Hey peoples ok so today was alright so i woke up at 11 when i feel asleep at 5 yeah so then i got up went on my compter. Got ready to go to skool to walk around my freind picked me up and we went to conant and i look around and i had to go to my concler to get my scheldule fix i have woods now. Im happy so then i got home and just hung out with my mom and she wasnt doing that well i hope she doesent have to go to the hospital agian.Then i was on my compter and i was gunna lay down but my dad said come with me to pay for ther roadrunner bc we didnt have ne one to take us back and i couldnt drive so we just go tthe keys to the car bc it is done the new engine is in it and me and my brothers went therre and got it omg it is so LOUD i luv it and fast but we didnt go fast all well. O yeah i made dinner and it was so good i made spagetti with my own sauce and meat it was preety good and then we wore done and tonight every by wus by r house and lising to the car lol so yeah well that was my day. I was looking around the internet and found this nice picture of a roadrunner mine doesnt look like this but this one is nice.