cash to move ya away and put you in any school you want!

Course, we gotta decide on a school first...

Oh, and before ya think I forgot, no, I didn't. [He pulls out a small white box from behind him.] See? I got her a gift like you said. And before you say anything, yes, I'll get the others something nice. Trust me, I always pay my debts! [That one was added with a wink.] Still, I don't understand why girls like this kind of stuff. Seriously, they're expensive like hell and--

[Judau stops, sensing something's off. His eyes widen, as if feeling something horrifying burning inside of him. He moves to head out the door, but figures soon come in off screen. Just as he ran off screen too, he is knocked back down to the floor, a loud thud very audible in the video. Just as he does get up, groaning, a soldier comes on screen to knock him out again with the butt of his rifle. Soon after, he is dragged away by the unknown soldier. To where? Obviously off the White Chalice.]

[ooc: so yeah, this is just a video of what happened before Judau was kidnapped, and the message was never sent out to Leina, so anyone can come into his room to see the video and talk amongst themselves. The gift is meant for Roux as well, and will be explained with the small card inside.]

judau ashta, route a

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