Mar 19, 2012 06:27
[The following is an official Federation news broadcast. Similar ones will be made during the following few days, so it's hard to miss.]
The recent observations of several astronomers have been officially confirmed: a meteor is heading towards Earth. According to the calculations it will hit the planet head-on at the end of the following week. The impact site will be in eastern Asia. The meteor's speed is too high to send a team to install demolition charges and break it to pieces.
However, there is no need to panic. An experimental laser, in development for the last few years, shall be used by the Federation to destroy the meteor from the ground. The best place from which to fire the laser is the calculated impact area, and it's being installed there as we speak. The laser has been tested to guarantee it works without errors and its power is enough to completely evaporate a meteor of such size. The Federation has the situation under control and all of its citizens are asked to remain calm.
[The closer it gets to the mission Hammer To Fall, the easier it is to see the meteor in the sky. It starts as a tiny dot visible mostly at night and grows bigger and harder to ignore as time goes on.]