Battleground God

Oct 13, 2009 01:26

You have been awarded the TPM medal of honour! This is our highest award for outstanding service on the intellectual battleground.

The fact that you progressed through this activity neither being hit nor biting a bullet suggests that your beliefs about God are internally consistent and very well thought out.

A direct hit would have occurred had you answered in a way that implied a logical contradiction. You would have bitten bullets had you responded in ways that required that you held views that most people would have found strange, incredible or unpalatable. However, you avoided both these fates - and in doing so qualify for our highest award. A fine achievement!"
Apparently I'm much more clever in all thins spiritual and philosophical than I give myself credit for.
According to the statistics they listed most people get at least one direct hit and one bullet when taking the test.

I'm a bit concerned about how they claim I did not have to bite a bullet, considering I said that, by my logic torturing innocent people was not morally wrong (since without a god there is no base for morality and thus something can't possibly be morally wrong). I would think most people would find that quite incredible or unpalatable.

Of course I don't go around torturing people, because it is morally wrong according to the terms of this society. While I firmly believe the terms of society are based on a completely flawed belief system, there is truth in some of the moral fundamentals that stem from religion and I valiantly accept these. I'm an atheist, not an anarchist.
Morality is one of few things religion has brought into this world that make sense to me, even though various religions have violated these fundamentals more than anyone else in the world in the name of their God. That is beside the point right now... :P

Anyway... take the test, it's quick and simple and pretty nifty and makes you think. Some of the questions are a bit awkwardly phrased and make it hard to determine what exactly they're implying, but you get used to the way they phrase things and then it's a pretty nifty quiz to take. It's not particularly condemning, it just points out where your logic is flawed (if it is).

Nevertheless: good exercise for the philosophical brain.

Battleground God <-- Linky!


meme, boredom, quiz, religion, philosophy

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