Last week was dominated by Kagamine Len songs + Usatei CAN YOU TELL.
School started on monday, but since I hadn't gotten any information about the new schedule for the semester I had to call them first thing monday morning and have them search through their database to find me and my courses. THE TEACHERS COULD'VE JUST E-MAILED US YOU KNOW.
...And then I overslept on tuesday so I ended up not going to my Samhällskunskap A... |Da And it turns out I'm only gonna have that class once a week instead of twice, because there's some newbies that's entered our class just now. And the teacher just decided to give us one lesson of the week each instead of trying to mix and match us all the time. So, a total of three lessons a week. WELL, AT LEAST I HAVE FREE TIME NOW.
Also, Svenska B. I already wrote the test on the different time periods of litterature's development, so I really don't have to attend those classes until, what, late February? So now we're down to one lesson a week. OH JOY. I'M SPENDING MY YOUTH SITTING AROUND ON MY BUTT.
Ah well, better use that newly aquired free time for some good stuff. Like getting my ponies back into shape (I've gotten started on that!) and studying. (About that... well... orz)
Onee was supposed to come over to my place and play over the weekend, but because of some crap, she couldn't come. And I was looking forward to it, seeing as she and I don't mett or talk much... Haauuu... ;_;
Instead, I spent my weekend not studying playing Sims 2 and GETTING UP TO SPEED ON 5D'S FINALLY. Twenty episodes of WHAT AM I WATCHING WHAT DID THIS SHOW DEGRADE TO. Loads of filler. And loads of filler disguised as plot by the Big Bad Trio pulling strings in the background for no adequately explored reason. Who are they anyway? And what are they even up to? And all these inchoerent mini-plots ohgod...
And the characterization all died horribly. In one way or another. Jack's suddenly all TSUNDERE BFF. MAKING SPEECHES ABOUT PRIDE OF THE DUELIST, OMNOMNOM KIZUNA, AND SMILING LIKE IT AIN'T NOBODY'S BUSINESS. Though he is randomly beating the crap of some characters every other episode. Oh Jack, I still love you<3
I was right about that thing I think I said after Season 2 ended. Now that Goodwin is gone, there will be no Rexposition, and without Rexposition, THERE CAN BE NO PLOT. Without Goodwin to Rexplain to those sad sods what they are supposed to do next, the plot has died. I talked to Aibo and concluded that Goodwin was actually the manuscript writer's self-insert Gary Stue. When he died, so did the manuscript = plot.
Goodwin needs to be Rexurrected. Quote courtesy of Aibo.
Also while staying up on aim all night I concluded that Atlas-sama is quite the awesome peep. Must talk more, though time zones will kill me... orz
So enough of that and on to what annoyed me today while driving one of my ponies, Turbo. Turbo was fine, a bit on the lazy side, but what can I expect? No, the pony wasn't the issue. The issue was another rider in our stable, Gabbi.
Gabbi rides/owns four of the horses in the stable, out of the eight that aren't mine or mom's. So she's frequently on about how much time it takes her to get everything done, how annoying it is when people are slow around the stable and someone's (read she's) in a hurry, and so on. She also likes to tell me that when she 16 she lived in her own apartment, managed school, a part-time job and a horse so I reeaally shouldn't be talking about not having the time or energy for my ponies or studying. And she's all smug whenever she asks if I'm gonna exercise my ponies and I say no.
I can deal with any of the above occassionally, but when she's grabbing every chance possible to make people feel sorry for her, inflate her ego or randomly pushing me down I GET PISSY IN THE LONG RUN. And because she has four horses and no full-time job she's in the stable around five hours a day. Yeah, she makes remarks about me sleeping until the afternoon and thus I appear in the stable late at night to clean out the boxes, but she really has no clue that I'm just avoiding her.
But today I think she should get a fucking reward.
So, while in the riding building, there were three of us there. Me driving my shetland shetland SHETLAND TINY pony casually, Torill and Gabbi are both exercising their large large LARGE horses by walking on the ground and controlling their horses with reins. I really don't know the english term for it, but it consumes fucking space. They easily occupied more than two thirds of the building while I just slinked between them whenever I could to make sure I wouldn't bother them.
It's worth noting that I didn't even approach Gabbi and her horse more than once during my entire session.
So when I'm done;
Gabbi: ...Are you gonna drive the other pony now too?
Me: Uh, no..?
Gabbi: Oh, good.
...It took me a moment to realize what had just been said. Good. Good?! So yeah, the meaning of that is that she's happy that she gets the building to herself when she's gonna ride the next horse. She's openly happy about me not being there.
Now let's go over a few things. Mom's the boss of the farm, but she hasn't put up any real rules of conduct in the riding building. She doesn't want to be a nazi about it, and I understand her, because it's never fun to need a long list of rules to make people happy. She just hopes that everyone will meet on equal terms through courtesy and common sense. Such as;
- If you want to be alone in the building, pay the fee to reserve it beforehand and make sure it's not during a time when a lot of people will want to be in there with their horses. Note that Gabbi frequently reserves the building without paying a pence, because "people are still allowed inside". Yeah but there's no way to do anything when there's jumping fences put up everywhere and horses jumping back and forth!
- When in the building, if nothing's reserved, everyone has the right to the same amount of space. No-one should be entitled to more or less room than anyone else. Today, both Torill and Gabbi used way too much of my space, but I don't whine, because my pony's tiny so I'm not that needy of room.
But yeah, apparently Gabbi thinks I take up too much space with my tiny pony and my wagon. Despite the fact that she was the one with the giant horse galopping in a circle around her effectively sealing off nearly half of the building. But that obviously means I should move, not her.
And what was it now, didn't she always use to snark when I didn't drive my ponies? But now it's good that I won't and huh?
She's been getting on my nerves in general, but today just claimed the prize.
Well, mom's aware of the problem, and it annoys her too. Gah, glad I got all of that out of my system. Hopefully I'll be able to make myself go out into the stable even if Gabbi's around, because my ponies need training and none of this is their fault.
Ah well, now for some IRL shenanigans. Toodles~