That's it, folks! As of this post, Super Robot Wars: Unlimited Generation is officially closed.
Some final words from the mod team:
Guys, you know it's been a hell of a pleasure playing with and modding for every single one of you. This is the best RP of any kind I've ever been in, let alone helped (in a small way) to run, and it's because everyone in it is such a terrific bro. Best of luck to any of you that I suck at keeping in contact with, and seriously, being a mod here was an honor and a privilege.
And of course, lest I forget,
Man, this has been a pretty awesome couple of years for me. My first Live Journal RP as well as my first time being a mod and I have to say, I had a blast!
I just want to muse about how great this game was. The missions, the plots, the characters, the intra-canon interaction and especially the OCs. It all just worked so well. It also got me playing Super Robot Wars, which is a plus since the games are pretty awesome.
Anyway, thanks for a great time, a great group of people and a lot of new friends. I hope to keep in touch with you guys and I especially hope to see you all at Super Robot Wars Unlimited Generation Alpha when it opens this summer! Heres to making UG@ the best that it can be!
Thanks again!
P.S. Anyone who wants to app from Wayward Signet just ask!
P.P.S. Iming me about UG@ is A-OK as well.
When I became a mod for UG, it was about the same time that I transfered to San Francisco State University. I even remember prepping my first mission (Mission 009: Return of the Saint) in the bar at my school.
Coincidentally, Fall 2010 was my last semester, and the almost two months after that have been the last days of UG...
... I didn't live on campus (I commuted), and all club activities at my school were in the evening, so I didn't join any clubs ... what I'm trying to say is that, in a lot of ways, this RP has been my college club.
And what an RP it's been. I can't say it's been perfect (what game ever has or could be?), but I can say that this has been my favorite LJ RP, and I'm glad to have been a major player in making it one of the best RPs ever. And you should all be too, because a game is made not just by its mods, but by its players.
I hope to see you all and more in UG@, and that we make that game even greater. Stay in touch, 'cause I <3 you guys.
P.S. We should totally have a meme or something to talk about our OCs and the canons we want to app so we can form super awesome casts for UG@.
P.P.S. You all can totally have permission to app from Hildebrandsleid, all you have to do is ask.
P.P.P.S. I am in only a few games right now and am in the market for joining or another LJ RP, but I don't have much in the way of plans just yet, so this is your chance to try to enable or something.
I should go into this saying that until maybe a few months before we started UG, we didn’t know what Super Robot Wars was and the format was intended for use in a Kingdom Hearts-style game. With that in mind, I think it turned out pretty well, all things considered.
I don’t think any of us expected something quite like this when we started the game back in 2008. Here we are about two and a half years later, and it’s already ended. While it feels a little bittersweet, I definitely think it was time to close the curtains, and we did so in the best way we could. Since the game started, it was planned to end, and as far as the lifespans of average Livejournal games are concerned, we had a damn good run and I couldn’t have picked a better group to do it with.
I would say the most gratifying part of running this game has been the player response. You guys were awesome, and I’ve been told several times by various people, both privately and in OOC chat, that this was the best game they’d ever been in. Considering this was our first game when we were fairly fresh on the LJ scene, that’s a great thing to hear.
In some ways, I’ve really been looking forward to being done. I definitely feel a bit burned out and the whole scheduling and running of missions can be quite stressful and even time-consuming at times. Nevertheless, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time here running this game and providing you all with what I hope were an enjoyable experience. The measure of a good game, I would say, is the players behind it. You guys are awesome, and it is because of you that I feel I can agree and say we had one of the best games on Livejournal.
We finally did it. Two years and seven months after starting, Super Robot Wars: Unlimited Generation finally comes to a close tonight.
It's not easy to describe what this ride has been like for me. This was the second LJ RP I was ever involved in, and the first that I ever moderated. In the early days, we didn’t really have a clue what we were doing. No OOC chat? Tracked money system? One mission every two weeks? Somehow, we overcame all these ideas and made a great RP, filled with great players, having great times. There were some times when the game seemed to drag on forever, and times when it seemed like there was no end in sight, but we perservered, and were rewarded with one of the best conclusions in the history of LJRP.
To all of the players: Thank you. Thank you for joining. Thank you for participating. Thank you for throwing out ideas that we ended up incorporating into the game. Thank you for asking me about ridiculous post-canon upgrade ideas. Thank you for putting up with my official role as The Crotchety Mod.
To the other mods: Thank you. Thank you for helping keep the game from falling apart. Thank you for running missions. Thank you for taking apps. Thank you for having an interest in the Silentium plotline enough to build your own Imperati for it. Thank you for making this ending possible
Thank you for being a part of this wonderfully epic game, one and all. To those of you who don’t share other RPs with me and aren’t joining SRWUG@: Goodbye.