The mission "Advent of Diana" was a moderate failure; while the leaders of each side survived a surprise attack, their peace talks were ruined by a still unidentified attacker.
The next time any of you see a TV screen, the channel changes to a bunny with stitches over its mouth sitting next to a blue haired, red ribboned girl, both behind a counter. The have name placards reading 'Usagi' and 'Plenair.' The following will play. It is on all channels until you are done watching. Each and every one of you. If you turn it off, it will be back when you turn it on, AND YOU WILL HAVE TO START FROM THE BEGINNING.
Usagi: It's 6 o'clock and time for the news. Today's special news broadcast is being brought to you from the Netherworld in GigaVision.
Usagi: We have received reports that earlier today after a failed confectionery caper, the former political contender, Mid-Boss, was soundly thrashed by giant robots. Normally Netherworld police care nothing for jurisdiction, but frankly, no one cares about him, and so the Dark Court seems to have decided not to press charges. In fact, we would like salute the following EDF soldiers:
Usagi: A moment of silent appreciation for them, if you'd please.
Plenair: .......
Usagi: However, apparently their true mission was foiled anyway! Apparently peace talks between moon people and earthlings have been ruined by an unknown assailant! Good work, good sir! We applaud your efforts!
Plenair: .......
Usagi: The complete report can be downloaded
here. Usagi: By the way, it would seem that Kurtis got pretty badly hurt~! He should be just fine after a trip to the hospital, though. See the full report to watch him take and and dish it right back out to Mid-Boss!