Jun 15, 2004 10:06
Holy fucking shit. If my skates could seriously be any better, I would have to shit myself. They rule. I can do so much more with them. I noticed that if you're good at the park, you get more respect, as long as you return the favor. So yesterday I was jumping the hip and it didn't seem like I was getting much higher than I did before, but I wasn't really trying.
So I jump it again and I hear ,"HOLY SHIT! THAT'S HIGH AS FUCK!"
Then I actually try and all these kids are saying that I'm airing over the 10 foot quarter pipe on a 4 foot roller.
That's pretty fucking crazy.
So then Devon, Eldon, my boii John, and I went to do this gap by Underdog. It looked kinda big at first. It's about a 6 foot drop with a seven foot gap. (I don't normally do gaps because I have weak knees) So I ended up doing it anyways. Later that night when Jonh's mom picked us up, I noticed that I had about an 8-inch hole in my pants. Hahah. Whatever. Now that I have new skates, I just want to do it 10 times more.
:::And everyone liked my skates because they're baller:::