ooc: character details meme

Feb 25, 2008 21:15

Lots of questions, to help get the character in a more solid state of being.

The Character Physically

1. What is the character's stature and build? Is he overweight? Thin? What is his height and weight?

Athos is the shortest of the three musketeers, but not by much. He's of a normal build, with his frame set a bit heavier in the shoulders and chest. 5'10", probably about 170 pounds.

2. How old is he?

Dumas has him as the oldest of the musketeers, but since you can't be too old, somewhere in his early 30's.

3. Describe his posture. Is it good? Does he carry himself well? Is he crooked? Straight?

He has very good posture, and carries himself like a nobleman and a military officer. Unless he's been drinking, where he will often relax his posture slightly, but he still holds himself with an air of authority.

4. Is he in good shape or out of condition? Is he muscularly weak or strong?

Strong, conditioned, from countless hours of practice and dueling. You had to be able to survive a drawn out fight to stay alive.

5. How is his health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?

Good health. In modern times, he would most likely be considered an alcoholic, but times were different then.

6. Is he physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover?

Very quick on his feet, able to run, jump, scale walls or stairs, or chase without problem.

7. Is he clumsy, awkward, graceful?

Graceful, but in the sense that his movements have purpose. His rapier is an extension of his arm and when he needs to strike with force, he will.

8. Does he move in straight or curved lines? Is he physically tight or fluid?

Depends on how much he's had to drink, again, but he tends to take the shortest distance between two points unless he is making an effort to survey the situation or location. He's fluid in his movements, they come natural to him.

9. What are his chief efforts?

First and foremost, to protect the King, at all costs. Second, to protect his fellow countrymen and Musketeers. Third, to find a good bottle of red that doesn't cost him a damn thing.

10. Is the character good-looking, pretty, beautiful, average, plain, ugly, disfigured?

Athos is good looking, handsome. His hair is his best feature, followed by his eyes.

11. Is the character aware of himself physically? His looks?

Yes. He knows he is capable of many things and takes that into account. You do not want to piss him off, because he will mess you up, even if he doesn't look it from the outside. He's also aware that he's good looking.

12. Describe his complexion and skin. Dark, light, clear, marked?

Fair, to lightly tanned in color, with few visible scars on his body. There are some scars that are not visible unless he removes his clothes, and well, until he does that there is no need to describe them.

13. Describe his hair, coloring, styling. Is it taken care of?

Blonde hair, which is kept to a length just about his shoulders. He does not tie it back. He also has a beard, which is kept somewhat trimmed, but not as much as Aramis or Porthos trim theirs.

14. How is his usual dexterity? Does he have good hands: Can he do things? Is he a worker?

Athos has excellent hands. He is an expert swordsman and very good shot with a pistol or rifle, though his talent definitely lies in his work with the rapier.

15. Is he physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled?

Relaxed and controlled at the same time. He is a man of great power and being a Musketeer (a personal bodyguard of the King) that power comes with being well off when it comes to status among people. He knows that, however, at times, he will not show this and will act selfless to a degree...but that noble stature and control of a situation is in his blood.

16. What are his chief tension centers?

His jawline and his shoulders, and by extension, his neck. When he's tense, he'll set his jaw and straighten his neck and shoulders, all to give off the idea that he is the one with the power and the one with control.

17. What part of his body would you notice first?

His hair, probably. Unless he's wearing his tunic, which would be the first thing to be noticed.

18. Describe his basic gravity factor. Is there a downward pull or buoyancy?

Even, actually. When he's fighting, he's light on his feet, when he's drunk, he tends to gravitate inward/downward slightly.

The Character's Clothes

1. How much clothes does this character have?

A good amount, but not an excessive amount.

2. What items are in their wardrobe?

Boots, socks, undergarments, breeches, collared shirts, open necked shirts, tunics, a hooded cloak or two, his Musketeer tunic (he probably has two), gloves, and at least two hats.

3. What are their favorite articles of clothing?

He takes pride in wearing his blue tunic.

4. What colors are the clothes? Is there a wide range? Bright or dull? What are their favorite colors to wear?

Most of his clothes are neutral, lighter earth tones. Athos is usually seen in tans and whites. The Musketeer tunic is a rich, royal blue, with white and silver details for the crosses and edges.

5. Are their clothes bright or dull?

See above.

6. Were they bought or home-made, hand-me-downs, expensive?

Handmade, purchased. The Musketeer tunic is part of a uniform provided by the King.

7. What is one of his favorite items to wear?

Most likely the tunic, or his sword. His sword is always on his person.

8. Do his clothes fit well?

Yes. The tunic is tailored.

9. Is he comfortable in what he wears? Does he "fight" his clothes?

Yes. Even if he is required to dress up for an important affair, Athos is very comfortable in playing the part and looking the way a nobleman should, which is flawless in his best clothing.

10. Is he confident about the way he dresses, or uneasy?


11. Does he care for his clothes? Keep them up and neat? Is he worried about how they look?

Athos does care for his clothes. Someone took the time to make them and so he feels he should take the the time to keep them neat. If he's unable to mend something, there is always someone in town who can do the work for a few coins to his satisfaction.

12. Does he have to dress a certain way because of his job or position? If so, do his usual clothes fit his real, basic character?

Yes. The Musketeers have a uniform and Athos follows that, and that is who he is. A Musketeer, and loyal to the King.

13. Does he dress according to a self image of himself? Is that self image conscious or unconscious? At what age was this self image made?

Yes. Athos was a Count before he was a Musketeer, so, early. He learned to carry himself, and keep up appearances.

14. What kind of underwear does he wear?

Standard undergarments for 16th and 17th century France.

The Character's Voice

1. Does he speak in a high or low pitch voice? When might he be higher than usual? When lower?

Athos has a low pitch, rough voice. Everything is said in a tone just above a whisper. Unless he's yelling. Then, he's loud.

2. Is he a loud or soft talker?

Soft spoken.

3. Is there a wide range in the voice in volume, pitch and/or quality, or is the voice pretty consistent and even?

Usually consistent and even. When Athos speaks, people listen.

4. Is there good resonance to the voice? Is the voice throaty, chesty, heady, nasal?

Throaty, if anything.

5. Is there tension in the voice? Anxiety? Emotion?

For the most part, Athos has a level tone and level emotions in his voice, regardless of what is being said. The exception to this is when he is being sarcastic, which you will know, since he isn't afraid to hide the sarcasm or the irritation and disdain.

6. Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation? Emphasis? Phrasing?

Well, since Athos has spent many years in various parts of France...it would be a French accent to a degree. (However, since the writer behind Athos knows next to nothing of French, please forgive any errors.)

7. Is it a trained voice, or just natural?

Trained. He's a noble and he knows it.

8. Does the character "try" to speak well or just "how it comes out"?

Athos speaks well, however he does not have to try at all. It comes naturally for him.

9. Is the speech clear or muddy? Does he mumble? Is he distinct?

Clear. He does not mumble.

10. Is the voice comforting or irritating? Reassuring or disturbing?

He will make you hear what you want to hear, or what he wants you to hear. Comforting and reassuring at times, and with authority at others.

11. Is he self-conscious when he speaks to others? How large a group could he speak to before he became self-conscious?

Depends on who he's speaking to. If the person is of a higher rank than he is, he will be self-conscious. It's all about posturing and about holding yourself to an expected standard. If the person is an equal to him, he will still hold himself well. If the person is of a lower class than him, it depends on the situation. Most often times he will lower his 'upper class' attitude a bit, but depends from case to case. As for a group, he has no problem taking the lead.

The Character's Mind

1. Is the character smart, dumb, naive?

Athos is well schooled in many things. He's intelligent and educated.

2. Does he think quickly? Slowly? Is he quick-witted? Dull?

Very quickly when the situation calls for it, but he will also take the time to contemplate when the time is present, to determine a proper course of action and think out all the options and look at all the angles. Everything he does has a purpose and he likes to try and keep from having to think on the fly because previous planning went wrong. You get killed that way.

3. What kind of education has he had?

Most likely private schools while growing up.

4. What subjects does the character have knowledge or expertise in?

The art of the sword. The art of wenching. The art of acting like you rule the world and getting away with it. The art of drinking.

Athos also knows a lot about wine. And brandy.

5. Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Is he logical, rational, or emotional?

Depends, again, on the situation. He tries to be logical and rational, but he tends to allow his emotions in at times. If the moment is right, he'll act without hesitation.

6. Does he think out things before he speaks or can he "think on his feet" as he is speaking?


7. Does he have contemplative times? What does he think about when alone?

Yes. Athos is a very secretive man when it comes to his private thoughts and does not share them with many people. This includes the world at large until the situation arises.

8. Is he an idealist? A pragmatist? A dreamer? An idea man? An action man?

All of the above.

9. Is his life motivated chiefly by abstract ideals or practical rewards?

Athos lives to serve and protect the King of France, regardless of the reward involved.

The Character's Emotions and Personality

1. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?

A little of both, however, he's probably more of an introvert than Porthos and Aramis are, but that comes from his secretive nature.

2. Does he get along well with people? Does he have charm? Are people attracted to him? Does he like people?

If Athos wants you to like him, he'll let you. If he wants nothing to do with you, he'll make that clear as well. He generally likes people, and people generally like him, there is just a circle of people and then an inner circle as well.

3. Does he have many friends? Any close friends?

Aramis and Porthos. Later, d'Artagnan.

4. Is he hot-blooded or cool-headed?

Athos has a temper. He is unpredictable. You do not want to push him past his breaking point because he will make you regret it, however, he tends to manage to avoid doing anything too rash most of the time.

5. Does he have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show often?

Wide, but he doesn't show them very often.

6. Does he indulge in emotional peaks, outbursts, or valleys? Often?

All. And yes, often.

7. Would you say he is basically sensitive or calloused?

He's bitter. However, he is sensitive until given reason (any at all) to put up the walls, where you will get the business side of the Musketeer.

8. Is he suspicious, cautious, trusting, or naive about new people or situations?

Cautious. Wary. Guarded.

9. Is he an aggressive or reactive person? Is he a pusher or a puller?

Reactive. And both. He can take charge outright or play his cards and pieces until things fall into place.

10. Does he take positive or negative action?

Positive actions. Everything he does has a reason.

11. In a danger or emergency situation would he go to it or run away from it?

First he would protect the King, and if that was the danger or emergency situation there is no question. He will lead the charge into the fray at no thought to his own life or health. However, if there is a chance to escape without being hurt or killed, that will not tarnish his honor (Athos never backs down from a duel), he will take it. He's not stupid. You can't defend the King with your life, if you're dead.

12. Is the character basically nervous or calm?


13. Does the character have a sense of humor? Does he appreciate jokes? Can he see humor in unfunny situations? Can he laugh at himself?

Athos does have a sense of humor, based in sarcasm. He finds that he can appreciate good jokes (and even bad ones with enough wine to wash them down) but tends to be more business when it comes to serious situations. He can laugh at himself...but very rarely. He's more likely to be annoyed with himself or frustrated than find his mistakes amusing. Failure is not something to be taken lightly, in his eyes.

14. Can he tell a funny story or joke? Do others find him amusing?

I'm sure he can be, but it's not too often than he's the one in the center of the crowd. Athos tends to keep to himself.

15. Is he a practical joker? What is his opinion of tricks or jokes played on other people?

No. As long as nobody gets seriously hurt, he'll laugh.

16. Is his humor ever cruel?

Not really cruel, but Athos himself can be.

17. Under what conditions could he be harmful or mean or cruel to another person?

There are many. Dare to insult his friends or the King, and you're asking for it. Athos doesn't like being told what to do by those beneath him, and has very litte patience for people who just don't get it. He's a very good duelist and he's not afraid to challenge someone to a fight to get them to understand their place.

18. Is he a loving person? Is he full of love and giving or rather bound and tight in this area? Is he capable of relation to others in a loving way? Is he capable or relating to one specific person in a romantic way?

Athos used to be a loving person. These days, he doesn't let his heart out for anyone. Women are pleasures of the flesh, not treasures of the heart. He can be giving and he can care about people, but not true love. Not anymore. He's jaded and he doesn't want to talk about it.

19. Is he loved by any other people? In what way?

I think he is loved by his friends, and he returns that, but not romantically.

20. Is he romantically in love now? With whom? Is this a happy, rewarding or frustrating situation or him?

No, he is not.

The Character's Wealth, Power, and Influence

1. Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others for him?

Athos has money. Athos has land. Lots of land. Athos is a person who should be respected and he's a member of a very elite military unit in the service of the King. However, at the same time, it is not public knowledge in regards to his status as the former Comte de la Fere, so that isn't put to use in his favor.

2. Is he generous or selfish with his money and possessions?

It's not 'steal from the rich to give to the poor', but Athos realizes that people are much worse off than he is and as part of his duty as a Musketeer, when protecting the King, he also protects the people. He's probably been known to give a few pieces of coin here and there to those who need it.

3. Is the character socially prominent? Is he prominent from wealth, position or office, family history, ability or accomplishment?

Position, definitely. He is a Musketeer, and a high ranking one at that. That's all he needs.

4. Does the character rate high in the "pecking order" with his household? Town? Area? Nation? World?

There is no household to speak of, really, but he would be at the head of it. He also would have controlled the area around his lands, but after that...he is a man in service to the King.

5. Does this person wield much clout? Over whom and by what means?

Yes, but only to a degree. He's not in a real leadership position, but his status as a Musketeer allows him to have that power.

6. Can he command others to do his bidding, by word or manipulation?

Athos isn't afraid to tell people to do what he wants, if it's the proper situation. He could get people of a lower class to do as he wished, but he doesn't. That's not who he is, or what he stands for.

7. How does he get his wishes daily?

He doesn't. Or he works for them himself.

8. To whom is he subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable?

To the King, and it is both willing and unavoidable. Athos is a man of honor and respects those in a higher rank than his own without question, because he wishes to in addition to the fact that it is part of his duty.

The Character's Activities

1. How does the character spend his time?

Protecting the King. When not busy doing that, Athos enjoys finding new types of wine to try, as well as new types of brandy, new types of champange, and new types of women to enjoy as well. He's a very dedicated man.

2. What does his daily routine consist of?

Protecting the King. It's hardly something routine.

3. What is his profession or work?

He is a Musketeer in the King's guard. There are several levels of Musketeers, and those who wear the blue tunic are the Kings bodyguards. The elite.

4. What things does he really like to do?

Drink. Duel. Women. Probably in that order.

5. What things does he hate to do?

Anything that's likely to have him wind up in prison or injuried. He's not too picky.

6. What are his leisure time activities? Pastimes? Recreation?

Drinking. Dueling. Women. Again, probably in that order.

7. Does he play games? What kind?

If dueling is considered a game, then yes, he does. Athos can be up to quite the challenge at times.

8. Does he like to eat or drink? How important to him are food and drink?

Eating is something that is needed to live. Drinking is something that is needed to live well. Athos likes to live well. You do the math on that one.

9. How important is sex to him? What sexual activities does he partake in? Anything unusual?

To be honest, Athos is pretty straightforward. If he wants sex, he'll find himself a wench, and there will be sex. However, compared to the methods of Porthos (kisses to woo women into bed) and Aramis (words to woo women into bed) we don't really see how Athos 'gets the job done' so to speak. I would suspect that it is much more of a straightforward approach when it comes to him and getting a woman into bed with him.

10. Is his exactitude about sex healthy or disturbing to him? Is sex a rewarding, enriching part of this person's life or is it frightening, anxious, or frustrating? Is sex a positive or negative factor in him life?

Sex is...well sex is just sex. Sex does not equal love, to Athos. It probably never will. Sex is a pleasure meant to be enjoyed and he does enjoy it.

The Character's Favorite Things

1. Colors? Royal blue, and the green of hills in the spring.
2. Food? Good meat and fresh vegetables.
3. Drinks? Wine. Anything red and strong.
4. Smells? Wine. Fresh-cut hay. Roses.
5. Time of day? Dawn.
6. Season of the year? Spring.
7. Books? Nothing in particular stands out.
8. Kinds of literature? Classics.
9. Authors? Nothing in particular.
10. Places to visit? Italy.
11. Kinds of music? There aren't really kinds in his time.
12. Musical Instruments? The trumpet.
13. Composers? Whoever.
14. Metals: Steel.
15. Building materials: stone, wood, clay, tile, etc.? Stone and tile, however, he'd much rather drink in a tavern crafted of wood and thatch than someplace clean and guilded, for the sheer fact that in a tavern he doesn't have to keep up the noble appearance.
16. Fabrics; silk, wool, linen, etc.? Linen and velvet.
17. Pieces of furniture? A good study bed.
18. Plants? Wildflowers.
19. Flowers? Roses.
20. Trees? Anything that provides good shade.
21. Birds? Falcons.
22. Animals? Horses.
23. Miscellaneous? Did he mention wine? If not, wine. If so...more wine.
24. Modern Fairytale? Doesn't apply.

Character's Religion

1. What are his specific religious beliefs? Does he belong to a specific sect or creed? Does he advocate that group's beliefs?

Catholic. And yes, he does. While not as devout as Aramis, you couldn't not belong to the Church in his time.

2. How important is religion to him?

Everything is done for the King and for God.

3. Is he pious, devout?


4. In what religious activities does he engage? What percentage of his time is devoted to it?

Prayer, Mass, and the like. The Church is very connected to the King and vice versa so one has to deal with both in order to deal with one or the other. Athos is also very loyal.

5. How does religion motivate his actions or affect them?

Athos has morals for himself set by what God would like all men to do, and he tries to stick to them but at the same time, he knows that some rules need to be broken in order to serve the King. He has no problem with killing a man if it's in the name of the King, and if it's not in the name of the King...well as long as it's honorable, it's fine by him as well.

Character's Fears

1. What things frighten him?

The idea of failure, or failing in his duty to protect the King and by proxy, failing to protect France. Being injured to the point where he cannot serve the King to the full extent of his duties. Athos would rather die than be unable to serve as a Musketeer. On a less serious note...running out of wine.

2. Is he motivated by fear?

Not really. Athos finds his motivation coming from his love for France and for the King, not from the fear that he may fail.

3. To what extent is he motivated; never, occasionally, usually, constantly?

By fear, he is probably motivated only occasionally, when it seems as if something bad is about to happen or might happen (that they might fail in their duties) and the situation is dire. But that rarely happens.

4. What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to him?

1. Being injured and unable to serve the King.
2. Seeing either (or both) Aramis and Porthos fall.
3. Losing his sense of taste.

5. What would he think were the three most wonderful things that could happen to him?

1. Wine whenever he wants.
2. To be forgiven.
3. To die in order to save the King (and have it work instead of being in vain).

6. What is the one thing he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?

He is (or was, depending on how you look at it), the Comte de la Fère.
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