
Jan 28, 2007 20:57

Ganked from nemo, per usual. Eddie and ensemble are showing up, again, per usual. I'm going insane.

1) Do you like the look and content of your blog?
Roni: Content? Of course. If I didn't, I wouldn't post.
Eddie: Sure about that, Babe?
ROni: I delete things every once in a while, but that's the exception to the rule, not the rule. For me to break the rule, I have to know the rule.

2) Does your family know about your blog?
Roni: My family, with the exception of my mom, has a blog.
Eddie: You mean your dad and brother, doncha Babe?
Roni: Yeah. THat would be my family, excluding my mom. Sure, I have cousins, but they'd freak out if they found out I was a Buffy writer. They don't have a high regard for Buffy, and they have an even lower regard for fanfic and its writers.

3) Can you tell your friends about your blog?
Roni: Sure. It's how I stay in touch with some of my friends. Well, all my friends that I stay in touch with, actually. Either here, xanga, or MySpace. THey all say pretty much the same thing. Except here is where my stories goes. Beyond that, no difference.
Bella: Blog?
Roni: Yup. Blog. You know, like the kind Nemo has?
Bella: Nemo? Ziggy?
Roni: I don't think Ziggy has a blog, Bella.
Bella: Ziggy. *wanders off*

4) Do you just read the blogs of those who comment on your blog?
Roni: No, I read others. Like Liz Marcs, and M Mcgregor. They don't comment here, but I find them fascinating, and their stories more so.
Eddie: You read other people's blogs, too, Babe. Like Bastard Snow, and Nemo Gravis.
Roni: Yeah, but they comment. And this was not meant to try to guilt anyone into commenting.

5) Does your blog positively affect your mind?
Roni: Let's see who's in my mind right now. Stephy? How does this blog make you feel?
Stephy: Well, I don't like it a whole heck of a lot, since every minute you spend on it is a minute that you're not writing me, and I want to get out of your brain. No offense.
Roni: Fair enough. Alex? How about you?
Alex: I feel the same way, actually.
Roni: Okay. How about Erin?
Erin: I really want you to get back to writing me, too. For the same reasons.
Roni: Wesley?
Wesley: Eh, you know how it is. Space vs your brain... Space is bigger.
Roni: Connor?
Connor: Yeah? Oh, you wanna know how I feel? Same. Being in a female's brain is kinda wierd. Well, a female that I'm not related to.
Roni: Shannyn?
Shannyn: Hey, I'd thought you'd forgotten about me. You haven't written me in months.
Roni: No, you're still here. I just haven't known what to do with you.
Shannyn: Well, figure out. I want out.
Roni: John?
John: I need to stretch. Can't stretch inside your cranium.
Roni: I'm just going to cut the whole list short, and guess that everyone wants me to write them?
All: YES!
Eddie: What about us, Babe? You need to find a story for us to go in.
Roni: NO. No, no, no. I have too many stories on my plate as it is. Or on my mind, as the case may be. No. I'm not going to start any others.
Billi: You don't have to, like, start a new one. You could just stick us in an old one.
Roni: I'll think about it.

6) What does the number of visitors to your blog mean?
Roni: I have no clue what the number is. That doesn't really make a lot of sense to me.
Eddie: Numbers. You know, Babe, those things you use to count.
Billi: I thought that was fingers.
Eddie: Airhead, do you try to sound dumb, or is it just a talent?
Billi: Oh, no, I'm 100 percent natural. Even my hair color. The dye comes from plants.

7) Do you imagine what other bloggers look like?
Roni: I picture them as their default icons. Unfortunately, that's really weirded me out since Xander is hot. And comic Xander is also hot. And Bastard Snow and Nemo Gravis both have Comic Xander icons.
Eddie: Babe, you have issues.
Roni: Hey, at least I drew the line at Liz Marcs. 'Course, it probably helps that I've met her, and remember quite clearly what she looks like. I met her at the first Writer COn, and I really liked her. She seemed very nice. Then I read every story she's written, and she's INSANELY good.

8) Do you think that blogging has any real benefit?
Roni: It makes me feel better. Like I can get my bad feelings out, and go on with life. And share the good feelings, and spread that around. Plus, I love writing stories, and this is one of the few places that I feel my stories are accepted. I don't quite know how to work FFN.
Eddie: Then there are those of us who only exist in blogs, so I say blogging is good, Babe.

9) Do you think that the blogosphere is a stand-alone community separated from the real world?
The fanfic community is. Absolutely. It's like, you're seperated from the world in general, and only the people who you dialogue with really exist. And even then, it's still a little unreal. It's not quite real that these people are real. Unless you've met them face to face.

10) Do some political blogs scare you? Do you avoid them?
Look, I've gotten used to not talking about politics to make sure that I don't offend someone I work with, or am staying with. I kinda like the freedom of not talking about it. I konw what I believe. Beyond that, I don't really care.
Eddie: Kinda selfish of you, isn't it, Babe?
ROni: This is me, not caring. Selfish? Maybe. But I'm willing to be selfish in this case if it means that I don't offend someone. If it were something big, that I really believed in, I'd make waves and rock the boat as much as possible. But I really think that politics are corrupt, so I'm not going to stand up for it. THat being said, the freedom of choice IS a huge deal, and if anyone tried to infringe upon it, I might go after them with a baseball bat. It's all about what you veiw your personal battle to be.

11) Do you think criticizing your blog is useful?
Roni: Nope. It's just you trying to get attention. "Oh, man, my blog is so dumb!" Guess what? You created the blog. IN criticizing the intelligence of an inanimate object that you're in control of, you're really only criticizing yourself.
Eddie: Wow, Babe, that's smart.
Roni: If you say that you dig smart girls, I will be forced to hurt you.

Have you ever thought what would happen to your blog if you died?
Roni: If I died, the blog would die. What's the point of keeping the blog of a dead person going? That doesn't make sense.
Roni: What, no comment from the peanut gallery?
Eddie: Sorry, Babe, I got nothing. I'm tired.

Which blogger has had the greatest impression on you?
Roni: Inside LJ? Gah. Um... Nemo, Bastard Snow, Aadler... long list.
Eddie: What about in general, Babe?
Roni: Duh. Aadler. He's been impressing me for over the last two decades. Vastid is a close second. He's been impressing me for just under two decades. Told you, family on LJ.

Which blogger do you think is the most similar to you?
Roni: In RL? Vastid or Aadler. Our personalities are very simular. In terms of style? Nemo, but that's largely due to the fact that I steal shamelessly from him.
Eddie: Like the idea of using characters to interject words of wisdom throughout a meme, Babe?
Roni: Yeah, like that. And that most of the memes I get are from him. And that most of his stories make me think of one, so I write it. 'Course, so does Bastard Snow.
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