So Nationals was fun.
I broke to Octos and was very happy with that.
Random things:
*Airport lost my suitcase
*Eagles Stadium
*Sheaff Fatigue
*Sports Center
*Artistic Pictures
*Comics during Extemp
*Non airconditioned classrooms. Seriously, we competed in suits and 95 degree weather with no AC.
*"No, we are not having intercourse"
*The Three-to-One Rule
*Retro dance party at...Constitution Hall? Hmmm...
*Parking Ramps
*Cyndy is just awesome in general, especially when she calls people Fucko
*"Come with me to Neverland!" "Not guilty"
*Garden rooftop
*NPR is soooo boring
*Abe Lincoln and the Quaker
*The Rose Heard Round the World...or that made the janitor cry
and in case you've been underground for the past couples weeks:
Brian Britigan/Kathleen Hession - 5th Place, Duo
Grace VanVoorhis - 6th Place, Lincoln Douglas Debate
Kate Rice - 9th Place, US Extemp
Me - Octo-finalist, Original Oratory
Molly Schintler - Semi-finalist, Prose
Kelly Johnson - Semi-finalist, Poetry
So bascially that was a long time ago.
Since then, I've been working non-stop at Coldstone. Come get some ice cream if you haven't already.
My birthday is in two days.
I left the water running in the sink and my bathroom flooded this morning.
Only one of the toilets in our house works.
I'm going to finish two books thats I've barely started by next week. For Macalester. So I can decide on a topic.
BBQ the night before we left at Amie's house
"Joy of Airports"
The first night's dinner at the sports bar in the hotel
Fashionable "Liberty Bells" Cyndy made herself for all of us
Cyndy et moi, nous sommes parlons au telephone
Kelly, Molly, Ms. Hamm
Molly visits Kathleen in her cell
In front of the Lincoln Financial Field
Happy Birthday B2
I could've been on American Idol.
Duo Number One
Duo Number Two
What? And Why?
I'm not sure whether this picture was supposed to be seductive or stealthy.
La femmes de West High Speech
Squinty Eyes
Me and the Eagle dude. In Kathleen's shirt because the airline lost my luggage.
The sportscenter people. Yeah.
The other sportscenter guy.
Jumbotron Kathleen
Old Ben Franklin
The Devon Window. He fit perfectly in that window, it was too creepy.
No explaination required.
Typical Molly/B Stew moment
I would call it an "O" face but its more of an ellipse.
Sunlight + Sculpture = Good picture
"Schwann's Retro Dance Party". The weird thing was, all these kids and all these shirley temples and all this grinding and all this music and an oxygen bar and some food...and they stuck it all in the...Constitution Center?? Seem out of place to anyone else?
For comparison, here is the million-dollar Constitution Center minus the dance party:
Conversation with our founding fathers.
Another Constitution signer.
If that's what you get for signing the Constitution, give me a pen!
The Awkward Picture.
This would have been cooler if the ambulance wouldn't have turned the corner.
Very Kelly.
THE Hubcap Crew.
Papa Hubcap
Recreation of Abercrombie and Fitch ad. If you wear their jeans you will get on other people with their jeans. Whatever.
Philly 2
A BEA-utiful piece of artwork
Artsy picture 1
Artsy picture 2
Artsy picture 3
I loved this door. It was in an alley.
The graduation rose. The one that made the janitor cry.
Sheaff is so funny in his suit.
Kathleen and Brian performing in Finals in front of thousands of people.
Kate getting trophied.
Rooftop garden
Colonial Amie and B
La belle de libertie et moi
Honest Abe
Me and the Quaker
"Gummi Bear Mayhem" Where is that yellow one going?
That's a blank for the picture of the NPR people because they don't even deserve a picture they were so boring.
Grace Bo Bace
B2, Grace, Kate, Kathleen
Molly, Kelly and I drinking from our cups.
The team
And the cool thing about this picture is if you soom in on the guy in the white shirt way in the background he is blatantly picking his nose.
That was long.
If you made it here you're either stalking me or some creepy cousin I never met.