Apr 30, 2009 15:15
Resisting urge to snark about boss.
Today, I woke up and my girl kitten staring at me expectantly. Sitting on the floor, gazing at me fondly. That was pretty darn cute. I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow for a routine exam and shots, and I've been worried. She's my problem kitten, as we know, with the bulimia, feline acne, and interesting bathroom habits (some biological, some temperamental.) I made the appointment two weeks ago, and ten days ago, she started to make me sweat, giving anecdotal indications of a UTI. That wouldn't be horrible, except she's already on the expensive prescription diet to prevent UTIs, so I've got to believe that, if that stops working, whatever follows will be even less pleasant, and even more expensive. Well, I decided that I'm predisposed to expect the worst of her, veterinarily speaking, and crossed my fingers and watched for other indications. Which she didn't give, thank God. So I'm grateful for that (and knocking on wood.)
And grateful for social dining Thursday, which includes lunch and dinner with once-and-current coworker/friend-types.
At lunch, coworkers were talking about Egypt slaughtering all of their pigs to prevent transmission of swine flu, and I cracked "y'know, I think we misunderstand their position. If we had been the locus of the biblical plagues, we might be a little prone to hyperreaction, too." They swore it was all-time kind of funny, which was gratifying--- I thought it was kind of an obvious joke, but I offer it for your enjoyment, all the same.