New Arrival, Familiar Face

Mar 31, 2012 11:11

In the mix of new faces all about the Chalice, the orange mech in the garage could be easily overlooked, as could the young man who had arrived in it. To some, he was probably just another new face, another member to add to the list of Merry Men. Those who'd been on the Chalice for a good while, however, would recognize the suit and pilot that disappeared without notice or fanfare three months ago, now suddenly returned with equally little warning.

[1 - Action]
Since his arrival, Allelujah has seemed more tired than a good many of the faces on the Chalice; at the current moment, he can be found relaxing on the observation deck. He seems to alternate between sleeping and watching the stars with a distant look in his eyes. He's managed to keep his manners about him despite his out-there state, saying hello to those who pass him by, but for the most part he seems content to watch the goings on around him wordlessly.

[2 - Video | Reintroduction]
On screen is a young man with grey eyes and hair wearing an orange jacket. Even through the video feed, the man seems about ready to keel over from exhaustion, but his shoulders are set and his voice steady as he speaks.

"Many of you already know me, but for those who have arrived within the past three months or whom I have not yet had the chance to meet, allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Allelujah Haptism; I'm a Gundam Meister of Celestial Being, and the pilot of Gundam Kyrios. Approximately three months ago, I left the Chalice on a reconnaissance mission for the Ptolemios. While I am unable to disclose any other information, I wish to assure those of you who might take note that, for the time being, I have been reassigned to accompany the Chalice indefinitely. For those of you who might have wondered what happened to me, I apologize for not having left any indication of where I had gone or what I was doing. I hope you will understand that at the time, my choice to leave without notice was a step I considered necessary."

After a moment's pause, he bows awkwardly, nods to an unseen figure off to the side, and the screen goes black.

alessandra langelier, tatsu, kamille bidan, allelujah haptism, setsuna f. seiei

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