The story of Super Robot Wars: Unlimited Generation is coming to an end, but the lives of the various characters are not! The world turns on, and we all go our separate ways
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Duo Maxwell spent the next year working with Quatre to hunt down every copy of the ZERO system and destroying all the data about it, including the data the Cagalli had stolen. After that he destroyed Deathscythe and started up a business in Singapore, repairing mobile suits. Though he refused to work on military models, he was willing to occasionally do something on the down low for old friends.
Heero Yuy could occasionally be seen visiting Duo's shop. Having self-detonated Wing Zero once and for all, he lived a quiet, peaceful life, making the occasional unexpected contact with old friends and seeing a psychiatrist weekly.
After doing his part in obliterating the ZERO System, Quatre Raberba Winner destroyed Sandrock once and for all then continued to be the CEO of the family business. he also saw to the repairs of various colonies and places on Earth that needed them after damages from the fighting. He made sure not to stay buried under work and stayed in touch with all of his friends.
During his rampage of espionage, he met a young soldier of Orb named Hilde. It's not entirely clear what's going on between them, but they both seem pretty happy about it. He eventually got a degree in engineering through a correspondence course with Tokyo University.
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