(no subject)

Mar 14, 2012 11:42

[[Hixar is reclining in a chair in one of the ship's various lounges.  He's making no attempt to hide what he's doing, at least, outwardly.  By all appearances, he's got a keyboard hooked up to Hayana.  He seems rather occupied typing something up, but at the same time, he seems to be watching something.

It's...  a recording of the most recent battle.  The one dealing with those damn Harvesters...]]

((The Written File))

Report date :: 03-13-0016
Veda Confidential.  Security rating: 3

To the best of my knowledge, this has been the Earth Sphere's first encounter with a race known as "Harvesters".  However, gauging from the reaction of much of the crew, this is not their first encounter as the entity known as the "White Chalice" (Henceforth known as WC).  There appears to be one particular member of the crew, one "Dita Libely" (DL).

Ship records show this woman to be from the planet Mejere, as well as her crew, (presently detached from WC).  While no record exists of this planet, WC records show DL claims to be from the future.  As gathered by events passing in the previous sortie, this would be Earth's future, or, a possible one.

According to WC crew accounts, The Harvesters' goal is to collect the human race for body parts, assumed to supplement their own, or a nutritional value they cannot acquire otherwise.  Unfortunately, neither WC nor the Mejere party have any concrete facts on Harvesters.  Until further notice, I will place them under the "ES Threat" category, rating B.

Other points of note during the sortie were the second deployment of Neo-France's RRC model, and it's pilot.  It performed up to expected standards.  Danger rating: C

Hours before, a group popularly known as the "Getter Team" returned to WC's numbers.  Research shows that only two members of the "Getter Team" (GT) match historical records involving several "Invader" and "Getter Energy" incidents.  The third member seems to be a recent replacement, one "Kei Kurama" (KK).  GT member, Ryouma Nagare, (RN), sortied in a possibly third or fourth generation Getter machine, when compared to previous known models.  It is unknown if it's power is inferior, or the Harvesters are simply that powerful.  Though damaged, the machine continues to function beyond expected limitations. Danger rating: A

The former Anahiem Electronics latest model, the Zeta Gundam, piloted by one Kamille Bidan (KB) sortied and returned without damage.  This appears to be a factor if the pilot's ability.  It is understood that the pilot is not only autistic, but showing signs of NewType development.  Danger rating: B

A small lizard-like AI machine pilots a much larger lizard-like mecha known as the Fury. The origins of the AI lizard, as well as it's designation are unknown, as it only vaguely communicates via body language.  Several WC occupants seem to be able to understand this.  (Requires further study). While it did not perform spectacularly, it does not appear to be capable of self-contained flight, and was thus, at a great disadvantage.  It does appear to house an impractical number of turrets along it's machine, as well as a high-output energy canon discharged from it's mouth.  Assumed that it's designer enjoyed visual entrainment from the 20th century.  Danger rating to be studied further.

Most intriguing of all is the unit belonging to the Mejere party, piloted by DL.  It has an unusual ability to entirely ignore the mass and density of any other given unit and pilot and combine the two machines into, currently, three different combinations.  Each combination resembled those of enemy units; it is unclear which party was copying the other.  Observation concludes that Mejere's unit is the originator of these combinations.  Conditions that affect the various combinations will require further investigation, if not first-hand experience.  Danger rating: S

((End File))


[[And now, after much typing,Hixar seems more intent on watching the footage of the battle replay, which comes from an angle and quality not capable of the Chalice's cameras.  It's much closer and less stable.]]

Aha!  So that's when you disappeared on us.  Very sneaky!  I'm sure someone might find this quite valuable.

((do sta

haman karn, hixar fermi

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