Yay for that.

Jul 25, 2005 15:52

Like I promised here are some pictures from CPS, and considering Coldstone is crazy and I don't have to work until 7:00 tonight why not some memories as well?:

The West Wing Oration Quote.

The Oratory songs...which I performed for my family last night.

H-Dizzle and G-to-tha-Retle....Errrrrrrrr

Wendy's has a finger for you!


Spencer's interpretive dancing (not a fond memory, but not easy to forget)

Finding our truths, sharing our truths

"The Xanga Incident"

Jamba/Dunn Bros

Taking artistic pictures of the campus with Allie and Cassi

Allizzle, B Stizzle, Finsizzle, Lizzizzle OO, Natalie M. Schira, Dr. G, K. Fo, Seth Halvorsen: PhD Candidate


Kate and Odditie from the Info Desk

"I'm lactating!"

Off-campus trips: DQ, Subway

Seducing people with my armpits

Messed up squirrels


Old people in '91 Nats haha

Love triangles...Allie calls them pentagons

"Let's not shit on Oprah" - Seth

"Some things just aren't Swedish" - Me

"Be loose...like a tramp" - Dr. G

Rap battles

BSB/Salsa Dance

Dowling/West truce

"Curiosity killed the cat, not the orator" - Me/Allie

"Oratory is pain." Repeat. -Dr. G

"Just that we live...and maybe that's all that really matters anyway" - Finsizzle

Maturity: Thought before Action

Courtest Costs Nothing


Team 2 gets one point and....WEENS!

Seth getting "welled up like a Hallmark commercial"

"I love you...just kidding...sorry."

Trust me, there's more. I just am tired and if I'm forgetting any comment with them.

And now...
If they're sideways it's because I didn't feel like rotating them.
Let's start with the ones Cherian took:

Turck Hall...where the inventor of AC would have been humiliated.


K.Fo, Kate Rice, Kevin Troy

Seth and Gena

Kelly and Anne

Megan, Laura, Jen, Allie, Ozzie, Bern

Ozzie, Emma, Lizzizzle, Julie

Me, Allie and Cassi

The orators first meeting of how they will take over the camp.

Cherian and Haley before Prom

Kevin and Kate...how cute!


Oz and Bridge

One might wonder why Seth looks high in every picture taken of him...

Seth reading Allie's oratory.

Rodino et Dr. G

J'ai travaillé beaucoup!

Finding things we shouldn't find...

Mara like Sara and KFo


Natalie Sintek and Mr. Wunn great each other with great enthusiasm.


Megan Bartle and Mr. Wunn


One of the typical Rodino-esque pictures where Seth peers over something in a villianous manner.

Dr. G eats an ice cream sandwich while I vomit.

Megan and Finsizzle salsa.

I don't think we're in salsa land anymore...

For nothing liking their species, Ozzie gets pretty lucky at the salsa dance.

Obsessing over my pictures.

One time, at speech camp...

Ben and Jerry the printers

Jay and Silent Bob the other printers

Flower picture 1

Flower picture 2

One of the million pictures I took when pretending to be paparazzi during someone's wedding.

So long story short...I wore my Math Club shirt one day (and I'm not even in math club, I just like the shrit so this is even more ironic) and Vasu from our school notices it as I'm going back to the dorm after breakfast and rushes up to me and he was on German immersion camp and was only there for a day but we took a picture with him to prove that he was there. And I also say Abbi Robbins who goes to Macalester and she was like "Brian?!?" and then I recognized her but I was the only one who knew who she was.

Allie doing Kaitlyn's oratory

Natalie M. Schira


Lizzizzle OO

K. Fo!

Laura and Billy. I have a thing for black and white pictures on occasion.

Megan and Ozzie gazing into each others...chests?

Billy's butt (for you, alyssa) and Laura

This girl looks like Lauren Piette. Agree?

Cheer up, Kevin!

Ms. Van Zante needs this poster in her room. We should make it for her.

Chewing on my keychain. Like always.

Cherian and I discuss life

Cherian and I finish our conversation and shift our attention to the TV.

Yes, a sidewalk is a free treadmill. Right on.

This girl looks like Haley Weiss, agree?

"Speaking of lacating, let's go to Dairy Queen!" Said the great Seth Halvorsen.

The cover of "Oratoryland's" CD. AKA, us singing our oratory songs.

Before convocation photo. Finsizzle, Dan, Bridgette, Me, Megan, Laura

Eric attacks Ernie Rose. Ernie Rose deserved it.

Ozzie and Jen chillaxing.

This guy was in OO Finals in 1991. They all wore khaki's with blue suit jackets. And they all looked like 40-year old yacht owners.

This lady was also in 1991 OO Finals. She has a very eccentric dress with a bowtie. That's hott.

After my five minute introduction, the Dr. Brian show beings with a few questions to the guests.

Finley going psycho every time Dr. Brian says the word 'you'.

Gena, Seth, Katie. Awww they're all so cute in that picture!

Jennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny and I hugging like so frequently was the case.


Bridge asking Yoda something. I wonder what the question was...

Meatball packing.

And, finally, during the Superhero game, I seduce the camera with my superpower that allows me to seduce people with my armpit. This is also a video of this pit-seducation that is quite amusing.

That's all the pictures I have for now. Theres still like 100 I didn't put up, but they weren't that good.

I'm going to go watch Hotel Rwanda finally.

Au revoir,
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