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haro_and_firing March 31 2012, 19:39:10 UTC

"And a month Setsuna and I have been hanging around waiting for you." He set side his work with a warm grin. "It's good to be back together though. Maybe we can finally get to work. I can only clean my gun so many time, ya know?"

"Cleaning his gun! Cleaning his gun!" Haro sang as he bounced up and down on the table before Allelujah.


That Icon <3 subject_0057 April 1 2012, 06:17:57 UTC
"Haha, sorry to keep you both waiting. You know how pushy Miss Sumeragi can be... she insisted I recon every nook and cranny in the neighboring system just in case there was some microscopic enemy. It's been a rather boring three months... when I wasn't restocking supplies, I was out in the system for days at a time."

The pilot didn't seem too miffed by the situation, truth be told: it's safe to assume that not finding anyone was a relief of sorts, given that it meant no killing. He laid his hand on the bouncing Haro with a small chuckle. "Missed you too, Haro."


haro_and_firing April 1 2012, 06:34:57 UTC

"It's alright. It's just pretty boring with out Setsuna to talk to. Well and Haro, but he get's a bit repetitive after a while." Lockon chuckled a little. "Well at least we can relax a little, knowing our backdoor is safe."

Haro flapped his ears and blinked his eyes happily at Allelujah, whisteling and singing.
"Welcome back! Welcome back!"


subject_0057 April 1 2012, 07:16:59 UTC
"Hah, well, I'll try to make up for Setsuna's sadly uninteresting choice of conversation," he assured the other pilot, smiling as he lifted his head from his arms and tilted his head to the side. "And yeah... at the very least, I can assure the Chalice that we're safe for a little while, at least from that direction."

He lightly patted the head of the Haro, smiling. "You have such an interesting companion, Lockon."


haro_and_firing April 1 2012, 07:32:12 UTC

"I always wonder if they programmed him that way. He's got quite an emotional range for a computer." Without Haro Lockon wouldn't be able to do half the things he could in battle, Haro was part of him, and at the same time, and extension of his self.

"All Setsuna wants to talk about is Gundam. No surprise there really. And Hixar, but I'm still not sure about him. Either way, I'm glad you're back! I didn't realize how boring things where without you around." He sat back, relaxed, laughing softly, and smiling easily. It was good to get to talk to someone.


subject_0057 April 1 2012, 20:05:21 UTC
"Ah, I'd heard there was another Meister on board... So that's Hixar, is it?" he asked? There was a very cat-like curiosity to the way he leaned forward, head slightly cocked. "It's strange to think there was a shadow group in addition to the Ptolemy."

After a slight pause, a small chuckle escapes him. "It's nice that you got assigned to the Chalice... I've been missing your company."


haro_and_firing April 1 2012, 20:21:42 UTC

"Yes. He assures me we're on the same teams, and that our secrets are not part of the information he is privy to. But he still kind of rubs me the wrong way, so be careful around him." Lockon leaned in a little, bowing his head to speak softly, in case the blond man and his awful coat where hanging around somewhere near by (like in the next thread down).

"But you must be worn out, having just gotten back. Do you have to debrief or are you finished with that already?" Lockon put a hand on Allelujah's helmet, with a smirk.
"Do you have a spare uniform here, or should we go back to the Ptolemy."


subject_0057 April 2 2012, 20:07:41 UTC
"Hmm... well, I guess if Miss Sumeragi accepts him, we can't really say anything otherwise about it. At least he's not difficult to spot," the young man murmured back; the last few words were drawn out as he held back a yawn until he'd finished his sentence.

"I debriefed with Miss Sumeragi and Ian before I returned to the Chalice, but I completely forgot about my uniforms... And it looks like they cleared out my room when I vanished, so all my spare clothes were moved back to the Ptolemy," he sighs, but doesn't seem 'too' put out. It might have something to do with the way Lockon had suggested going back to the Ptolemy. Company was a wonderful thing for the man right now.


haro_and_firing April 2 2012, 22:30:11 UTC

"Well then," Lockong put his rifle into a bag, and zipped it up, before slinging it over his shoulder.
"Sounds like it's time to go home." He got his feet carefully, as Haro bounced down to the floor, twirling about, and flapping his head.
"Let's go home together! Let's go home together! "

"You said it my friend."


subject_0057 April 3 2012, 00:53:31 UTC
With a small smile, Allelujah got to his feet once again and picked up his helmet. "Home... it has such a nice sound to it..."


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