The following is a continuation of the work found
here and
here. The two previous entries outline 270 formulae & derivations; these are INRI with its derived formula BPTB, ONPO with its derived formula ThPNTh, and QNKQ with its derived formula KPQK.
The formulae below, while found last year, were undisclosed at that time as I found myself needing to ruminate over them at length due to some implications specifically related to the Heh-Tzaddi/Aries-Aquarius switch. Ultimately, at least with regard to the symbol set of Binah, the following 270 formulae work best with Tzaddi/Aquarius/Saturn than with Tzaddi/Aries/Mars.
Formula of Binah (8◦ = 3▫)
TzNMTz = 270 || 1080
Tz:Aquarius- Saturn rules
N:Scorpio- Mars rules
M:Water- element of the Great Sea of Binah
Tz:Aquarius- Saturn rules
Formula derived from TzNMTz
Tz:Aquarius, Saturn rules=>Saturn:Th
N:Scorpio, Mars rules=>Mars:P
M:Water=>Water Cherubic sign is Scorpio:N
Tz:Aquarius, Saturn rules=>Saturn:Th
ThPNTh = 930
It is intriguing that the formula derived from TzNMTz is identical to the formula derived from ONPO. Also, TzNMTz has two ennumerations 270 and 1080. It will be found that 1080 is 4 x 270; thus, TzNMTz1080 = INRI + ONPO + QNKQ + TzNMTz270. That is to say, TzNMTz iterates recusively as a fractal.
Formula of Chokmah (9◦ = 2▫)
IOQTz = 270 || 1080
I:Virgo- Mercury rules, Mercury exalted
O:Capricorn- Saturn rules, Mars exalted
Q:Pisces- Jupiter rules, Venus exalted
Tz:Aquarius- Saturn rules
Formula derived from IOQTz
I:Virgo, Mercury rules=>Mercury:B
O:Capricorn, Saturn rules=>Saturn:Th
Q:Pisces, Jupiter rules=>Jupiter:K
Tz:Aquarius, Saturn rules=>Saturn:Th
BThKTh = 822
IOQTz is a simple notariqon for the previous 270 formulae (namely: INRI, ONPO, QNKQ, & TzNMTz) and thus IOQTz can be seen as the distillation of the previous formulae. However, similar to TzNMTz, IOQTz also has two ennumerations 270 and 1080; and it will be found that IOQTz1080 = INRI + ONPO + QNKQ + TzNMTz270. Or to use a shorthand, 270 = IOQTz = 1080 seems to imply "solve et coagula." It can also be said of TzNMTz1080 and IOQTz1080 that 1080 equals το πνευμα αγιον (the holy spirit).
BThKTh is the formula derived from IOQTz. It will be found that BThKTh = 402 + 420 = 2 x 201(AR, light) + 2 x 210(NOX, night). There is also a secondary derived formula being RPKTh = 700. This secondary formula relates to the planets as proxies for the 270 formulae indicated by the notariqon. This secondary formula, RPKTh, connects to KPQK700, the formula derived from QNKQ. This link elaborates upon 700 as PRKTh (Veil of the Holy) and 700 as ITzIRH OShIH (formation action). [Vide also Ψ and Nfinal]
1080 is also the total number of degrees in a pyramid, the arcs of each of the corners 4 x 180 degrees, being the four triangular faces, and 360 degrees, being the square base. Thus, 4 x 180 + 360 = 1080 degrees.